From 57706ba5242510c3d755883f048179e55292a98b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pedro_morgan <pedro_morgan@ispconfig3>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 02:14:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Pedro makes the code look like its a PEAR, sorry adam. Aalso
 enquring for interface and sanity checks"

 install/install.php      | 128 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 install/options.conf.php |  40 ++++++------
 2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install/install.php b/install/install.php
index 8f4bf5c0c..9f4f54cf1 100644
--- a/install/install.php
+++ b/install/install.php
 	ISPConfig 3 installer.
-// Check for existing installation
+//** Check for existing installation
 //if(is_dir("/usr/local/ispconfig")) die('We will stop here. There is already a ISPConfig installation, use the update script to update this installation.');
-// Include the library with the basic installer functions
+//** Include the library with the basic installer functions
-// Include the base class of the installer class
+//** Include the base class of the installer class
 $distname = get_distname();
-// Include the distribution specific installer class library
-// and configuration
+//** Include the distribution specific installer class library and configuration
 $conf['dist'] = $dist;
+//** Lets go !
 $inst = new installer();
+swriteln($inst->lng('This application will install ISPConfig 3 on your server.'));
+//** Select the language
+$conf['language'] = $inst->simple_query('Select language', array('en','de'), 'en');
+//** Select installation mode
+$install_mode = $inst->simple_query('Installation mode', array('Standard','Expert'), 'Standard');
-swriteln($inst->lng("This application will install ISPConfig 3 on your server."));
-// Select the language
-$conf["language"] = $inst->simple_query('Select language',array('en','de'),'en');
-// Select installation mode
-$install_mode = $inst->simple_query('Installation mode',array('Standard','Expert'),'Standard');
-// Get the hostname
+//** Get the hostname
 $tmp_out = array();
-exec("hostname -f",$tmp_out);
-$conf["hostname"] = $inst->free_query('Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server',$tmp_out[0]);
+exec('hostname -f', $tmp_out);
+$conf['hostname'] = $inst->free_query('Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server', $tmp_out[0]);
-// Get MySQL root password
+//** Get MySQL root credentials
 $finished = false;
 do {
-	$tmp_mysql_server_host = $inst->free_query('MySQL server hostname',$conf["mysql"]["host"]);
-	$tmp_mysql_server_admin_user = $inst->free_query('MySQL root username',$conf["mysql"]["admin_user"]);
-	$tmp_mysql_server_admin_password = $inst->free_query('MySQL root password',$conf["mysql"]["admin_password"]);
+	$tmp_mysql_server_host = $inst->free_query('MySQL server hostname',$conf['mysql']['host']);
+	$tmp_mysql_server_admin_user = $inst->free_query('MySQL root username',$conf['mysql']['admin_user']);
+	$tmp_mysql_server_admin_password = $inst->free_query('MySQL root password',$conf['mysql']['admin_password']);
-	// Initialize the MySQL server connection
+	//* Initialize the MySQL server connection
 	if(@mysql_connect($tmp_mysql_server_host, $tmp_mysql_server_admin_user, $tmp_mysql_server_admin_password)) {
-		$conf["mysql"]["host"] = $tmp_mysql_server_host;
-		$conf["mysql"]["admin_user"] = $tmp_mysql_server_admin_user;
-		$conf["mysql"]["admin_password"] = $tmp_mysql_server_admin_password;
+		$conf['mysql']['host'] = $tmp_mysql_server_host;
+		$conf['mysql']['admin_user'] = $tmp_mysql_server_admin_user;
+		$conf['mysql']['admin_password'] = $tmp_mysql_server_admin_password;
 		$finished = true;
 	} else {
-		swriteln($inst->lng("Unable to connect to mysql server").' '.mysql_error());
+		swriteln($inst->lng('Unable to connect to mysql server').' '.mysql_error());
 } while ($finished == false);
-// initializing database connection
+//** initializing database connection
 $inst->db = new db();
-// Begin with standard or expert installation
+//** Begin with standard or expert installation
 if($install_mode == 'Standard') {
-	// Create the mysql database
+	//* Create the mysql database
-	// Configure postfix
+	//* Configure postfix
-	// Configure saslauthd
+	//* Configure saslauthd
 	swriteln('Configuring SASL');
-	// Configure PAM
+	//* Configure PAM
 	swriteln('Configuring PAM');
-	// Configure courier
+	//* Configure courier
 	swriteln('Configuring Courier');
-	// Configure Spamasassin
+	//* Configure Spamasassin
 	swriteln('Configuring Spamassassin');
-	// Configure Amavis
+	//* Configure Amavis
 	swriteln('Configuring Amavisd');
-	// Configure Getmail
+	//* Configure Getmail
 	swriteln('Configuring Getmail');
-	// Configure Pureftpd
+	//* Configure Pureftpd
 	swriteln('Configuring Pureftpd');
-	// Configure MyDNS
+	//* Configure MyDNS
 	swriteln('Configuring MyDNS');
-	// Configure Apache
+	//* Configure Apache
 	swriteln('Configuring Apache');
-	// Configure ISPConfig
+	//* Configure ISPConfig
 	swriteln('Installing ISPConfig');
-	// Configure ISPConfig
+	//* Configure ISPConfig
 	swriteln('Installing Crontab');
@@ -164,40 +159,40 @@ if($install_mode == 'Standard') {
 	system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['pureftpd']['init_script'].' restart');
 	system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['mydns']['init_script'].' restart');
-} else {
-	// Get Server ID
-	$conf["server_id"] = $inst->free_query('Unique Numeric ID of the server','1');
+	//** Get Server ID
+	$conf['server_id'] = $inst->free_query('Unique Numeric ID of the server','1');
 	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Create Database',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
-		// Create the mysql database
+		//* Create the mysql database
-		system("/etc/init.d/mysql restart");
+		system('/etc/init.d/mysql restart');
-	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure Mail',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
+	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure Mail', array('y','n') ,'y') ) == 'y') {
-		// Configure Postfix
+		//* Configure Postfix
 		swriteln('Configuring Postfix');
-		// Configure PAM
+		//* Configure PAM
 		swriteln('Configuring PAM');
-		// Configure courier
+		//* Configure courier
 		swriteln('Configuring Courier');
-		// Configure Spamasassin
+		//* Configure Spamasassin
 		swriteln('Configuring Spamassassin');
-		// Configure Amavis
+		//* Configure Amavis
 		swriteln('Configuring Amavisd');
-		// Configure Getmail
+		//* Configure Getmail
 		swriteln('Configuring Getmail');
@@ -212,42 +207,41 @@ if($install_mode == 'Standard') {
 		system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['courier']['courier-pop-ssl'].' restart');
-	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure FTP Server',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
-		// Configure Pureftpd
+	//** Configure Pureftpd
+	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure FTP Server', array('y','n'),'y') ) == 'y') {	
 		swriteln('Configuring Pureftpd');
 		system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['pureftpd']['init_script'].' restart');
+	//** Configure MyDNS
 	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure DNS Server',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
-		// Configure MyDNS
 		swriteln('Configuring MyDNS');
 		system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['mydns']['init_script'].' restart');
-	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure Apache Server',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
-		// Configure Apache
+	//** Configure Apache
+	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Configure Apache Server',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {	
 		swriteln('Configuring Apache');
+	//** Configure ISPConfig :-)
 	if(strtolower($inst->simple_query('Install ISPConfig',array('y','n'),'y')) == 'y') {
-		// Configure ISPConfig
 		swriteln('Installing ISPConfig');
-		// Configure ISPConfig
+		//* Configure ISPConfig
 		swriteln('Installing Crontab');
 		system($conf['dist']["init_scripts"].'/'.$conf['dist']['apache']['init_script'].' restart');	
+} //* << $install_mode / 'Standard' or Genius
-echo "Installation finished.\n";
+echo "Installation completed.\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install/options.conf.php b/install/options.conf.php
index 269c9e68d..e76aa3b3f 100644
--- a/install/options.conf.php
+++ b/install/options.conf.php
@@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
-	Installation Options
+//** TODO: These options need to be in an install script somehow
-$conf["language"] = "en";
-$conf["distname"] = "debian40";
-$conf["hostname"] = ""; // Full hostname
-$conf["ispconfig_install_dir"] = "/usr/local/ispconfig";
-$conf["ispconfig_config_dir"] = "/usr/local/ispconfig";
-$conf["server_id"] = 1;
+//** Installation Options
-	MySQL Database settings
-$conf["mysql"]["host"] = "localhost";
-$conf["mysql"]["ip"] = "";
-$conf["mysql"]["port"] = "3306";
-$conf["mysql"]["database"] = "dbispconfig";
-$conf["mysql"]["admin_user"] = "root";
-$conf["mysql"]["admin_password"] = "";
-$conf["mysql"]["ispconfig_user"] = "ispconfig";
-$conf["mysql"]["ispconfig_password"] = "5sDrewBhk";
+$conf['language'] = 'en';
+$conf['distname'] = 'debian40';
+$conf['hostname'] = ''; // Full hostname
+$conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] = '/usr/local/ispconfig';
+$conf['ispconfig_config_dir'] = '/usr/local/ispconfig';
+$conf['server_id'] = 1;
+//**MySQL Database settings
+$conf['mysql']['host'] = 'localhost';
+$conf['mysql']['ip'] = '';
+$conf['mysql']['port'] = '3306';
+$conf['mysql']['database'] = 'dbispconfig';
+$conf['mysql']['admin_user'] = 'root';
+$conf['mysql']['admin_password'] = '';
+$conf['mysql']['ispconfig_user'] = 'ispconfig';
+$conf['mysql']['ispconfig_password'] = '5sDrewBhk';
\ No newline at end of file