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Commit bd4c2e96 authored by Marius Burkard's avatar Marius Burkard
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Merge branch 'stable-3.1' into 'stable-3.1'

FIX #3939: Import TXT resource records with semicolons and respecting it's case

I replace the RegEx that ISPConfig uses to see if it must truncate the line sith a semicolon.

Now the line does not get truncated if the semicolon is between quotes.

Later, when ISPConfig lower the case of the parts of the lines, I changed the condition, so it does not lower the case of parts that begin or finish with quotes (First and last part or TXT RRs) or it has a semicolon, meaning it was between quotes and wasn't replaced previously.

See merge request !351
parents 833d4ecc a1e70342
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