app->log('Aborting execution because '.$e->getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Get a file from a ZIP archive and either return it's content or * extract it to a given destination * * @param $zipfile the ZIP file to work with * @param $subfile the file from which to get the content * @param $destfolder the optional extraction destination * @param $destname the optional target file name when extracting * @return string or boolean */ private function getContentFromZIP($zipfile, $subfile, $destfolder = '', $destname = '') { try { $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open(realpath($zipfile)); if(!$res) throw new Exception('Cannot open ZIP file '.$zipfile); // If no destination is given, the content is returned, otherwise // the $subfile is extracted to $destination if($destfolder == '') { $fh = $zip->getStream($subfile); if(!$fh) throw new Exception('Cannot read '.$subfile.' from '.$zipfile); $subfile_content = ''; while(!feof($fh)) $subfile_content .= fread($fh, 8192); fclose($fh); return $subfile_content; } else { // extractTo would be suitable but has no target name parameter //$ind = $zip->locateName($subfile); //$ex = $zip->extractTo($destination, array($zip->getNameIndex($ind))); if($destname == '') $destname = basename($subfile); $ex = @copy('zip://'.$zipfile.'#'.$subfile, $destfolder.$destname); if(!$ex) throw new Exception('Cannot extract '.$subfile.' to '.$destfolder); } $zip->close(); } catch(Exception $e) { // The exception message is only interesting for debugging reasons // echo $e->getMessage(); return false; } } /** * Extract the complete directory of a ZIP file * * @param $filename the file to unzip * @param $directory the ZIP inside directory to unzip * @param $destination the place where to extract the data * @return boolean */ private function extractZip($filename, $directory, $destination) { if(!file_exists($filename)) return false; // Fix the paths if(substr($directory, -1) == '/') $directory = substr($directory, 0, strlen($directory) - 1); if(substr($destination, -1) != '/') $destination .= '/'; // Read and extract the ZIP file $ziphandle = zip_open(realpath($filename)); if(is_resource($ziphandle)) { while($entry = zip_read($ziphandle)) { if(substr(zip_entry_name($entry), 0, strlen($directory)) == $directory) { // Modify the relative ZIP file path $new_path = substr(zip_entry_name($entry), strlen($directory)); if(substr($new_path, -1) == '/') // Identifier for directories { if(!file_exists($destination.$new_path)) mkdir($destination.$new_path, 0777, true); } else // Handle files { if(zip_entry_open($ziphandle, $entry)) { $new_dir = dirname($destination.$new_path); if(!file_exists($new_dir)) mkdir($new_dir, 0777, true); $file = fopen($destination.$new_path, 'wb'); if($file) { while($line = zip_entry_read($entry)) fwrite($file, $line); fclose($file); } else return false; } } } } zip_close($ziphandle); return true; } return false; } /** * Setup the path environment variables for the install script * * @param $parent_mapping the SimpleXML instance with the current mapping position * @param $url the relative path within the mapping tree * @param $path the absolute path within the mapping tree */ private function processMappings($parent_mapping, $url, $path) { if($parent_mapping && $parent_mapping != null) { $writable = parent::getXPathValue($parent_mapping, 'php:permissions/@writable'); $readable = parent::getXPathValue($parent_mapping, 'php:permissions/@readable'); // set the write permission if($writable == 'true') { if(is_dir($path)) chmod($path, 0775); else chmod($path, 0664); } // set non-readable permission if($readable == 'false') { if(is_dir($path)) chmod($path, 0333); else chmod($path, 0222); } } // Set the environment variables $env = str_replace('/', '_', $url); $this->putenv[] = 'WEB_'.$env.'_DIR='.$path; // Step recursively into further mappings if($parent_mapping && $parent_mapping != null) { foreach($parent_mapping->mapping as $mapping) { if($url == '/') $this->processMappings($mapping, $url.$mapping['url'], $path.$mapping['url']); else $this->processMappings($mapping, $url.'/'.$mapping['url'], $path.'/'.$mapping['url']); } } } /** * Setup the environment with data for the install location * * @param $task an array containing all install related data */ private function prepareLocation($task) { // Get the domain name to use for the installation // Would be possible in one query too, but we use 2 for easier debugging $main_domain = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_domain' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $this->domain = $main_domain['value']; // Get the document root $domain_res = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT document_root FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->db->quote($this->domain)."';"); $this->document_root = $domain_res['document_root']; // Get the sub location $location_res = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_location' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $this->sublocation = $location_res['value']; // Make sure the document_root ends with / if(substr($this->document_root, -1) != '/') $this->document_root .= '/'; // Attention: ISPConfig Special: web files are in subfolder 'web' -> append it: $this->document_root .= 'web/'; // If a subfolder is given, make sure it's path doesn't begin with / i.e. /phpbb if(substr($this->sublocation, 0, 1) == '/') $this->sublocation = substr($this->sublocation, 1); // If the package isn't installed to a subfolder, remove the / at the end of the document root if(empty($this->sublocation)) $this->document_root = substr($this->document_root, 0, strlen($this->document_root) - 1); // Set environment variables, later processed by the package install script $this->putenv[] = 'BASE_URL_SCHEME=http'; // putenv('BASE_URL_PORT') -> omitted as it's 80 by default $this->putenv[] = 'BASE_URL_HOST='.$this->domain; $this->putenv[] = 'BASE_URL_PATH='.$this->sublocation.'/'; } /** * Setup a database (if needed) and the appropriate environment variables * * @param $task an array containing all install related data * @param $sxe a SimpleXMLElement handle, holding APP-META.xml */ private function prepareDatabase($task, $sxe) { $db_id = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//db:id'); if(empty($db_id)) return; // No database needed /* // Set the database owner to the domain owner // ISPConfig identifies the owner by the sys_groupid (not sys_userid!) // so sys_userid can be set to any value $perm = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid, server_id FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->domain."';"); $task['sys_groupid'] = $perm['sys_groupid']; $serverid = $perm['server_id']; // Get the database prefix and db user prefix $this->app->uses('getconf'); $global_config = $this->app->getconf->get_global_config('sites'); $dbname_prefix = str_replace('[CLIENTID]', '', $global_config['dbname_prefix']); $dbuser_prefix = str_replace('[CLIENTID]', '', $global_config['dbuser_prefix']); $this->dbhost = DB_HOST; // Taken from if(empty($this->dbhost)) $this->dbhost = 'localhost'; // Just to ensure any hostname... ;) $this->newdb_name = $dbname_prefix.$task['CustomerID'].'aps'.$task['InstanceID']; $this->newdb_user = $dbuser_prefix.$task['CustomerID'].'aps'.$task['InstanceID']; $dbpw_res = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT Value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE Name = 'main_database_password' AND InstanceID = '".$this->db->quote($task['InstanceID'])."';"); $newdb_pw = $dbpw_res['Value']; // In any case delete an existing database (install and removal procedure) $this->db->query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `'.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_name).'`;'); // Delete an already existing database with this name $this->app->dbmaster->query("DELETE FROM web_database WHERE database_name = '".$this->db->quote($this->newdb_name)."';"); // Create the new database and assign it to a user if($this->handle_type == 'install') { $this->db->query('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `'.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_name).'`;'); $this->db->query('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_name).'.* TO '.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_user).'@'.$this->db->quote($this->dbhost).' IDENTIFIED BY \'password\';'); $this->db->query('SET PASSWORD FOR '.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_user).'@'.$this->db->quote($this->dbhost).' = PASSWORD(\''.$newdb_pw.'\');'); $this->db->query('FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'); // Add the new database to the customer databases // Assumes: charset = utf8 $this->app->dbmaster->query('INSERT INTO web_database (sys_userid, sys_groupid, sys_perm_user, sys_perm_group, sys_perm_other, server_id, type, database_name, database_user, database_password, database_charset, remote_access, remote_ips, active) VALUES ('.$task['sys_userid'].', '.$task['sys_groupid'].', "'.$task['sys_perm_user'].'", "'.$task['sys_perm_group'].'", "'.$task['sys_perm_other'].'", '.$this->db->quote($serverid).', "mysql", "'.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_name).'", "'.$this->db->quote($this->newdb_user).'", "'.$this->db->quote($newdb_pw).'", "utf8", "n", "", "y");'); } */ $mysqlver_res = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT VERSION() as ver;'); $mysqlver = $mysqlver_res['ver']; $tmp = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_database_password' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $newdb_pw = $tmp['value']; $tmp = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_database_host' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $newdb_host = $tmp['value']; $tmp = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_database_name' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $newdb_name = $tmp['value']; $tmp = $this->app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_database_login' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $newdb_login = $tmp['value']; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_TYPE=mysql'; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_NAME='.$newdb_name; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_LOGIN='.$newdb_login; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_PASSWORD='.$newdb_pw; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_HOST='.$newdb_host; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_PORT=3306'; $this->putenv[] = 'DB_'.$db_id.'_VERSION='.$mysqlver; } /** * Extract all needed files from the package * * @param $task an array containing all install related data * @param $sxe a SimpleXMLElement handle, holding APP-META.xml * @return boolean */ private function prepareFiles($task, $sxe) { // Basically set the mapping for APS version 1.0, if not available -> newer way $mapping = $sxe->mapping; $mapping_path = $sxe->mapping['path']; $mapping_url = $sxe->mapping['url']; if(empty($mapping)) { $mapping = $sxe->service->provision->{'url-mapping'}->mapping; $mapping_path = $sxe->service->provision->{'url-mapping'}->mapping['path']; $mapping_url = $sxe->service->provision->{'url-mapping'}->mapping['url']; } try { // Make sure we have a valid mapping path (at least /) if(empty($mapping_path)) throw new Exception('Unable to determine a mapping path'); $this->local_installpath = $this->document_root.$this->sublocation.'/'; // Now delete an existing folder (affects install and removal in the same way) @chdir($this->local_installpath); if(file_exists($this->local_installpath)) exec("rm -Rf ".escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath).'*'); else mkdir($this->local_installpath, 0777, true); if($this->handle_type == 'install') { // Now check if the needed folder is there if(!file_exists($this->local_installpath)) throw new Exception('Unable to create a new folder for the package '.$task['path']); // Extract all files and assign them a new owner if( ($this->extractZip($this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path'], $mapping_path, $this->local_installpath) === false) || ($this->extractZip($this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path'], 'scripts', $this->local_installpath.'install_scripts/') === false) ) { // Clean already extracted data exec("rm -Rf ".escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath).'*'); throw new Exception('Unable to extract the package '.$task['path']); } $this->processMappings($mapping, $mapping_url, $this->local_installpath); // Set the appropriate file owner $main_domain = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_domain' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); $owner_res = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT system_user, system_group FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->db->quote($main_domain['value'])."';"); $this->file_owner_user = $owner_res['system_user']; $this->file_owner_group = $owner_res['system_group']; exec('chown -R '.$this->file_owner_user.':'.$this->file_owner_group.' '.escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath)); } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->app->dbmaster->query('UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = "'.INSTANCE_ERROR.'" WHERE id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); $this->app->log($e->getMessage()); return false; } return true; } /** * Get all user config variables and set them to environment variables * * @param $task an array containing all install related data */ private function prepareUserInputData($task) { $userdata = $this->app->dbmaster->queryAllRecords("SELECT name, value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($task['instance_id'])."';"); if(empty($userdata)) return false; foreach($userdata as $data) { // Skip unnecessary data if($data['name'] == 'main_location' || $data['name'] == 'main_domain' || $data['name'] == 'main_database_password' || $data['name'] == 'main_database_name' || $data['name'] == 'main_database_host' || $data['name'] == 'main_database_login' || $data['name'] == 'license') continue; $this->putenv[] = 'SETTINGS_'.$data['name'].'='.$data['value']; } } /** * Fetch binary data from a given array * The data is retrieved in binary mode and * then directly written to an output file * * @param $input a specially structed array * @see $this->startUpdate() */ private function fetchFiles($input) { $fh = array(); $url = array(); $conn = array(); // Build the single cURL handles and add them to a multi handle $mh = curl_multi_init(); // Process each app for($i = 0; $i < count($input); $i++) { $conn[$i] = curl_init($input[$i]['url']); $fh[$i] = fopen($input[$i]['localtarget'], 'wb'); curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_FILE, $fh[$i]); curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $conn[$i]); } $active = 0; do curl_multi_exec($mh, $active); while($active > 0); // Close the handles for($i = 0; $i < count($input); $i++) { fclose($fh[$i]); curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $conn[$i]); curl_close($conn[$i]); } curl_multi_close($mh); } /** * The installation script should be executed * * @param $task an array containing all install related data * @param $sxe a SimpleXMLElement handle, holding APP-META.xml * @return boolean */ private function doInstallation($task, $sxe) { try { // Check if the install directory exists if(!is_dir($this->local_installpath.'install_scripts/')) throw new Exception('The install directory '.$this->local_installpath.' is not existing'); // Set the executable bit to the configure script $cfgscript = @(string)$sxe->service->provision->{'configuration-script'}['name']; if(!$cfgscript) $cfgscript = 'configure'; chmod($this->local_installpath.'install_scripts/'.$cfgscript, 0755); // Change to the install folder (import for the exec() below!) //exec('chown -R '.$this->file_owner_user.':'.$this->file_owner_group.' '.escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath)); chdir($this->local_installpath.'install_scripts/'); // Set the enviroment variables foreach($this->putenv as $var) { putenv($var); } $shell_retcode = true; $shell_ret = array(); exec('php '.escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath.'install_scripts/'.$cfgscript).' install 2>&1', $shell_ret, $shell_retcode); $shell_ret = array_filter($shell_ret); $shell_ret_str = implode("\n", $shell_ret); // Although $shell_retcode might be 0, there can be PHP errors. Filter them: if(substr_count($shell_ret_str, 'Warning: ') > 0) $shell_retcode = 1; // If an error has occurred, the return code is != 0 if($shell_retcode != 0) throw new Exception($shell_ret_str); else { // The install succeeded, chown newly created files too exec('chown -R '.$this->file_owner_user.':'.$this->file_owner_group.' '.escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath)); $this->app->dbmaster->query('UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = "'.INSTANCE_SUCCESS.'" WHERE id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->app->dbmaster->query('UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = "'.INSTANCE_ERROR.'" WHERE id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); $this->app->log($e->getMessage()); return false; } return true; } /** * Cleanup: Remove install scripts, remove tasks and update the database * * @param $task an array containing all install related data * @param $sxe a SimpleXMLElement handle, holding APP-META.xml */ private function cleanup($task, $sxe) { chdir($this->local_installpath); exec("rm -Rf ".escapeshellarg($this->local_installpath).'install_scripts'); } /** * The main method which performs the actual package installation * * @param $instanceid the instanceID to install * @param $type the type of task to perform (installation, removal) */ public function installHandler($instanceid, $type) { // Set the given handle type, currently supported: install, delete if($type == 'install' || $type == 'delete') $this->handle_type = $type; else return false; // Get all instance metadata $task = $this->app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM aps_instances AS i INNER JOIN aps_packages AS p ON i.package_id = INNER JOIN client AS c ON i.customer_id = c.client_id WHERE = ".$instanceid.";"); if(!$task) return false; // formerly: throw new Exception('The InstanceID doesn\'t exist.'); if(!isset($task['instance_id'])) $task['instance_id'] = $instanceid; // Download aps package if(!file_exists($this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path'])) { $ch = curl_init(); $fh = fopen($this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path'], 'wb'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $task['package_url']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); if(curl_exec($ch) === false) $this->app->log(curl_error ($ch),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); fclose($fh); curl_close($ch); } /* $app_to_dl[] = array('name' => $task['path'], 'url' => $task['package_url'], 'filesize' => 0, 'localtarget' => $this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path']); $this->fetchFiles($app_to_dl); */ // Make sure the requirements are given so that this script can execute $req_ret = $this->checkRequirements(); if(!$req_ret) return false; $metafile = $this->getContentFromZIP($this->packages_dir.'/'.$task['path'], 'APP-META.xml'); // Check if the meta file is existing if(!$metafile) { $this->app->dbmaster->query('UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = "'.INSTANCE_ERROR.'" WHERE id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); $this->app->log('Unable to find the meta data file of package '.$task['path']); return false; } // Rename namespaces and register them $metadata = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $metafile); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($metadata); $namespaces = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true); foreach($namespaces as $ns => $url) $sxe->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url); // Setup the environment with data for the install location $this->prepareLocation($task); // Create the database if necessary $this->prepareDatabase($task, $sxe); // Unpack the install scripts from the packages if($this->prepareFiles($task, $sxe) && $this->handle_type == 'install') { // Setup the variables from the install script $this->prepareUserInputData($task); // Do the actual installation $this->doInstallation($task, $sxe); // Remove temporary files $this->cleanup($task, $sxe); } // Finally delete the instance entry + settings if($this->handle_type == 'delete') { $this->app->dbmaster->query('DELETE FROM aps_instances WHERE id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); $this->app->dbmaster->query('DELETE FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE instance_id = "'.$this->db->quote($task['instance_id']).'";'); } unset($sxe); } } ?>