plugins->registerEvent('database_insert',$this->plugin_name,'db_insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('database_update',$this->plugin_name,'db_update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('database_delete',$this->plugin_name,'db_delete'); //* Database users $app->plugins->registerEvent('database_user_insert',$this->plugin_name,'db_user_insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('database_user_update',$this->plugin_name,'db_user_update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('database_user_delete',$this->plugin_name,'db_user_delete'); } /** * MongoDB * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The following needs to be done before using this plugin: * - 1. install MongoDB server from 10gen sources (or another one with >= 2.4) * - 2. install php5-dev package (apt-get install php5-dev) * - 3. install mongo PECL extension (pecl install mongo) * - 4. enable mongo (echo "" > /etc/php5/mods-available/mongo.ini && php5enmod mongo) * - 5. create administrative user manager in Mongo (mongo -> use admin -> db.addUser({user: "root", pwd: "123456", roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "clusterAdmin" ]})) * - 6. enable auth for Mongo (nano /etc/mongodb.conf -> auth = true) * - 7. restart MongoDB (service mongodb restart) * * Unlike MySQL, MongoDB manages users per database. * Therefor we cannot use one user for multiple databases. Instead, we have to add him each time via the admin user. */ /** * Stores the MongoDB connection. * @var object */ private $_connection = null; /** * Stores the MongoDB admin user. * @var string */ const USER = "root"; /** * Stores the MongoDB admin password. * @var string */ const PW = "123456"; /** * Stores the MongoDB host address. * @var string */ const HOST = ""; /** * Stores the MongoDB port. * @var int */ const PORT = 27017; /** * Adds the user to given database. * If no connection exists, the user already exists or the database doesn't exist, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database to use * @param array $user the user to add * @return bool true if user added */ private function addUser($db, $user) { if ($this->isConnected() && !$this->userExists($db, $user)) { $roles = ""; foreach ($user['roles'] as $index => $role) { $roles .= "\"".$role."\""; if ($index !== count($user['roles']) - 1) { $roles .= ", "; } } return $this->exec($db, "db.system.users.insert({ user: \"".$user['username']."\", pwd: \"".$user['password']."\", roles: [ ".$roles." ] })"); //return $this->exec($db, "db.addUser({ user: \"".$user['username']."\", pwd: \"".$user['password']."\", roles: [ ".$roles." ] })"); } return null; } /** * Changes the users password in given DB. * If no connection exists, the user doesn't exist or the DB doesn't exist, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database name * @param string $user the user to change * @param string $password the new password * @return bool true if password changes */ private function changePassword($db, $user, $password) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($db) && $this->userExists($db, $user)) { $old_user = $this->getUser($db, $user); if ($this->dropUser($user, $db)) { return $this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'roles' => $old_user['roles'] )); } return false; } return null; } /** * Connects to the server and authentificates. * If the authentificaten goes wrong or another error encounters, * false is returned. * If we already have an open connection we try to disconnect and connect again. * If this fails, false is returned. * * @return object $connection the MongoDB connection */ private function connect() { try { if ($this->isConnected() && !$this->disconnect()) { return false; } $this->_connection = new MongoClient("mongodb://".self::USER.":".self::PW."@".self::HOST.":".self::PORT."/admin"); return $this->_connection; } catch (MongoConnnectionException $e) { $app->log('Unable to connect to MongoDB: '.$e, LOGLEVEL_ERROR); $this->_connection = null; return false; } } /** * Checks if the database exists. * If no connection exists, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database name * @return bool true if exists */ private function dbExists($db) { if ($this->isConnected()) { return in_array($db, $this->getDBs()); } return null; } /** * Closes the MongoDB connection. * If no connection exists and nothing is done, * null is returned. * * @return bool true if closed */ private function disconnect() { if ($this->isConnected()) { $status = $this->_connection->close(); if ($status) { $this->_connection = null; } return $status; } return null; } /** * Drops the given database. * If no connection exists or the database doesn't exist, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database's to drop name */ private function dropDB($db) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($db)) { return (bool) $this->_connection->dropDB($db)['ok']; } return null; } /** * Drops the given user from database. * If no DB is defined, the user is dropped from all databases. * If there's an error when dropping the user from all DBs, an array containing the * names of the failed DBs is returned. * If no connection exists, the database doesn't exist or the user is not in DB, * null is returned. * * @param string $user the user to drop * @param string $db the database name * @return bool true if dropped */ private function dropUser($user, $db = null) { if ($this->isConnected()) { if ($db !== null && $this->dbExists($db) && $this->userExists($db, $user)) { return $this->exec($db, "db.removeUser(\"".$user."\")"); } else { $dbs = $this->getDBs(); if ((bool) $dbs) { $failures = array(); foreach ($dbs as $db) { $exists = $this->userExists($db, $user); if ($exists) { if (!$this->dropUser($user, $db)) { $failures[] = $db; } } } } return (bool) $failures ? $failures : true; } } return null; } /** * Executed the command on the MongoDB server. * If no connection exists and thus nothing can be done, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database to query * @param string $query the command to execute * @return array the result of the query */ private function exec($db, $query) { if ($this->isConnected()) { $db = $this->selectDB($db); $result = $db->execute($query); if ((bool) $result['ok']) { return $result; } return false; } return null; } /** * Checks if the connection exists. * * @return true if connected */ private function isConnected() { return $this->_connection !== null; } /** * Generates a MongoDB compatible password. * * @param string $user the username * @param string $password the user password * @return string the MD5 string */ private function generatePassword($user, $password) { return md5($user.":mongo:".$password); } /** * Returns the databases found on connection. * If no connection exists and therefor no DBs can be found, * null is returned. * * @return array $names the databases's name */ private function getDBs() { if ($this->isConnected()) { $dbs = $this->_connection->listDBs(); if ((bool) $dbs && isset($dbs['databases'])) { $names = array(); foreach ($dbs['databases'] as $db) { $names[] = $db['name']; } return $names; } } return null; } /** * Returns the user entry for given database. * If no connection exists, the database doesn't exist or the user doesn't exist * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database name * @param string $user the user to return * @return array $user the user in DB */ private function getUser($db, $user) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($db) && $this->userExists($db, $user)) { $result = $this->selectDB($db)->selectCollection("system.users")->find(array( 'user' => $user )); // ugly fix to return user foreach ($result as $user) { return $user; } } return null; } /** * Returns the users for given database. * If no connection exists or the database doesn't exist, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database name * @return array $users the users in DB */ private function getUsers($db) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($db)) { $result = $this->selectDB($db)->selectCollection("system.users")->find(); $users = array(); foreach ($result as $record) { $users[] = $record['user']; } return $users; } return null; } /** * Checks if the given user exists in given database. * If no connection exists or the given database doesn't exist * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database name * @param string $user the user to check * @return bool true if user exists */ private function userExists($db, $user) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($db)) { $users = $this->getUsers($db); return in_array($user, $users); } return null; } /** * Renames the MongoDB database to provided name. * If no connection exists, the source DB doesn't exist or the target DB already exists, * null is returned. * * @param string $old_name the old database name * @param string $new_name the new database name * @return bool true if renamed */ private function renameDB($old_name, $new_name) { if ($this->isConnected() && $this->dbExists($old_name) && !$this->dbExists($new_name)) { if ($this->exec($old_name, "db.copyDatabase(\"".$old_name."\", \"".$new_name."\", \"".self::HOST."\", \"".self::USER."\", \"".self::PW."\")")) { $this->dropDB($old_name); return true; } return false; } return null; } /** * Switched the selected database. * MongoDB acts on a per-DB level (user management) and we always need to * ensure we have the right DB selected. * If no connection exists and thus nothing is done, * null is returned. * * @param string $db the database to use * @return object the MongoDB database object */ private function selectDB($db) { if ($this->isConnected()) { return $this->_connection->selectDB($db); } return null; } /** * This function is called when a DB is created from within the ISPConfig3 interface. * We need to create the DB and allow all users to connect to it that are choosen. * Since MongoDB doesn't create a DB before any data is stored in it, it's important * to store the users so it contains data -> is created. * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) * @return only if something is wrong */ function db_insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; // beside checking for MongoDB we also check if the DB is active because only then we add users // -> MongoDB needs users to create the DB if ($data['new']['type'] == 'mongo' && $data['new']['active'] == 'y') { if ($this->connect() === false) { $app->log("Unable to connect to MongoDB: Connecting using connect() failed.", LOGLEVEL_ERROR); return; } $db_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['new']['database_user_id']) . "'"); $db_ro_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['new']['database_ro_user_id']) . "'"); $user = $db_user['database_user']; $password = $db_user['database_password_mongo']; $ro_user = $db_ro_user['database_user']; $ro_password = $db_ro_user['database_password_mongo']; $db = $data['new']['database_name']; if ((bool) $db_user) { if ($user == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases", LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { if (!$this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'roles' => array( "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ) ))) { $app->log("Error while adding user: ".$user." to DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } } if ($db_ro_user && $data['new']['database_user_id'] != $data['new']['database_ro_user_id']) { if ($user == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases", LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { if (!$this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $ro_user, 'password' => $ro_password, 'roles' => array( "read" ) ))) { $app->log("Error while adding read-only user: ".$user." to DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } } $this->disconnect(); } } /** * This function is called when a DB is updated from within the ISPConfig interface. * Updating the DB needs a lot of changes. First, we need to recheck all users that * have permissions to access the DB. Maybe we also need to rename the DB and change * it's type (MySQL, MongoDB etc.)...hard work here :) * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) * @return only if something is wrong */ function db_update($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; if ($data['old']['active'] == 'n' && $data['new']['active'] == 'n') { return; } // currently switching from MongoDB <-> MySQL isn't supported if ($data['old']['type'] == 'mongo' && $data['new']['type'] == 'mongo') { if ($this->connect() === false) { $app->log("Unable to connect to MongoDB: Connecting using connect() failed.", LOGLEVEL_ERROR); return; } $db_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['new']['database_user_id']) . "'"); $db_ro_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['new']['database_ro_user_id']) . "'"); $user = $db_user['database_user']; $password = $db_user['database_password_mongo']; $ro_user = $db_ro_user['database_user']; $ro_password = $db_ro_user['database_password_mongo']; $db = $data['new']['database_name']; // create the database user if database was disabled before if ($data['new']['active'] == 'y' && $data['old']['active'] == 'n') { // since MongoDB creates DBs on-the-fly we can use the db_insert method which takes care of adding // users to a given DB $this->db_insert($event_name, $data); } else if ($data['new']['active'] == 'n' && $data['old']['active'] == 'y') { $users = $this->getUsers($db); if ((bool) $users) { foreach ($users as $user) { $this->dropUser($user, $db); } } } else { // selected user has changed -> drop old one if ($data['new']['database_user_id'] != $data['old']['database_user_id']) { $old_db_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['old']['database_user_id']) . "'"); if ((bool) $old_db_user) { if ($old_db_user['database_user'] == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases", LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { $this->dropUser($old_db_user['database_user'], $db); } } } // selected read-only user has changed -> drop old one if ($data['new']['database_ro_user_id'] != $data['old']['database_ro_user_id']) { $old_db_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `database_user`, `database_password_mongo` FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . intval($data['old']['database_ro_user_id']) . "'"); if ((bool) $old_db_user) { if ($old_db_user['database_user'] == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases",LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { $this->dropUser($old_db_user['database_user'], $db); } } } // selected user has changed -> add new one if ($data['new']['database_user_id'] != $data['old']['database_user_id']) { if ((bool) $db_user) { if ($user == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases", LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { $this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'roles' => array( "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ) )); } } } // selected read-only user has changed -> add new one if ($data['new']['database_ro_user_id'] != $data['old']['database_ro_user_iduser_id']) { if ((bool) $db_ro_user && $data['new']['database_user_id'] != $data['new']['database_ro_user_id']) { if ($ro_user == 'root') { $app->log("User root not allowed for client databases", LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } else { $this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $ro_user, 'password' => $ro_password, 'roles' => array( "read" ) )); } } } // renamed? /* if ($data['old']['database_name'] != $data['new']['database_name']) { $old_name = $data['old']['database_name']; $new_name = $data['new']['database_name']; if ($this->renameDB($oldName, $newName)) { $app->log("Renamed MongoDB database: ".$old_name." -> ".$new_name, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Renaming MongoDB database failed: ".$old_name." -> ".$new_name, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } */ } // switching from MySQL <-> Mongo isn't supported // no idea what we should do here...would be best to permit in interface? // remote access isn't supported by MongoDB (limiting to IP), // we therefor don't listen for it's changes } $this->disconnect(); } /** * This function is called when a DB is deleted from within the ISPConfig interface. * All we need to do is to delete the database. * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) * @return only if something is wrong */ function db_delete($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; if ($data['old']['type'] == 'mongo') { if ($this->connect() === false) { $app->log("Unable to connect to MongoDB: Connecting using connect() failed.", LOGLEVEL_ERROR); return; } $db_to_drop = $data['old']['database_name']; if ($this->dropDB($db_to_drop)) { $app->log("Dropping MongoDB database: ".$db_to_drop, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Error while dropping MongoDB database: ".$db_to_drop, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } $this->disconnect(); } } /** * This function is called when a user is inserted from within the ISPConfig interface. * Since users are separated from databases we don't do anything here. * As soon as an user is associated to a DB, we add him there. * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) */ function db_user_insert($event_name,$data) {} /** * This function is called when a user is updated from within the ISPConfig interface. * The only thing we need to listen for here are password changes. * We than need to change those in all databases the user uses. * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) * @return only if something is wrong */ function db_user_update($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; if ($data['old']['database_user'] == $data['new']['database_user'] && ($data['old']['database_password'] == $data['new']['database_password'] || $data['new']['database_password'] == '')) { return; } if ($this->connect() === false) { $app->log("Unable to connect to MongoDB: Connecting using connect() failed.", LOGLEVEL_ERROR); return; } if ($data['old']['database_user'] != $data['new']['database_user']) { // username has changed $dbs = $this->getDBs(); if ((bool) $dbs) { foreach ($dbs as $db) { if ($this->userExists($db, $data['old']['database_user'])) { if (!$this->userExists($db, $data['new']['database_user'])) { $user = $this->getUser($db, $data['old']['database_user']); if ($this->dropUser($data['old']['database_user'], $db)) { if ($this->addUser($db, array( 'username' => $data['new']['database_user'], 'password' => md5($data['new']['database_password_mongo']), 'roles' => $user['roles'] ))) { $app->log("Created user: ".$data['new']['database_user']." in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Couldn't create user: ".$data['new']['database_user']." in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } else { $app->log("Couldn't drop user: ".$data['old']['database_user']." in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } else { $app->log("User: ".$data['new']['database_user']." already exists in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } } } } if ($data['old']['database_password'] != $data['new']['database_password'] || $data['old']['database_user'] != $data['new']['database_user']) { // password only has changed $dbs = $this->getDBs(); if ((bool) $dbs) { foreach ($dbs as $db) { if ($this->userExists($db, $data['new']['database_user'])) { if ($this->changePassword($db, $data['new']['database_user'], md5($data['new']['database_password_mongo']))) { $app->log("Changed user's: ".$data['new']['database_user']." password in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Couldn't change user's: ".$data['new']['database_user']." password in DB: ".$db, LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } } } } } $this->disconnect(); } /** * This function is called when a user is deleted from within the ISPConfig interface. * Since MongoDB uses per-DB user management, we have to find every database where the user is * activated and delete him there. * * @param string $event_name the name of the event (insert, update, delete) * @param array $data the event data (old and new) * @return only if something is wrong */ function db_user_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; if ($this->connect() === false) { $app->log("Unable to connect to MongoDB: Connecting using connect() failed.", LOGLEVEL_ERROR); return; } if ($this->dropUser($data['old']['database_user']) === true) { $app->log("Dropped MongoDB user: ".$data['old']['database_user'], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Error while dropping MongoDB user: ".$data['old']['database_user'], LOGLEVEL_WARNING); } $this->disconnect(); } }