auth->check_module_permissions('dns'); // Loading the template $app->uses('tpl,validate_dns,tform'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/dns_wizard.htm'); $app->load_language_file('/web/dns/lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_dns_wizard.lng'); // Check if dns record limit has been reached. We will check only users, not admins if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'user') { $app->tform->formDef['db_table_idx'] = 'id'; $app->tform->formDef['db_table'] = 'dns_soa'; if(!$app->tform->checkClientLimit('limit_dns_zone')) { $app->error($app->lng('limit_dns_zone_txt')); } if(!$app->tform->checkResellerLimit('limit_dns_zone')) { $app->error('Reseller: '.$app->lng('limit_dns_zone_txt')); } } // import variables $template_id = (isset($_POST['template_id']))?$app->functions->intval($_POST['template_id']):0; $sys_groupid = (isset($_POST['client_group_id']))?$app->functions->intval($_POST['client_group_id']):0; // get the correct server_id if (isset($_POST['server_id'])) { $server_id = $app->functions->intval($_POST['server_id']); $post_server_id = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['server_id_value'])) { $server_id = $app->functions->intval($_POST['server_id_value']); $post_server_id = true; } else { $settings = $app->getconf->get_global_config('dns'); $server_id = $app->functions->intval($settings['default_dnsserver']); $post_server_id = false; } // Load the templates $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM dns_template WHERE visible = 'Y' ORDER BY name ASC"); $template_id_option = ''; $n = 0; foreach($records as $rec){ $checked = ($rec['template_id'] == $template_id)?' SELECTED':''; $template_id_option .= ''; if($n == 0 && $template_id == 0) $template_id = $rec['template_id']; $n++; } unset($n); $app->tpl->setVar("template_id_option", $template_id_option); $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $domains_settings = $app->getconf->get_global_config('domains'); // If the user is administrator if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') { // Load the list of servers $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server WHERE mirror_server_id = 0 AND dns_server = 1 ORDER BY server_name"); $server_id_option = ''; foreach($records as $rec){ $checked = ($rec['server_id'] == $server_id)?' SELECTED':''; $server_id_option .= ''; } $app->tpl->setVar("server_id", $server_id_option); if ($domains_settings['use_domain_module'] != 'y') { // load the list of clients $sql = "SELECT sys_group.groupid,, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND sys_group.client_id > 0 ORDER BY client.company_name, client.contact_name,"; $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $clients = $app->functions->htmlentities($clients); $client_select = ''; if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') $client_select .= ""; if(is_array($clients)) { foreach( $clients as $client) { $selected = ($client["groupid"] == $sys_groupid)?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id", $client_select); } } if ($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && $app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.client_id, client.contact_name, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname, FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = ?", $client_group_id); $client = $app->functions->htmlentities($client); if ($domains_settings['use_domain_module'] != 'y') { // load the list of clients $sql = "SELECT sys_group.groupid,, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND client.parent_client_id = ? ORDER BY client.company_name, client.contact_name,"; $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $client['client_id']); $clients = $app->functions->htmlentities($clients); $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?", $client['client_id']); $client_select = ''; if(is_array($clients)) { foreach( $clients as $client) { $selected = ($client["groupid"] == $sys_groupid)?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id", $client_select); } } if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]); $client_dns = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT dns_servers FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = ?", $client_group_id); $client_dns['dns_servers_ids'] = explode(',', $client_dns['dns_servers']); $only_one_server = count($client_dns['dns_servers_ids']) === 1; $app->tpl->setVar('only_one_server', $only_one_server); if ($only_one_server) { $app->tpl->setVar('server_id_value', $client_dns['dns_servers_ids'][0]); } $sql = "SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server WHERE server_id IN ?"; $dns_servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $client_dns['dns_servers_ids']); $options_dns_servers = ""; foreach ($dns_servers as $dns_server) { $options_dns_servers .= ''; } $app->tpl->setVar("server_id", $options_dns_servers); unset($options_dns_servers); } //* TODO: store dnssec-keys in the database - see below for non-admin-users //* hide dnssec if we found dns-mirror-servers $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM server WHERE mirror_server_id > 0 and dns_server = 1"; $rec=$app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); $template_record = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM dns_template WHERE template_id = ?", $template_id); $fields = explode(',', $template_record['fields']); if(is_array($fields)) { foreach($fields as $field) { if($field == 'DNSSEC' && $rec['count'] > 0) { //hide dnssec } else { $app->tpl->setVar($field."_VISIBLE", 1); $field = strtolower($field); $app->tpl->setVar($field, $_POST[$field], true); } } } /* * Now we have to check, if we should use the domain-module to select the domain * or not */ if ($domains_settings['use_domain_module'] == 'y') { /* * The domain-module is in use. */ $domains = $app->tools_sites->getDomainModuleDomains("dns_soa"); $domain_select = ""; if(is_array($domains) && sizeof($domains) > 0) { /* We have domains in the list, so create the drop-down-list */ foreach( $domains as $domain) { $domain_select .= "\r\n"; } } else { /* * We have no domains in the domain-list. This means, we can not add ANY new domain. * To avoid, that the variable "domain_option" is empty and so the user can * free enter a domain, we have to create a empty option! */ $domain_select .= "\r\n"; } $app->tpl->setVar("domain_option", $domain_select); } if($_POST['create'] == 1) { //* CSRF Check $app->auth->csrf_token_check(); $app->uses('dns_wizard'); $create = $app->dns_wizard->create($_POST); if ($create == 'ok') { header("Location: dns_soa_list.php"); exit; } else { $app->tpl->setVar("error", $create); } } $app->tpl->setVar("title", 'DNS Wizard'); //* SET csrf token $csrf_token = $app->auth->csrf_token_get('dns_wizard'); $app->tpl->setVar('_csrf_id',$csrf_token['csrf_id']); $app->tpl->setVar('_csrf_key',$csrf_token['csrf_key']); $lng_file = 'lib/lang/'.$app->functions->check_language($_SESSION['s']['language']).'_dns_wizard.lng'; include $lng_file; $app->tpl->setVar($wb); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>