<?php class dashlet_limits { function show() { global $app, $conf; $limits = array(); /* Limits to be shown*/ $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_maildomain', 'db_table' => 'mail_domain', 'db_where' => ''); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailmailinglist', 'db_table' => 'mail_mailinglist', 'db_where' => ''); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailbox', 'db_table' => 'mail_user', 'db_where' => ''); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailalias', 'db_table' => 'mail_forwarding', 'db_where' => "type = 'alias'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailaliasdomain', 'db_table' => 'mail_forwarding', 'db_where' => "type = 'aliasdomain'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailforward', 'db_table' => 'mail_forwarding', 'db_where' => "type = 'forward'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailcatchall', 'db_table' => 'mail_forwarding', 'db_where' => "type = 'catchall'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailrouting', 'db_table' => 'mail_transport', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_mailfilter', 'db_table' => 'mail_user_filter', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_fetchmail', 'db_table' => 'mail_get', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_spamfilter_wblist', 'db_table' => 'spamfilter_wblist', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_spamfilter_user', 'db_table' => 'spamfilter_users', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_spamfilter_policy', 'db_table' => 'spamfilter_policy', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_web_domain', 'db_table' => 'web_domain', 'db_where' => "type = 'vhost'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_web_subdomain', 'db_table' => 'web_domain', 'db_where' => "(type = 'subdomain' OR type = 'vhostsubdomain')"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_web_aliasdomain', 'db_table' => 'web_domain', 'db_where' => "type = 'alias'"); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_ftp_user', 'db_table' => 'ftp_user', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_shell_user', 'db_table' => 'shell_user', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_dns_zone', 'db_table' => 'dns_soa', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_dns_slave_zone', 'db_table' => 'dns_slave', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_dns_record', 'db_table' => 'dns_rr', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_database', 'db_table' => 'web_database', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_cron', 'db_table' => 'cron', 'db_where' => ""); $limits[] = array('field' => 'limit_client', 'db_table' => 'client', 'db_where' => ""); //* Loading Template $app->uses('tpl,tform'); $tpl = new tpl; $tpl->newTemplate("dashlets/templates/limits.htm"); $wb = array(); $lng_file = 'lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_dashlet_limits.lng'; if(is_file($lng_file)) include $lng_file; $tpl->setVar($wb); if($app->auth->is_admin()) { $user_is_admin = true; } else { $user_is_admin = false; } $tpl->setVar('is_admin', $user_is_admin); if($user_is_admin == false) { $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); } $rows = array(); foreach($limits as $limit) { $field = $limit['field']; if($user_is_admin) { $value = $wb['unlimited_txt']; } else { $value = $client[$field]; } if($value != 0 || $value == $wb['unlimited_txt']) { $value_formatted = ($value == '-1')?$wb['unlimited_txt']:$value; $rows[] = array('field' => $field, 'field_txt' => $wb[$field.'_txt'], 'value' => $value_formatted, 'usage' => $this->_get_limit_usage($limit)); } } $tpl->setLoop('rows', $rows); return $tpl->grab(); } function _get_limit_usage($limit) { global $app; $sql = "SELECT count(sys_userid) as number FROM ".$limit['db_table']." WHERE "; if($limit['db_where'] != '') $sql .= $limit['db_where']." AND "; $sql .= $app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'); $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); return $rec['number']; } } ?>