auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); //* This is only allowed for administrators if(!$app->auth->is_admin()) die('only allowed for administrators.'); //* Get the latest updates from the repositorys and insert them in the local database $updates_added = 0; $repos = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT software_repo_id, repo_url, repo_username, repo_password FROM software_repo WHERE active = 'y'"); if(is_array($repos)) { foreach($repos as $repo) { /* SELECT software_package.package_name, v1, v2, v3, v4 FROM software_package LEFT JOIN software_update ON ( software_package.package_name = software_update.package_name ) LEFT JOIN software_update_inst ON ( software_update.software_update_id = software_update_inst.software_update_id ) GROUP BY package_name ORDER BY v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC */ $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $repo['repo_url'], 'uri' => $repo['repo_url'])); $packages = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT software_package.package_name, v1, v2, v3, v4 FROM software_package LEFT JOIN software_update ON ( software_package.package_name = software_update.package_name ) GROUP BY package_name ORDER BY v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC"); if(is_array($packages)) { foreach($packages as $p) { $version = $p['v1'].'.'.$p['v2'].'.'.$p['v3'].'.'.$p['v4']; $updates = $client->get_updates($p['package_name'], $version,$repo['repo_username'], $repo['repo_password']); if(is_array($updates)) { foreach($updates as $u) { $version_array = explode('.',$u['version']); $v1 = intval($version_array[0]); $v2 = intval($version_array[1]); $v3 = intval($version_array[2]); $v4 = intval($version_array[3]); $package_name = $app->db->quote($u['package_name']); $software_repo_id = intval($repo['software_repo_id']); $update_url = $app->db->quote($u['url']); $update_md5 = $app->db->quote($u['md5']); $update_dependencies = (isset($u['dependencies']))?$app->db->quote($u['dependencies']):''; $update_title = $app->db->quote($u['title']); $type = $app->db->quote($u['type']); // Check that we do not have this update in the database yet $sql = "SELECT * FROM software_update WHERE package_name = '$package_name' and v1 = '$v1' and v2 = '$v2' and v3 = '$v3' and v4 = '$v4'"; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); if(!isset($tmp['software_update_id'])) { // Insert the update in the datbase $sql = "INSERT INTO software_update (software_repo_id, package_name, update_url, update_md5, update_dependencies, update_title, v1, v2, v3, v4, type) VALUES ($software_repo_id, '$package_name', '$update_url', '$update_md5', '$update_dependencies', '$update_title', '$v1', '$v2', '$v3', '$v4', '$type')"; //die($sql); $app->db->query($sql); } } } } } } } //* Install packages, if GET Request if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'install' && $_GET['package'] != '' && $_GET['server_id'] > 0) { $package_name = $app->db->quote($_GET['package']); $server_id = intval($_GET['server_id']); $software_update_id = intval($_GET['id']); $insert_data = "(package_name, server_id, software_update_id, status) VALUES ('$package_name', '$server_id', '$software_update_id','installing')"; // $insert_data = "(package_name, server_id, software_update_id, status) VALUES ('$package_name', '$server_id', '$software_update_id','installed')"; $app->db->datalogInsert('software_update_inst', $insert_data, 'software_update_inst_id'); } // Show the list in the interface // Loading the template $app->uses('tpl'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl','templates/software_update_list.htm'); /* SELECT software_package.package_name, software_package.package_title, software_update.update_title, v1, v2, v3, v4, software_update_inst.status FROM software_package LEFT JOIN software_update ON ( software_package.package_name = software_update.package_name ) LEFT JOIN software_update_inst ON ( software_update.software_update_id = software_update_inst.software_update_id ) GROUP BY software_update.software_update_id ORDER BY v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC */ if(isset($_POST["server_id"]) && $_POST["server_id"] > 0) { $server_id = intval($_POST["server_id"]); } else { $server_id = 1; } $servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server ORDER BY server_name'); foreach($servers as $key => $server) { if($server['server_id'] == $server_id) { $servers[$key]['selected'] = 'selected'; } else { $servers[$key]['selected'] = ''; } } $app->tpl->setLoop('servers',$servers); $sql = "SELECT v1, v2, v3, v4, software_update.update_title, software_update.software_update_id, software_update.package_name, v1, v2, v3, v4, software_update_inst.status FROM software_update LEFT JOIN software_update_inst ON ( software_update.software_update_id = software_update_inst.software_update_id ) WHERE server_id = $server_id GROUP BY software_update.package_name ORDER BY software_update.package_name ASC, v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC"; $installed_packages = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $records_out = array(); if(is_array($installed_packages)) { foreach($installed_packages as $ip) { // Get version number of the latest installed version $sql = "SELECT v1, v2, v3, v4 FROM software_update, software_update_inst WHERE software_update.software_update_id = software_update_inst.software_update_id AND server_id = ".$server_id." ORDER BY v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $lu = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); // Get all installable updates $sql = "SELECT * FROM software_update WHERE v1 >= $lu[v1] AND v2 >= $lu[v2] AND v3 >= $lu[v3] AND v4 >= $lu[v4] AND package_name = '$ip[package_name]' ORDER BY v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC"; $updates = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); //die($sql); if(is_array($updates)) { // Delete the last record as it is already installed unset($updates[count($updates)-1]); foreach($updates as $key => $u) { $version = $u['v1'].'.'.$u['v2'].'.'.$u['v3'].'.'.$u['v4']; $installed_txt = "Install Update
"; $records_out[] = array('version' => $version, 'update_title' => $u["update_title"], 'installed' => $installed_txt); } } } } /* $updates = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT software_update.update_title, software_update.software_update_id, software_update.package_name, v1, v2, v3, v4, software_update_inst.status FROM software_update LEFT JOIN software_update_inst ON ( software_update.software_update_id = software_update_inst.software_update_id ) WHERE server_id = '.$server_id.' GROUP BY software_update.package_name ORDER BY software_update.package_name ASC, v1 DESC , v2 DESC , v3 DESC , v4 DESC'); if(is_array($updates)) { foreach($updates as $key => $u) { $installed_txt = ''; $version = $u['v1'].'.'.$u['v2'].'.'.$u['v3'].'.'.$u['v4']; $updates[$key]['version'] = $version; if($u['status'] == 'installed' || $u['status'] == 'installing' || $u['status'] == 'deleting') { $installed_txt .= "Installed version $version
"; } else { $installed_txt .= "Install now
"; } $updates[$key]['installed'] = $installed_txt; } } */ $app->tpl->setLoop('records',$records_out); include_once('lib/lang/en_software_update_list.lng'); $app->tpl->setVar($wb); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>