= 0.'; $wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Votre version de PHP doit être >= 5.3.9 pour utiliser le manager de process ondemand. Si vous choisissez ondemand avec une version de PHP plus ancienne, PHP ne pourra plus démarrer !'; $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Générer un mot de passe'; $wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Vérification du mot de passe'; $wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas.'; $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Les mots de passe correspondent.'; $wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Le dossier saisi est invalide. Ne saisissez pas de ./ (slash).'; $wb['domain_error_autosub'] = 'Un sous-domaine avec cette configuration existe déjà.'; $wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Directives PHP Snippets disponibles :'; $wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Directives Apache Snippets disponibles :'; $wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Directives nginx Snippets disponibles :'; $wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Directives Proxy'; $wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Directives Proxy Snippets disponibles :'; $wb['no_server_error'] = 'Aucun serveur sélectionné.'; $wb['no_backup_txt'] = 'Pas de Backup'; $wb['daily_backup_txt'] = 'Quotidien'; $wb['weekly_backup_txt'] = 'Hebdomadaire'; $wb['monthly_backup_txt'] = 'Mensuel'; $wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Règles de réécriture'; $wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Règles de réécriture incorrectes'; $wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Directives autorisées :'; $wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR'; $wb['server_chosen_not_ok'] = 'Le serveur choisi n\'est pas autorisé pour ce compte.'; $wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder'; $wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.'; $wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.'; $wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname'; $wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.'; $wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables'; $wb['added_by_txt'] = 'Added by'; $wb['added_date_txt'] = 'Added date'; $wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories'; $wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)'; $wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.'; $wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.'; $wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Save'; $wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Cancel'; $wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Enable SPDY'; $wb['load_client_data_txt'] = 'Load client details'; $wb['load_my_data_txt'] = 'Load my contact details'; $wb['reset_client_data_txt'] = 'Reset data'; $wb['rewrite_to_https_txt'] = 'Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS'; $wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Password strength'; $wb['directive_snippets_id_txt'] = 'Web server config'; $wb['http_port_txt'] = 'HTTP Port'; $wb['https_port_txt'] = 'HTTPS Port'; $wb['http_port_error_regex'] = 'HTTP Port invalid.'; $wb['https_port_error_regex'] = 'HTTPS Port invalid.'; $wb['enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Enable PageSpeed'; ?>