log('Extracting addon package ' . $package_file, 0, false); $cmd = 'which unzip'; $tmp = explode("\n", exec($cmd, $ret, $retval)); if($retval != 0) { $app->log('The unzip command was not found on the server.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('unzip tool not found.'); } $unzip = reset($tmp); unset($tmp); if(!$unzip) { $app->log('Unzip tool was not found.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('unzip tool not found.'); } $temp_dir = $app->system->tempdir(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'addon_', 0700); if(!$temp_dir) { $app->log('Could not create the temp dir.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Could not create temp dir.'); } $ret = null; $retval = 0; $cmd = $unzip . ' -d ' . escapeshellarg($temp_dir) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($package_file); exec($cmd, $ret, $retval); if($retval != 0) { $app->log('Package extraction failed.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Package extraction failed.'); } $app->log('Extracted to ' . $temp_dir, 0, false); return $temp_dir; } /** * @param string $path * @return string * @throws AddonInstallerValidationException */ private function validatePackage($path) { $app->log('Validating extracted addon at ' . $path, 0, false); if(!is_dir($path)) { $app->log('Invalid path.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Invalid path.'); } $ini_file = $path . '/addon.ini'; if(!is_file($ini_file)) { $app->log('Addon ini file missing.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Addon ini file missing.'); } $app->log('Parsing ini ' . $ini_file, 0, false); $ini = parse_ini_file($ini_file, true); if(!$ini || !isset($ini['addon'])) { $app->log('Ini file could not be read.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Ini file is missing addon section.'); } $addon = $ini['addon']; if(!isset($addon['ident']) || !isset($addon['name']) || !isset($addon['version'])) { $app->log('Addon data in ini file missing or invalid.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Ini file is missing addon ident/name/version.'); } $class_file = $path . '/' . $addon['ident'] . '.addon.php'; if(!is_file($class_file)) { $app->log('Base class file in addon not found', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Package is missing main addon class.'); } if(isset($ini['ispconfig']['version.min']) && $ini['ispconfig']['version.min'] && version_compare($ini['ispconfig']['version.min'], ISPC_APP_VERSION, '>')) { $app->log('ISPConfig version too low for this addon.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Addon requires at least ISPConfig version ' . $ini['ispconfig']['version.min'] . '.'); } elseif(isset($ini['ispconfig']['version.max']) && $ini['ispconfig']['version.max'] && version_compare($ini['ispconfig']['version.min'], ISPC_APP_VERSION, '<')) { $app->log('ISPConfig version too high for this addon.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerValidationException('Addon allows at max ISPConfig version ' . $ini['ispconfig']['version.max'] . '.'); } $app->log('Loaded addon installer ' . $class_file, 0, false); $addon['class_file'] = $class_file; $addon['class_name'] = substr(basename($class_file), 0, -10) . '_addon_installer'; return $addon; } private function getInstalledAddonVersion($ident) { global $app, $conf; $file_version = false; $db_version = false; $addon_path = realpath($conf['rootpath'] . '/..') . '/addons'; // check for previous version if(is_dir($addon_path . '/' . $ident) && is_file($addon_path . '/' . $ident . '/addon.ini')) { $addon = parse_ini_file($addon_path . '/' . $ident . '/addon.ini', true); if($addon && isset($addon['addon'])) { $addon = $addon['addon']; // ini section } else { $addon = false; } if(!$addon || !isset($addon['version']) || !isset($addon['ident']) || $addon['ident'] != $ident) { $app->log('Could not get version of installed addon.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Installed app ' . $ident . ' found but it is invalid.'); } $file_version = $addon['version']; $app->log('Installed version of addon ' . $ident . ' is ' . $file_version, 0, false); } $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `addon_version` FROM `addons` WHERE `addon_ident` = ?', $ident); if($check && $check['addon_version']) { $db_version = $check['addon_version']; $app->log('Installed version of addon ' . $ident . ' (in db) is ' . $db_version . '.', 0, false); } if(!$file_version && !$db_version) { return false; } elseif($file_version != $db_version) { $app->log('Version mismatch between ini file and database (' . $file_version . ' != ' . $db_version . ').', 0, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Addon version mismatch in database (' . $db_version . ') and file system (' . $file_version . ').'); } return $file_version; } /** * @param string $package_file Full path * @param boolean $force true if previous addon with same or higher version should be overwritten * @throws AddonInstallerException * @throws AddonInstallerValidationException */ public function installAddon($package_file, $force = false) { global $app; $app->load('ispconfig_addon_installer_base'); if(!is_file($package_file)) { $app->log('Package file not found: ' . $package_file, 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Package file not found.'); } elseif(substr($package_file, -4) !== '.pkg') { $app->log('Invalid package file: ' . $package_file, 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Invalid package file.'); } $tmp_dir = $this->extractPackage($package_file); if(!$tmp_dir) { // extracting failed $app->log('Package extraction failed.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Package extraction failed.'); } $addon = $this->validatePackage($tmp_dir); if(!$addon) { throw new AddonInstallerException('Package validation failed.'); } $app->log('Package validated.', 0, false); $is_update = false; $previous = $this->getInstalledAddonVersion($addon['ident']); if($previous !== false) { // this is an update if(version_compare($previous, $addon['version'], '>') && $force !== true) { $app->log('Installed version is newer than the one to install and --force not used.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Installed version is newer than the one to install.'); } elseif(version_compare($previous, $addon['version'], '=') && $force !== true) { $app->log('Installed version is the same as the one to install and --force not used.', 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Installed version is the same as the one to install.'); } $is_update = true; } $app->log('Including package class file ' . $addon['class_file'], 0, false); include $addon['class_file']; $class_name = $addon['class_name']; if(!class_exists($class_name)) { $app->log('Class name ' . $class_name . ' not found in class file ' . $addon['class_file'], 2, false); throw new AddonInstallerException('Could not find main class in addon file.'); } /* @var $inst ispconfig_addon_installer_base */ $app->log('Instanciating installer class ' . $class_name, 0, false); $inst = new $class_name(); $inst->setAddonName($addon['name']); $inst->setAddonIdent($addon['ident']); $inst->setAddonVersion($addon['version']); $inst->setAddonTempDir($tmp_dir); if($is_update === true) { $inst->onBeforeUpdate(); $inst->onUpdate(); $inst->onAfterUpdate(); } else { $inst->onBeforeInstall(); $inst->onInstall(); $inst->onAfterInstall(); } exec('rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg($tmp_dir)); $app->log('Installation completed.', 0, false); return true; } }