debug) $app->log("Loading Module: $module_name",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->loaded_modules[$module_name] = new $module_name; $app->loaded_modules[$module_name]->onLoad(); } } } } else { $app->log("Modules directory missing: $modules_dir",LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } } /* This function is called by the modules to register for a specific table change notification */ function registerTableHook($table_name,$module_name,$function_name) { global $app; $this->notification_hooks[$table_name][] = array('module' => $module_name, 'function' => $function_name); if($this->debug) $app->log("Registered TableHook '$table_name' in module '$module_name' for processing function '$function_name'",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } /* This function goes through all new records in the sys_datalog table and and calls the function in the modules that hooked on to the table change. */ function processDatalog() { global $app,$conf; //* If its a multiserver setup if($app->db->dbHost != $app->dbmaster->dbHost) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id > ".$conf['last_datalog_id']." AND (server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]." OR server_id = 0) ORDER BY datalog_id"; $records = $app->dbmaster->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $d) { //** encode data to utf-8 and unserialize it if(!$data = unserialize(utf8_encode(stripslashes($d["data"])))) { $data = unserialize(utf8_encode($d["data"])); } //** Decode data back to locale foreach($data['old'] as $key => $val) { $data['old'][$key] = utf8_decode($val); } foreach($data['new'] as $key => $val) { $data['new'][$key] = utf8_decode($val); } $replication_error = false; $this->current_datalog_id = $d["datalog_id"]; if(count($data['new']) > 0) { if($d["action"] == 'i' || $d["action"] == 'u') { $idx = explode(":",$d["dbidx"]); $tmp_sql1 = ''; $tmp_sql2 = ''; foreach($data['new'] as $fieldname => $val) { $tmp_sql1 .= "`$fieldname`,"; $tmp_sql2 .= "'".$app->db->quote($val)."',"; } $tmp_sql1 = substr($tmp_sql1,0,-1); $tmp_sql2 = substr($tmp_sql2,0,-1); //$tmp_sql1 .= "$idx[0]"; //$tmp_sql2 .= "$idx[1]"; $sql = "REPLACE INTO $d[dbtable] ($tmp_sql1) VALUES ($tmp_sql2)"; $app->db->errorNumber = 0; $app->db->errorMessage = ''; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->errorNumber > 0) { $replication_error = true; $app->log("Replication failed. Error: (" . $d[dbtable] . ") in mysql server: (".$app->db->dbHost.") " . $app->db->errorMessage . " # SQL: " . $sql,LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } $app->log("Replicated from master: ".$sql,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } /* if($d["action"] == 'u') { $sql = "UPDATE $d[dbtable] SET "; foreach($data['new'] as $fieldname => $val) { $sql .= "`$fieldname` = '$val',"; } $sql = substr($sql,0,-1); $idx = explode(":",$d["dbidx"]); $sql .= " WHERE $idx[0] = $idx[1]"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->errorNumber > 0) { $replication_error = true; $app->log("Replication failed. Error: (" . $d[dbtable] . ") " . $app->db->errorMessage . " # SQL: " . $sql,LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } $app->log("Replicated from master: ".$sql,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } */ if($d["action"] == 'd') { $idx = explode(":",$d["dbidx"]); $sql = "DELETE FROM $d[dbtable] "; $sql .= " WHERE $idx[0] = $idx[1]"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->errorNumber > 0) { $replication_error = true; $app->log("Replication failed. Error: (" . $d[dbtable] . ") " . $app->db->errorMessage . " # SQL: " . $sql,LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } $app->log("Replicated from master: ".$sql,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } if($replication_error == false) { $this->raiseTableHook($d["dbtable"],$d["action"],$data); //$app->dbmaster->query("DELETE FROM sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id = ".$d["datalog_id"]); //$app->log("Deleting sys_datalog ID ".$d["datalog_id"],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE server SET updated = ".$d["datalog_id"]." WHERE server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]); $app->log("Processed datalog_id ".$d["datalog_id"],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Error in Replication, changes were not processed.",LOGLEVEL_ERROR); /* * If there is any error in processing the datalog we can't continue, because * we do not know if the newer actions require this (old) one. */ return; } } else { $app->log("Datalog does not conatin any changes for this record ".$d["datalog_id"],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } //* if we have a single server setup } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id > ".$conf['last_datalog_id']." AND (server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]." OR server_id = 0) ORDER BY datalog_id"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $d) { //** encode data to utf-8 to be able to unserialize it and then unserialize it if(!$data = unserialize(utf8_encode(stripslashes($d["data"])))) { $data = unserialize(utf8_encode($d["data"])); } //** decode data back to current locale foreach($data['old'] as $key => $val) { $data['old'][$key] = utf8_decode($val); } foreach($data['new'] as $key => $val) { $data['new'][$key] = utf8_decode($val); } $this->current_datalog_id = $d["datalog_id"]; $this->raiseTableHook($d["dbtable"],$d["action"],$data); //$app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id = ".$rec["datalog_id"]); //$app->log("Deleting sys_datalog ID ".$rec["datalog_id"],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->db->query("UPDATE server SET updated = ".$d["datalog_id"]." WHERE server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]); $app->log("Processed datalog_id ".$d["datalog_id"],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } function raiseTableHook($table_name,$action,$data) { global $app; // Get the hooks for this table $hooks = (isset($this->notification_hooks[$table_name]))?$this->notification_hooks[$table_name]:''; if($this->debug) $app->log("Raised TableHook for table: '$table_name'",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if(is_array($hooks)) { foreach($hooks as $hook) { $module_name = $hook["module"]; $function_name = $hook["function"]; // Claa the processing function of the module if($this->debug) $app->log("Call function '$function_name' in module '$module_name' raised by TableHook '$table_name'.",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); call_user_method($function_name,$app->loaded_modules[$module_name],$table_name,$action,$data); unset($module_name); unset($function_name); } } unset($hook); unset($hooks); } } ?>