<?php $wb['limit_maildomain_txt'] = 'Όριο email domains'; $wb['limit_mailbox_txt'] = 'Όριο θυρίδων'; $wb['limit_mailalias_txt'] = 'Όριο ψευδωνύμων email'; $wb['limit_mailaliasdomain_txt'] = 'Όριο ψευδωνύμων domain'; $wb['limit_mailforward_txt'] = 'Όριο email forwarders'; $wb['limit_mailcatchall_txt'] = 'Όριο λογαριασμών email catchall'; $wb['limit_mailrouting_txt'] = 'Όριο δρομολογήσεων των email'; $wb['limit_mailfilter_txt'] = 'Όριο φίλτρων email'; $wb['limit_fetchmail_txt'] = 'Όριο λογαριασμών fetchmail'; $wb['limit_mailquota_txt'] = 'Όριο χώρου θυρίδας'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_wblist_txt'] = 'Όριο spamfilter white / blacklist'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_user_txt'] = 'Όριο χρηστών spamfilter'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_policy_txt'] = 'Όριο πολιτικών spamfilter'; $wb['default_mailserver_txt'] = 'Προκαθορισμένος Mailserver'; $wb['company_name_txt'] = 'Όνομα εταιρίας'; $wb['contact_firstname_txt'] = 'Contact firstname'; $wb['contact_name_txt'] = 'Πρόσωπο Επικοινωνίας'; $wb['username_txt'] = 'Όνομα Χρήστη'; $wb['password_txt'] = 'Συνθηματικό'; $wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Δύναμη συνθηματικού'; $wb['language_txt'] = 'Γλώσσα'; $wb['usertheme_txt'] = 'Θεματική Παραλλαγή'; $wb['street_txt'] = 'Οδός'; $wb['zip_txt'] = 'Τ.Κ.'; $wb['city_txt'] = 'Πόλη'; $wb['state_txt'] = 'Περιφέρεια'; $wb['country_txt'] = 'Χώρα'; $wb['telephone_txt'] = 'Τηλέφωνο'; $wb['mobile_txt'] = 'Κινητό'; $wb['fax_txt'] = 'Fax'; $wb['email_txt'] = 'Email'; $wb['internet_txt'] = 'Διεύθυνση Internet'; $wb['icq_txt'] = 'ICQ'; $wb['notes_txt'] = 'Σημειώσεις'; $wb['company_txt'] = 'Εταιρία'; $wb['title_txt'] = 'Τίτλος'; $wb['firstname_txt'] = 'Όνομα'; $wb['surname_txt'] = 'Επίθετο'; $wb['limit_domain_txt'] = 'Όριο domain'; $wb['limit_subdomain_txt'] = 'Όριο subdomain'; $wb['limit_webquota_txt'] = 'Όριο χώρου web'; $wb['limit_database_txt'] = 'Όριο βάσεων δεδομένων'; $wb['limit_cron_txt'] = 'Επιτρεπόμενοι τύποι εργασιών cron'; $wb['limit_cron_type_txt'] = 'Όριο εργασιών cron (chrooted and full implies url)'; $wb['limit_cron_frequency_txt'] = 'Όριο καθυστέρησης μεταξύ εκτελέσεων'; $wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'Διεύθυνση_IP'; $wb['limit_client_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των υπο πελατών πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.'; $wb['firstname_error_empty'] = 'Το Όνομα δεν έχει οριστεί'; $wb['contact_error_empty'] = 'Το Πρόσωπο Επικοινωνίας δεν έχει οριστεί'; $wb['default_webserver_txt'] = 'Προκαθορισμένος Webserver'; $wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'Όριο web domains'; $wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'Όριο ψευδωνύμων web domain'; $wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'Όριο web subdomains'; $wb['limit_ftp_user_txt'] = 'Όριο χρηστών FTP'; $wb['default_dnsserver_txt'] = 'Προκαθορισμένος DNS Server'; $wb['limit_dns_zone_txt'] = 'Όριο ζωνών DNS'; $wb['limit_dns_slave_zone_txt'] = 'Όριο δευτευρεύουσων ζωνών DNS'; $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'Όριο εγγραφών DNS'; $wb['limit_shell_user_txt'] = 'Όριο χρηστών Shell'; $wb['limit_webdav_user_txt'] = 'Όριο χρηστών Webdav'; $wb['limit_backup_txt'] = 'Backupfunction available'; $wb['limit_client_txt'] = 'Όριο Πελατών'; $wb['username_error_empty'] = 'ΤΟ Όνομα Χρήστη δεν έχει οριστεί'; $wb['username_error_unique'] = 'Το Όνομα Χρήστη πρέπει να είναι μοναδικό'; $wb['limit_maildomain_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των email domain πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailbox_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των θυρίδων πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailalias_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των ψευδωνύμων email πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailaliasdomain_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των ψευδωνύμων email domain πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailforward_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των email forward πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailcatchall_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των email catchall πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailrouting_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των δρομολογήσεων email πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailfilter_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των email filter πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailfetchmail_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των fetchmail πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_mailquota_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο μεγέθους των email πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_wblist_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των φίλτρων spam white / blacklist πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_user_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των χρηστών spamfilter πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_spamfilter_policy_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των πολιτικων spamfilter πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_web_domain_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των website πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των website alias domain πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_web_subdomain_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των website subdomain πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_ftp_user_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των χρηστών ftp πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_shell_user_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των χρηστών shell πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_webdav_user_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των χρηστών webdav πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_dns_zone_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των ζωνών dns πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_dns_slave_zone_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των δευτερεύουσων ζωνών dns πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['default_dbserver_txt'] = 'Προκαθορισμένος Server Βάσεων Δεδομένων'; $wb['limit_database_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των βάσεων δεδομένων πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_cron_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο των εργασιών cron πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['limit_cron_error_frequency'] = 'Η συχνότητα επανάληψης των εργασιών cron πρέπει να είναι αριθμός'; $wb['username_error_regex'] = 'Το Όνομα Χρήστη περιέχει μη επιτρεπόμενους χαρακτήρες'; $wb['template_master_txt'] = 'Βασικό Πρότυπο'; $wb['template_additional_txt'] = 'Πρόσθετο Πρότυπο'; $wb['ssh_chroot_txt'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις SSH-Chroot'; $wb['web_php_options_txt'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις PHP'; $wb['limit_client_error'] = 'Το μέγιστο πλήθος πελατών εξαντλήθηκε.'; $wb['limit_web_quota_txt'] = 'Όριο χώρου Web'; $wb['limit_traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Όριο κίνησης δεδομένων'; $wb['limit_trafficquota_error_notint'] = 'Το Όριο κίνησης δεδομένων πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.'; $wb['customer_no_txt'] = 'Κωδ. Πελάτη'; $wb['vat_id_txt'] = 'Α.Φ.Μ'; $wb['required_fields_txt'] = '* Υποχρεωτικά Πεδία'; $wb['limit_mailmailinglist_txt'] = 'Μέγιστο πλήθος mailing lists'; $wb['limit_mailmailinglist_error_notint'] = 'Το πλήθος εγγραφών της mailing list πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.'; $wb['company_id_txt'] = 'ID Εταιρίας/Επιχείρησης'; $wb['limit_openvz_vm_txt'] = 'Μέγιστο πλήθος εικονικών servers'; $wb['limit_openvz_vm_template_id_txt'] = 'Εξαναγκασμός προτύπου εικονικού server'; $wb['limit_openvz_vm_error_notint'] = 'Το όριο εικονικών server πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.'; $wb['web_php_options_notempty'] = 'No PHP option(s) selected. Select at least one PHP option.'; $wb['ssh_chroot_notempty'] = 'No SSH chroot option selected. Select at least one SSH option.'; $wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not start with the word -web- or -web- followed by a number.'; $wb['add_additional_template_txt'] = 'Add additional template'; $wb['delete_additional_template_txt'] = 'Delete additional template'; $wb['limit_cgi_txt'] = 'CGI available'; $wb['limit_ssi_txt'] = 'SSI available'; $wb['limit_perl_txt'] = 'Perl available'; $wb['limit_ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby available'; $wb['limit_python_txt'] = 'Python available'; $wb['force_suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC forced'; $wb['limit_hterror_txt'] = 'Custom error docs available'; $wb['limit_wildcard_txt'] = 'Wildcard subdomain available'; $wb['limit_ssl_txt'] = 'SSL available'; $wb['bank_account_number_txt'] = 'Bank account no.'; $wb['bank_code_txt'] = 'Bank code'; $wb['bank_name_txt'] = 'Bank name'; $wb['bank_account_iban_txt'] = 'IBAN'; $wb['bank_account_swift_txt'] = 'BIC / Swift'; $wb['web_limits_txt'] = 'Web Limits'; $wb['email_limits_txt'] = 'Email Limits'; $wb['database_limits_txt'] = 'Database Limits'; $wb['cron_job_limits_txt'] = 'Cron Job Limits'; $wb['dns_limits_txt'] = 'DNS Limits'; $wb['virtualization_limits_txt'] = 'Virtualization Limits'; $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password'; $wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password'; $wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.'; $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.'; $wb['active_template_additional_txt'] = 'Active Addons'; $wb['bank_account_owner_txt'] = 'Bank account owner'; $wb['email_error_isemail'] = 'Please enter a valid email address.'; $wb['customer_no_error_unique'] = 'The customer no. must be unique (or empty).'; $wb['paypal_email_error_isemail'] = 'Please enter a valid PayPal email address.'; $wb['paypal_email_txt'] = 'PayPal Email'; $wb['err_msg_master_tpl_set'] = 'All custom limit settings are ignored if any master template other than \\"custom\\" is selected.'; $wb['aps_limits_txt'] = 'APS Installer Limits'; $wb['limit_aps_txt'] = 'Max. number of APS instances'; $wb['limit_aps_error_notint'] = 'The APS instances limit must be a number.'; $wb['default_slave_dnsserver_txt'] = 'Default Secondary DNS Server'; $wb['locked_txt'] = 'Locked (disables all webs etc.)'; $wb['canceled_txt'] = 'Canceled (disables client login)'; $wb['gender_txt'] = 'Title'; $wb['gender_m_txt'] = 'Mr.'; $wb['gender_f_txt'] = 'Ms.'; $wb['added_by_txt'] = 'Added by'; $wb['added_date_txt'] = 'Added date'; $wb['parent_client_id_txt'] = 'Client of reseller'; $wb['none_txt'] = 'none'; $wb['email_error_empty'] = 'Email is empty'; $wb['xmpp_limits_txt'] = 'XMPP Limits'; $wb['web_servers_txt'] = 'Webservers'; $wb['web_servers_placeholder'] = 'Select webservers'; $wb['no_web_server_error'] = 'At least one webserver must be selected.'; $wb['web_servers_used'] = 'The server you are trying to remove from this client is used as a webserver. Be sure that this server is not used by this client before you remove it.'; $wb['dns_servers_txt'] = 'DNS servers'; $wb['dns_servers_placeholder'] = 'Select DNS servers'; $wb['no_dns_server_error'] = 'At least one DNS server must be selected.'; $wb['dns_servers_used'] = 'The server you are trying to remove from this client is used as a DNS server. Be sure that this server is not used by this client before you remove it.'; $wb['db_servers_txt'] = 'Database servers'; $wb['db_servers_placeholder'] = 'Select database servers'; $wb['no_db_server_error'] = 'At least one Database server must be selected.'; $wb['db_servers_used'] = 'The server you are trying to remove from this client is used as a Database server. Be sure that this server is not used by this client before you remove it.'; $wb['mail_servers_txt'] = 'Mailservers'; $wb['mail_servers_placeholder'] = 'Select mailservers'; $wb['no_mail_server_error'] = 'At least one mailserver must be selected.'; $wb['mail_servers_used'] = 'The server you are trying to remove from this client is used as a Mailserver. Be sure that this server is not used by this client before you remove it.'; $wb['xmpp_servers_txt'] = 'XMPP Servers'; $wb['xmpp_servers_placeholder'] = 'Select XMPP Servers'; $wb['no_xmpp_server_error'] = 'At least one XMPP Server must be selected.'; $wb['xmpp_servers_used'] = 'The server you are trying to remove from this client is used as a XMPP Server. Be sure that this server is not used by this client before you remove it.'; $wb['limit_xmpp_domain_error_notint'] = 'The XMPP domain limit must be a number.'; $wb['limit_xmpp_user_error_notint'] = 'The XMPP user limit must be a number.'; $wb['limit_xmpp_domain_txt'] = 'Max. number of XMPP domains'; $wb['limit_xmpp_user_txt'] = 'Max. number of XMPP accounts'; $wb['limit_xmpp_muc_txt'] = 'Multiuser chat available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_pastebin_txt'] = 'Pastebin for MUC available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_httparchive_txt'] = 'HTTP archive for MUC available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_anon_txt'] = 'Anonymous host available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_vjud_txt'] = 'VJUD user directory available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_proxy_txt'] = 'Bytestream proxy available'; $wb['limit_xmpp_status_txt'] = 'Status host available'; $wb['limit_database_quota_txt'] = 'Database quota'; $wb['limit_database_quota_error_notint'] = 'The database quota limit must be a number.'; $wb['reseller_txt'] = 'Reseller'; $wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Save'; $wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Cancel'; $wb['invalid_vat_id'] = 'The VAT ID is invalid.'; $wb['limit_database_user_txt'] = 'Max. Database users'; $wb['limit_database_user_error_notint'] = 'The database user limit must be a number.'; $wb['limit_ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\\'s Encrypt available'; $wb['limit_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Show web server config selection'; ?>