plugins->registerEvent('dns_soa_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'soa_insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_soa_update', $this->plugin_name, 'soa_update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_soa_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'soa_delete'); //* SLAVE $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_slave_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'slave_insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_slave_update', $this->plugin_name, 'slave_update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_slave_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'slave_delete'); //* RR $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_rr_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'rr_insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_rr_update', $this->plugin_name, 'rr_update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('dns_rr_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'rr_delete'); } function soa_insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $this->action = 'insert'; $this->soa_update($event_name, $data); } function soa_update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* Load libraries $app->uses("getconf,tpl"); //* load the server configuration options $dns_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'dns'); //* Write the domain file if(!empty($data['new']['id'])) { $tpl = new tpl(); $tpl->newTemplate("bind_pri.domain.master"); $zone = $data['new']; $tpl->setVar($zone); $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM dns_rr WHERE zone = ".$zone['id']." AND active = 'Y'"); if(is_array($records) && !empty($records)){ for($i=0;$isetLoop('zones', $records); //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $filename = escapeshellcmd($dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($zone['origin'], 0, -1))); } else { $filename = escapeshellcmd($dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($zone['origin'], 0, -1))); } file_put_contents($filename, $tpl->grab()); chown($filename, escapeshellcmd($dns_config['bind_user'])); chgrp($filename, escapeshellcmd($dns_config['bind_group'])); //* Check the zonefile if(is_file($filename.'.err')) unlink($filename.'.err'); exec('named-checkzone '.escapeshellarg($zone['origin']).' '.escapeshellarg($filename), $out, $return_status); if($return_status === 0) { $app->log("Writing BIND domain file: ".$filename, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Writing BIND domain file failed: ".$filename." ".implode(' ', $out), LOGLEVEL_WARN); rename($filename, $filename.'.err'); } unset($tpl); unset($records); unset($records_out); unset($zone); } //* rebuild the named.conf file if the origin has changed or when the origin is inserted. //if($this->action == 'insert' || $data['old']['origin'] != $data['new']['origin']) { $this->write_named_conf($data, $dns_config); //} //* Delete old domain file, if domain name has been changed if($data['old']['origin'] != $data['new']['origin']) { //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $filename = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } else { $filename = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } if(is_file($filename)) unlink($filename); if(is_file($filename.'.err')) unlink($filename.'.err'); } //* Restart bind nameserver if update_acl is not empty, otherwise reload it if($data['new']['update_acl'] != '') { $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('bind', 'restart'); } else { $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('bind', 'reload'); } } function soa_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* load the server configuration options $app->uses("getconf,tpl"); $dns_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'dns'); //* rebuild the named.conf file $this->write_named_conf($data, $dns_config); //* Delete the domain file //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $zone_file_name = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri/'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } else { $zone_file_name = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } if(is_file($zone_file_name)) unlink($zone_file_name); if(is_file($zone_file_name.'.err')) unlink($zone_file_name.'.err'); $app->log("Deleting BIND domain file: ".$zone_file_name, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); //* Reload bind nameserver $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('bind', 'reload'); } function slave_insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $this->action = 'insert'; $this->slave_update($event_name, $data); } function slave_update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* Load libraries $app->uses("getconf,tpl"); //* load the server configuration options $dns_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'dns'); //* rebuild the named.conf file if the origin has changed or when the origin is inserted. //if($this->action == 'insert' || $data['old']['origin'] != $data['new']['origin']) { $this->write_named_conf($data, $dns_config); //} //* Delete old domain file, if domain name has been changed if($data['old']['origin'] != $data['new']['origin']) { //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $filename = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/sec/'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } else { $filename = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/slave/sec.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } if(is_file($filename)) unset($filename); } //* Ensure that the named slave directory is writable by the named user if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $slave_record_dir = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/sec'; } else { $slave_record_dir = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/slave'; } if(!@is_dir($slave_record_dir)) mkdir($slave_record_dir, 0770); chown($slave_record_dir, $dns_config['bind_user']); chgrp($slave_record_dir, $dns_config['bind_group']); //* Reload bind nameserver $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('bind', 'reload'); } function slave_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* load the server configuration options $app->uses("getconf,tpl"); $dns_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'dns'); //* rebuild the named.conf file $this->write_named_conf($data, $dns_config); //* Delete the domain file //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $zone_file_name = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/sec/'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } else { $zone_file_name = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/slave/sec.'.str_replace("/", "_", substr($data['old']['origin'], 0, -1)); } if(is_file($zone_file_name)) unlink($zone_file_name); $app->log("Deleting BIND domain file for secondary zone: ".$zone_file_name, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); //* Reload bind nameserver $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('bind', 'reload'); } function rr_insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* Get the data of the soa and call soa_update $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM dns_soa WHERE id = ".$data['new']['zone']); $data["new"] = $tmp; $data["old"] = $tmp; $this->action = 'update'; $this->soa_update($event_name, $data); } function rr_update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* Get the data of the soa and call soa_update $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM dns_soa WHERE id = ".$data['new']['zone']); $data["new"] = $tmp; $data["old"] = $tmp; $this->action = 'update'; $this->soa_update($event_name, $data); } function rr_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* Get the data of the soa and call soa_update $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM dns_soa WHERE id = ".intval($data['old']['zone'])); $data["new"] = $tmp; $data["old"] = $tmp; $this->action = 'update'; $this->soa_update($event_name, $data); } //################################################################## function write_named_conf($data, $dns_config) { global $app, $conf; //* Only write the master file for the current server $tmps = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT origin, xfer, also_notify, update_acl FROM dns_soa WHERE active = 'Y' AND server_id=".$conf["server_id"]); $zones = array(); //* Check if the current zone that triggered this function has at least one NS record /* Has been replaced by a better zone check $rec_num = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(id) as ns FROM dns_rr WHERE type = 'NS' AND zone = ".intval($data['new']['id'])." AND active = 'Y'"); if($rec_num['ns'] == 0) { $exclude_zone = $data['new']['origin']; } else { $exclude_zone = ''; } */ //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $pri_zonefiles_path = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri/'; $sec_zonefiles_path = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/sec/'; } else { $pri_zonefiles_path = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/pri.'; $sec_zonefiles_path = $dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/slave/sec.'; } //* Loop trough zones foreach($tmps as $tmp) { $zone_file = $pri_zonefiles_path.str_replace("/", "_", substr($tmp['origin'], 0, -1)); $options = ''; if(trim($tmp['xfer']) != '') { $options .= " allow-transfer {".str_replace(',', ';', $tmp['xfer']).";};\n"; } else { $options .= " allow-transfer {none;};\n"; } if(trim($tmp['also_notify']) != '') $options .= ' also-notify {'.str_replace(',', ';', $tmp['also_notify']).";};\n"; if(trim($tmp['update_acl']) != '') $options .= " allow-update {".str_replace(',', ';', $tmp['update_acl']).";};\n"; if(file_exists($zone_file)) { $zones[] = array( 'zone' => substr($tmp['origin'], 0, -1), 'zonefile_path' => $zone_file, 'options' => $options ); } } $tpl = new tpl(); $tpl->newTemplate("bind_named.conf.local.master"); $tpl->setLoop('zones', $zones); //* And loop through the secondary zones, but only for the current server $tmps_sec = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT origin, xfer, ns FROM dns_slave WHERE active = 'Y' AND server_id=".$conf["server_id"]); $zones_sec = array(); foreach($tmps_sec as $tmp) { $options = " masters {".$tmp['ns'].";};\n"; if(trim($tmp['xfer']) != '') { $options .= " allow-transfer {".str_replace(',', ';', $tmp['xfer']).";};\n"; } else { $options .= " allow-transfer {none;};\n"; } $zones_sec[] = array( 'zone' => substr($tmp['origin'], 0, -1), 'zonefile_path' => $sec_zonefiles_path.str_replace("/", "_", substr($tmp['origin'], 0, -1)), 'options' => $options ); // $filename = escapeshellcmd($dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/slave/sec.'.substr($tmp['origin'],0,-1)); // $app->log("Writing BIND domain file: ".$filename,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } $tpl_sec = new tpl(); $tpl_sec->newTemplate("bind_named.conf.local.slave"); $tpl_sec->setLoop('zones', $zones_sec); file_put_contents($dns_config['named_conf_local_path'], $tpl->grab()."\n".$tpl_sec->grab()); $app->log("Writing BIND named.conf.local file: ".$dns_config['named_conf_local_path'], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); unset($tpl_sec); unset($zones_sec); unset($tmps_sec); unset($tpl); unset($zones); unset($tmps); } } // end class ?>