diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/aps_crawler.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/aps_crawler.inc.php
index 21a21710b79d7e2c1477438b4ec617d0e127a3cf..4a6409227ea018a2e22ac8b745516f8511203327 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/aps_crawler.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/aps_crawler.inc.php
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ class ApsCrawler extends ApsBase
 			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0);
 			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
 			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
-			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
+			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);
+			curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
 			curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $conn[$i]);
@@ -284,179 +285,185 @@ class ApsCrawler extends ApsBase
 					$apps_count = substr_count($apps[$j], '<opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults>');
 					if($apps_count == 0) // obviously this vendor provides one or more apps
-						// Rename namespaces and register them
-						$xml = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $apps[$j]);
-						$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
-						$namespaces = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true);
-						foreach($namespaces as $ns => $url) $sxe->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url);
+						try {
+							// Rename namespaces and register them
+							$xml = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $apps[$j]);
+							$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
+							$namespaces = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true);
+							foreach($namespaces as $ns => $url) $sxe->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url);
-						//Find highest version
-						$app_version = "0.0.0";
-						$entry_pos = 1;
-						for ($p = 1; ; $p++) {
-							$app_version_tmp = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=' . $p . ']/a:version');
-							if (strlen($app_version_tmp) < 1) break;
-							if (version_compare($app_version_tmp, $app_version) >= 0) {
-								$app_version = $app_version_tmp;
-								$entry_pos = $p;
+							//Find highest version
+							$app_version = "0.0.0";
+							$entry_pos = 1;
+							for ($p = 1; ; $p++) {
+								$app_version_tmp = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=' . $p . ']/a:version');
+								if (strlen($app_version_tmp) < 1) break;
+								if (version_compare($app_version_tmp, $app_version) >= 0) {
+									$app_version = $app_version_tmp;
+									$entry_pos = $p;
+								}
-						}
-						// Fetching values of interest
-						//$app_name = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:name');
-						//$app_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:version');
-						//$app_release = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:release');
-						$app_name = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:name");
-						$app_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:version");
-						$app_release = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:release");
-						// Find out a (possibly) existing package version
-						$ex_ver = '';
-						/*
-                        array_walk($existing_apps,
-                            create_function('$v, $k, $ex_ver', 'if($v["Name"] == "'.$app_name.'") $ex_ver = $v["CurrentVersion"];'), &$ex_ver);
-                        */
-						if(is_array($existing_apps)) {
-							foreach($existing_apps as $k => $v) {
-								if($v["Name"] == $app_name) $ex_ver = $v["CurrentVersion"];
+							// Fetching values of interest
+							//$app_name = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:name');
+							//$app_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:version');
+							//$app_release = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, 'entry[position()=1]/a:release');
+							$app_name = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:name");
+							$app_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:version");
+							$app_release = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/a:release");
+							// Find out a (possibly) existing package version
+							$ex_ver = '';
+							/*
+							array_walk($existing_apps,
+								create_function('$v, $k, $ex_ver', 'if($v["Name"] == "'.$app_name.'") $ex_ver = $v["CurrentVersion"];'), &$ex_ver);
+							*/
+							if(is_array($existing_apps)) {
+								foreach($existing_apps as $k => $v) {
+									if($v["Name"] == $app_name) $ex_ver = $v["CurrentVersion"];
+								}
-						}
-						$new_ver = $app_version.'-'.$app_release;
-						$local_intf_folder = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip/';
-						// Proceed if a newer or at least equal version has been found with server mode or
-						// interface mode is activated and there are no valid APP-META.xml and PKG_URL existing yet
-						if((!$this->interface_mode && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) >= 0) || ($this->interface_mode && (!file_exists($local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml') || filesize($local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml') == 0 || !file_exists($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL') || filesize($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL') == 0))){
-							// Check if we already have an old version of this app
-							if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1) $apps_updated++;
-							//$app_dl = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='aps']/@href");
-							//$app_filesize = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='aps']/@length");
-							//$app_metafile = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='meta']/@href");
-							$app_dl = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='aps']/@href");
-							$app_filesize = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='aps']/@length");
-							$app_metafile = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='meta']/@href");
-							//$this->app_download_url_list[$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip'] = $app_dl;
-							// Skip ASP.net packages because they can't be used at all
-							$asp_handler = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:handler');
-							$asp_permissions = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:permissions');
-							$asp_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:version');
-							if(!empty($asp_handler) || !empty($asp_permissions) || !empty($asp_version)) continue;
-							// Interface mode (download only parts)
-							if($this->interface_mode)
-							{
-								// Delete an obviously out-dated version from the system and DB
-								if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1)
+							$new_ver = $app_version.'-'.$app_release;
+							$local_intf_folder = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip/';
+							// Proceed if a newer or at least equal version has been found with server mode or
+							// interface mode is activated and there are no valid APP-META.xml and PKG_URL existing yet
+							if((!$this->interface_mode && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) >= 0) || ($this->interface_mode && (!file_exists($local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml') || filesize($local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml') == 0 || !file_exists($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL') || filesize($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL') == 0))){
+								// Check if we already have an old version of this app
+								if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1) $apps_updated++;
+								//$app_dl = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='aps']/@href");
+								//$app_filesize = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='aps']/@length");
+								//$app_metafile = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='meta']/@href");
+								$app_dl = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='aps']/@href");
+								$app_filesize = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='aps']/@length");
+								$app_metafile = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='meta']/@href");
+								//$this->app_download_url_list[$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip'] = $app_dl;
+								// Skip ASP.net packages because they can't be used at all
+								$asp_handler = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:handler');
+								$asp_permissions = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:permissions');
+								$asp_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//aspnet:version');
+								if(!empty($asp_handler) || !empty($asp_permissions) || !empty($asp_version)) continue;
+								// Interface mode (download only parts)
+								if($this->interface_mode)
-									$old_folder = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$ex_ver.'.app.zip';
-									if(file_exists($old_folder)) $this->removeDirectory($old_folder);
-									/*
-                                    $app->db->query("UPDATE aps_packages SET package_status = '".PACKAGE_OUTDATED."' WHERE name = '".
-                                        $app->db->quote($app_name)."' AND CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) = '".
-                                        $app->db->quote($ex_ver)."';");
-									*/
-									$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM aps_packages WHERE name = '".
-										$app->db->quote($app_name)."' AND CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) = '".
-										$app->db->quote($ex_ver)."';");
-									$app->db->datalogUpdate('aps_packages', "package_status = ".PACKAGE_OUTDATED, 'id', $tmp['id']);
-									unset($tmp);
-								}
-								// Create the local folder if not yet existing
-								if(!file_exists($local_intf_folder)) @mkdir($local_intf_folder, 0777, true);
+									// Delete an obviously out-dated version from the system and DB
+									if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1)
+									{
+										$old_folder = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$ex_ver.'.app.zip';
+										if(file_exists($old_folder)) $this->removeDirectory($old_folder);
+										/*
+										$app->db->query("UPDATE aps_packages SET package_status = '".PACKAGE_OUTDATED."' WHERE name = '".
+											$app->db->quote($app_name)."' AND CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) = '".
+											$app->db->quote($ex_ver)."';");
+										*/
+										$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM aps_packages WHERE name = '".
+											$app->db->quote($app_name)."' AND CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) = '".
+											$app->db->quote($ex_ver)."';");
+										$app->db->datalogUpdate('aps_packages', "package_status = ".PACKAGE_OUTDATED, 'id', $tmp['id']);
+										unset($tmp);
+									}
-								// Save the package URL in an extra file because it's not part of the APP-META.xml file
-								@file_put_contents($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL', $app_dl);
+									// Create the local folder if not yet existing
+									if(!file_exists($local_intf_folder)) @mkdir($local_intf_folder, 0777, true);
-								// Download the meta file
-								$local_metafile = $local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml';
-								if(!file_exists($local_metafile) || filesize($local_metafile) == 0)
-								{
-									$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => 'APP-META.xml',
-										'url' => $app_metafile,
-										'filesize' => 0,
-										'localtarget' => $local_metafile);
-									$apps_downloaded++;
-								}
+									// Save the package URL in an extra file because it's not part of the APP-META.xml file
+									@file_put_contents($local_intf_folder.'PKG_URL', $app_dl);
-								// Download package license
-								//$license = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='eula']/@href");
-								$license = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='eula']/@href");
-								if($license != '')
-								{
-									$local_license = $local_intf_folder.'LICENSE';
-									if(!file_exists($local_license) || filesize($local_license) == 0)
+									// Download the meta file
+									$local_metafile = $local_intf_folder.'APP-META.xml';
+									if(!file_exists($local_metafile) || filesize($local_metafile) == 0)
-										$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($license),
-											'url' => $license,
+										$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => 'APP-META.xml',
+											'url' => $app_metafile,
 											'filesize' => 0,
-											'localtarget' => $local_license);
+											'localtarget' => $local_metafile);
+										$apps_downloaded++;
-								}
-								// Download package icon
-								//$icon = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='icon']/@href");
-								$icon = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='icon']/@href");
-								if($icon != '')
-								{
-									$local_icon = $local_intf_folder.basename($icon);
-									if(!file_exists($local_icon) || filesize($local_icon) == 0)
+									// Download package license
+									//$license = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='eula']/@href");
+									$license = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='eula']/@href");
+									if($license != '')
-										$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($icon),
-											'url' => $icon,
-											'filesize' => 0,
-											'localtarget' => $local_icon);
+										$local_license = $local_intf_folder.'LICENSE';
+										if(!file_exists($local_license) || filesize($local_license) == 0)
+										{
+											$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($license),
+												'url' => $license,
+												'filesize' => 0,
+												'localtarget' => $local_license);
+										}
-								}
-								// Download available screenshots
-								//$screenshots = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='screenshot']", true);
-								$screenshots = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='screenshot']", true);
-								if(!empty($screenshots))
-								{
-									foreach($screenshots as $screen)
+									// Download package icon
+									//$icon = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='icon']/@href");
+									$icon = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='icon']/@href");
+									if($icon != '')
-										$local_screen = $local_intf_folder.basename($screen['href']);
-										if(!file_exists($local_screen) || filesize($local_screen) == 0)
+										$local_icon = $local_intf_folder.basename($icon);
+										if(!file_exists($local_icon) || filesize($local_icon) == 0)
-											$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($screen['href']),
-												'url' => $screen['href'],
+											$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($icon),
+												'url' => $icon,
 												'filesize' => 0,
-												'localtarget' => $local_screen);
+												'localtarget' => $local_icon);
+										}
+									}
+									// Download available screenshots
+									//$screenshots = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=1]/link[@a:type='screenshot']", true);
+									$screenshots = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, "entry[position()=" . $entry_pos . "]/link[@a:type='screenshot']", true);
+									if(!empty($screenshots))
+									{
+										foreach($screenshots as $screen)
+										{
+											$local_screen = $local_intf_folder.basename($screen['href']);
+											if(!file_exists($local_screen) || filesize($local_screen) == 0)
+											{
+												$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => basename($screen['href']),
+													'url' => $screen['href'],
+													'filesize' => 0,
+													'localtarget' => $local_screen);
+											}
-							}
-							else // Server mode (download whole ZIP archive)
-								{
-								// Delete an obviously out-dated version from the system
-								if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1)
-								{
-									$old_file = $this->packages_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$ex_ver.'.app.zip';
-									if(file_exists($old_file)) $this->removeDirectory($old_file);
-								}
+								else // Server mode (download whole ZIP archive)
+									{
+									// Delete an obviously out-dated version from the system
+									if(!empty($ex_ver) && version_compare($new_ver, $ex_ver) == 1)
+									{
+										$old_file = $this->packages_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$ex_ver.'.app.zip';
+										if(file_exists($old_file)) $this->removeDirectory($old_file);
+									}
-								// Attention: $new_ver can also be == $ex_ver (according to version_compare >= 0)
-								$local_zip = $this->packages_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip';
+									// Attention: $new_ver can also be == $ex_ver (according to version_compare >= 0)
+									$local_zip = $this->packages_dir.'/'.$app_name.'-'.$new_ver.'.app.zip';
-								// Before re-downloading a file, make sure it's not yet existing on HDD (due to DB inconsistency)
-								if((file_exists($local_zip) && (filesize($local_zip) == $app_filesize)) === false)
-								{
-									$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => $app_name,
-										'url' => $app_dl,
-										'filesize' => $app_filesize,
-										'localtarget' => $local_zip);
-									$apps_downloaded++;
+									// Before re-downloading a file, make sure it's not yet existing on HDD (due to DB inconsistency)
+									if((file_exists($local_zip) && (filesize($local_zip) == $app_filesize)) === false)
+									{
+										$apps_to_dl[] = array('name' => $app_name,
+											'url' => $app_dl,
+											'filesize' => $app_filesize,
+											'localtarget' => $local_zip);
+										$apps_downloaded++;
+									}
-						}
-						unset($sxe);
-						$apps_in_repo++;
+							unset($sxe);
+							$apps_in_repo++;
+						} catch (Exception $e) {
+							// We dont want the crawler to fail on xml parse errors
+							$app->log($this->log_prefix.$e->getMessage(), LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+							//echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
+						}