_conf = $conf; if($this->_conf['start_db'] == true) { $this->load('db_'.$this->_conf['db_type']); $this->db = new db; } //* Start the session if($this->_conf['start_session'] == true) { $this->uses('session'); session_set_save_handler( array($this->session, 'open'), array($this->session, 'close'), array($this->session, 'read'), array($this->session, 'write'), array($this->session, 'destroy'), array($this->session, 'gc')); session_start(); //* Initialize session variables if(!isset($_SESSION['s']['id']) ) $_SESSION['s']['id'] = session_id(); if(empty($_SESSION['s']['theme'])) $_SESSION['s']['theme'] = $conf['theme']; if(empty($_SESSION['s']['language'])) $_SESSION['s']['language'] = $conf['language']; } $this->uses('auth,plugin,functions'); } public function __destruct() { session_write_close(); if(isset($this->db)) $this->db->closeConn(); } public function uses($classes) { $cl = explode(',', $classes); if(is_array($cl)) { foreach($cl as $classname) { $classname = trim($classname); //* Class is not loaded so load it if(!array_key_exists($classname, $this->_loaded_classes)) { include_once(ISPC_CLASS_PATH."/$classname.inc.php"); $this->$classname = new $classname(); $this->_loaded_classes[$classname] = true; } } } } public function load($files) { $fl = explode(',', $files); if(is_array($fl)) { foreach($fl as $file) { $file = trim($file); include_once(ISPC_CLASS_PATH."/$file.inc.php"); } } } /** Priority values are: 0 = DEBUG, 1 = WARNING, 2 = ERROR */ public function log($msg, $priority = 0) { global $conf; if($priority >= $this->_conf['log_priority']) { // $server_id = $conf["server_id"]; $server_id = 0; $priority = intval($priority); $tstamp = time(); $msg = $this->db->quote('[INTERFACE]: '.$msg); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO sys_log (server_id,datalog_id,loglevel,tstamp,message) VALUES ($server_id,0,$priority,$tstamp,'$msg')"); /* if (is_writable($this->_conf['log_file'])) { if (!$fp = fopen ($this->_conf['log_file'], 'a')) { $this->error('Unable to open logfile.'); } if (!fwrite($fp, date('d.m.Y-H:i').' - '. $msg."\r\n")) { $this->error('Unable to write to logfile.'); } fclose($fp); } else { $this->error('Unable to write to logfile.'); } */ } } /** Priority values are: 0 = DEBUG, 1 = WARNING, 2 = ERROR */ public function error($msg, $next_link = '', $stop = true, $priority = 1) { //$this->uses("error"); //$this->error->message($msg, $priority); if($stop == true) { /* * We always have a error. So it is better not to use any more objects like * the template or so, because we don't know why the error occours (it could be, that * the error occours in one of these objects..) */ /* * Use the template inside the user-template - Path. If it is not found, fallback to the * default-template (the "normal" behaviour of all template - files) */ if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web/themes/' . $_SESSION['s']['theme'] . '/templates/error.tpl.htm')) { $content = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web/themes/' . $_SESSION['s']['theme'] . '/templates/error.tpl.htm'); } else { $content = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web/themes/default/templates/error.tpl.htm'); } if($next_link != '') $msg .= 'Next'; $content = str_replace('###ERRORMSG###', $msg, $content); die($content); } else { echo $msg; if($next_link != '') echo "Next"; } } /** Translates strings in current language */ public function lng($text) { global $conf; if($this->_language_inc != 1) { $language = (isset($_SESSION['s']['language']))?$_SESSION['s']['language']:$conf['language']; //* loading global Wordbook $this->load_language_file('lib/lang/'.$language.'.lng'); //* Load module wordbook, if it exists if(isset($_SESSION['s']['module']['name'])) { $lng_file = 'web/'.$_SESSION['s']['module']['name'].'/lib/lang/'.$language.'.lng'; if(!file_exists(ISPC_ROOT_PATH.'/'.$lng_file)) $lng_file = '/web/'.$_SESSION['s']['module']['name'].'/lib/lang/en.lng'; $this->load_language_file($lng_file); } $this->_language_inc = 1; } if(!empty($this->_wb[$text])) { $text = $this->_wb[$text]; } else { if($this->_conf['debug_language']) { $text = '#'.$text.'#'; } } return $text; } //** Helper function to load the language files. public function load_language_file($filename) { $filename = ISPC_ROOT_PATH.'/'.$filename; if(substr($filename,-4) != '.lng') $this->error('Language file has wrong extension.'); if(file_exists($filename)) { @include($filename); if(is_array($wb)) { if(is_array($this->_wb)) { $this->_wb = array_merge($this->_wb,$wb); } else { $this->_wb = $wb; } } } } public function tpl_defaults() { $this->tpl->setVar('app_title', $this->_conf['app_title']); if(isset($_SESSION['s']['user'])) { $this->tpl->setVar('app_version', $this->_conf['app_version']); } else { $this->tpl->setVar('app_version', ''); } $this->tpl->setVar('app_link', $this->_conf['app_link']); if(isset($this->_conf['app_logo']) && $this->_conf['app_logo'] != '' && @is_file($this->_conf['app_logo'])) { $this->tpl->setVar('app_logo', ''); } else { $this->tpl->setVar('app_logo', ' '); } $this->tpl->setVar('phpsessid', session_id()); $this->tpl->setVar('theme', $_SESSION['s']['theme']); $this->tpl->setVar('html_content_encoding', $this->_conf['html_content_encoding']); $this->tpl->setVar('delete_confirmation', $this->lng('delete_confirmation')); //print_r($_SESSION); if(isset($_SESSION['s']['module']['name'])) { $this->tpl->setVar('app_module', $_SESSION['s']['module']['name']); } if(isset($_SESSION['s']['user']) && $_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') { $this->tpl->setVar('is_admin', 1); } if(isset($_SESSION['s']['user']) && $this->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { $this->tpl->setVar('is_reseller', 1); } /* Show username */ if(isset($_SESSION['s']['user'])) { $this->tpl->setVar('cpuser', $_SESSION['s']['user']['username']); } } } // end class //** Initialize application (app) object //* possible future = new app($conf); $app = new app(); ?>