plugin_name = get_class($this); $this->class_name = get_class($this); } //* This function is called during ispconfig installation to determine // if a symlink shall be created for this plugin. function onInstall() { global $conf; if($conf['services']['web'] == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* This function is called when the plugin is loaded */ function onLoad() { global $app; /* Register for the events */ $app->plugin_webserver_base->registerEvents('apache'); } // Handle php.ini changes function php_ini_changed($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventPhpIniChanged($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } // Handle the creation of SSL certificates function ssl($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventSsl($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } function insert($event_name, $data) { $this->action = 'insert'; // just run the update function $this->update($event_name, $data); } function update($event_name, $data) { global $app; if($this->action != 'insert') $this->action = 'update'; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventUpdate($event_name, $data, $this->action, 'apache'); //* Unset action to clean it for next processed vhost. $this->action = ''; } function delete($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventDelete($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } //* This function is called when a IP on the server is inserted, updated or deleted or when anon_ip setting is altered function server_ip($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventServerIp($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } //* Create or update the .htaccess folder protection function web_folder_user($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventWebFolderUser($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } //* Remove .htaccess and .htpasswd file, when folder protection is removed function web_folder_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventWebFolderDelete($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } //* Update folder protection, when path has been changed function web_folder_update($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventWebFolderUpdate($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } public function ftp_user_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app; $ftpquota_file = $data['old']['dir'].'/.ftpquota'; if(file_exists($ftpquota_file)) $app->system->unlink($ftpquota_file); } /** * This function is called when a Webdav-User is inserted, updated or deleted. * * @author Oliver Vogel * @param string $event_name * @param array $data */ public function webdav($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; /* * load the server configuration options */ $app->uses('getconf'); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); if (($event_name == 'webdav_user_insert') || ($event_name == 'webdav_user_update')) { /* * Get additional informations */ $sitedata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT document_root, domain, system_user, system_group FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ?', $data['new']['parent_domain_id']); $documentRoot = $sitedata['document_root']; $domain = $sitedata['domain']; $user = $sitedata['system_user']; $group = $sitedata['system_group']; $webdav_user_dir = $documentRoot . '/webdav/' . $data['new']['dir']; /* Check if this is a chrooted setup */ if($web_config['website_basedir'] != '' && @is_file($web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/passwd')) { $is_chrooted = true; $app->log('Info: Apache is chrooted.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $is_chrooted = false; } //* We dont want to have relative paths here if(stristr($webdav_user_dir, '..') || stristr($webdav_user_dir, './')) { $app->log('Folder path '.$webdav_user_dir.' contains ./ or .. '.$documentRoot, LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } //* Check if the resulting path exists if yes, if it is inside the docroot if(is_dir($webdav_user_dir) && substr(realpath($webdav_user_dir), 0, strlen($documentRoot)) != $documentRoot) { $app->log('Folder path '.$webdav_user_dir.' is outside of docroot '.$documentRoot, LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } /* * First the webdav-root - folder has to exist */ if(!is_dir($webdav_user_dir)) { $app->log('Webdav User directory '.$webdav_user_dir.' does not exist. Creating it now.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->system->mkdirpath($webdav_user_dir); } /* * The webdav - Root needs the group/user as owner and the apache as read and write */ //$app->system->_exec('chown ' . $user . ':' . $group . ' ' . escapeshellcmd($documentRoot . '/webdav/')); //$app->system->_exec('chmod 770 ' . escapeshellcmd($documentRoot . '/webdav/')); $app->system->chown($documentRoot . '/webdav', $user); $app->system->chgrp($documentRoot . '/webdav', $group); $app->system->chmod($documentRoot . '/webdav', 0770); /* * The webdav folder (not the webdav-root!) needs the same (not in ONE step, because the * pwd-files are owned by root) */ //$app->system->_exec('chown ' . $user . ':' . $group . ' ' . escapeshellcmd($webdav_user_dir.' -R')); //$app->system->_exec('chmod 770 ' . escapeshellcmd($webdav_user_dir.' -R')); $app->system->chown($webdav_user_dir, $user); $app->system->chgrp($webdav_user_dir, $group); $app->system->chmod($webdav_user_dir, 0770); /* * if the user is active, we have to write/update the password - file * if the user is inactive, we have to inactivate the user by removing the user from the file */ if ($data['new']['active'] == 'y') { $this->_writeHtDigestFile( $webdav_user_dir . '.htdigest', $data['new']['username'], $data['new']['dir'], $data['new']['password']); } else { /* empty pwd removes the user! */ $this->_writeHtDigestFile( $webdav_user_dir . '.htdigest', $data['new']['username'], $data['new']['dir'], ''); } /* * Next step, patch the vhost - file */ $vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['vhost_conf_dir'] . '/' . $domain . '.vhost'); $app->plugin_webserver_base->_patchVhostWebdav($vhost_file, $documentRoot . '/webdav'); /* * Last, restart apache */ if($is_chrooted) { $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd', 'restart'); } else { // request a httpd reload when all records have been processed $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd', 'reload'); } } if ($event_name == 'webdav_user_delete') { /* * Get additional informations */ $sitedata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT document_root, domain FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ?', $data['old']['parent_domain_id']); $documentRoot = $sitedata['document_root']; $domain = $sitedata['domain']; /* * We dont't want to destroy any (transfer)-Data. So we do NOT delete any dir. * So the only thing, we have to do, is to delete the user from the password-file */ $this->_writeHtDigestFile( $documentRoot . '/webdav/' . $data['old']['dir'] . '.htdigest', $data['old']['username'], $data['old']['dir'], ''); /* * Next step, patch the vhost - file */ $vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['vhost_conf_dir'] . '/' . $domain . '.vhost'); $app->plugin_webserver_base->_patchVhostWebdav($vhost_file, $documentRoot . '/webdav'); /* * Last, restart apache */ if($is_chrooted) { $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd', 'restart'); } else { // request a httpd reload when all records have been processed $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd', 'reload'); } } } /** * This function writes the htdigest - files used by webdav and digest * more info: see * @author Oliver Vogel * @param string $filename The name of the digest-file * @param string $username The name of the webdav-user * @param string $authname The name of the realm * @param string $pwdhash The password-hash of the user */ private function _writeHtDigestFile($filename, $username, $authname, $pwdhash ) { global $app; $changed = false; if(is_file($filename) && !is_link($filename)) { $in = fopen($filename, 'r'); $output = ''; /* * read line by line and search for the username and authname */ while (preg_match("/:/", $line = fgets($in))) { $line = rtrim($line); $tmp = explode(':', $line); if ($tmp[0] == $username && $tmp[1] == $authname) { /* * found the user. delete or change it? */ if ($pwdhash != '') { $output .= $tmp[0] . ':' . $tmp[1] . ':' . $pwdhash . "\n"; } $changed = true; } else { $output .= $line . "\n"; } } fclose($in); } /* * if we didn't change anything, we have to add the new user at the end of the file */ if (!$changed) { $output .= $username . ':' . $authname . ':' . $pwdhash . "\n"; } /* * Now lets write the new file */ if(trim($output) == '') { $app->system->unlink($filename); } else { $app->system->file_put_contents($filename, $output); } } function client_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app; $app->plugin_webserver_base->eventClientDelete($event_name, $data, 'apache'); } } // end class