= 2000'; $wb['mailuser_gid_error_range'] = 'Mailuser gid must be >= 2000'; $wb['getmail_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid getmail config directory.'; $wb['website_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid website basedir path, min. length 5 chars.'; $wb['website_symlinks_error_regex'] = 'Invalid website symlinks.'; $wb['vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vhost config directory.'; $wb['vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vhost conf enabled directory.'; $wb['nginx_vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid nginx config directory.'; $wb['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid nginx conf enabled directory.'; $wb['ca_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid CA path.'; $wb['invalid_nginx_user_txt'] = 'Invalid nginx user.'; $wb['invalid_nginx_group_txt'] = 'Invalid nginx group.'; $wb['php_ini_path_apache_error_regex'] = 'Invalid apache php.ini path.'; $wb['php_ini_path_cgi_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cgi php.ini path.'; $wb['php_fpm_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm init script.'; $wb['php_fpm_ini_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm ini path.'; $wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm pool directory.'; $wb['php_fpm_socket_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm socket directory.'; $wb['php_open_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php open_basedir.'; $wb['awstats_data_dir_empty'] = 'awstats data directory is empty'; $wb['awstats_data_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid awstats data directory.'; $wb['awstats_pl_empty'] = 'awstats.pl setting is empty.'; $wb['awstats_pl_error_regex'] = 'Invalid awstats.pl path.'; $wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_empty'] = 'awstats_buildstaticpages.pl is empty'; $wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_error_regex'] = 'Invalid awstats_buildstaticpages.pl path.'; $wb['invalid_bind_user_txt'] = 'Invalid BIND user.'; $wb['invalid_bind_group_txt'] = 'Invalid BIND group.'; $wb['bind_zonefiles_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid BIND zonefiles directory.'; $wb['named_conf_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid named.conf path.'; $wb['named_conf_local_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid named.conf.local path.'; $wb['fastcgi_starter_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi starter path.'; $wb['fastcgi_starter_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi starter script.'; $wb['fastcgi_alias_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi alias.'; $wb['fastcgi_phpini_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi path.'; $wb['fastcgi_bin_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi bin.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_home_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot home.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot sections.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot app programs.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_cron_programs_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot cron programs.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot authorized_keys template file.'; $wb['vlogger_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vlogger config dir.'; $wb['cron_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cron init script.'; $wb['crontab_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid crontab directory.'; $wb['cron_wget_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cron wget path.'; $wb['network_filesystem_txt'] = 'Network Filesystem'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check'; $wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server'; $wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server'; $wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6'; $wb['xmpp_bosh_max_inactivity_txt'] = 'Max. BOSH inactivity time'; $wb['xmpp_bosh_timeout_range_wrong'] = 'Please enter a bosh timeout range between 15 - 360'; $wb['xmpp_module_saslauth'] = 'saslauth'; $wb['xmpp_server_admins_txt'] = 'Server Admins (JIDs)'; $wb['xmpp_modules_enabled_txt'] = 'Serverwide enabled plugins (one per line)'; $wb['xmpp_ports_txt'] = 'Component ports'; $wb['xmpp_port_http_txt'] = 'HTTP'; $wb['xmpp_port_https_txt'] = 'HTTPS'; $wb['xmpp_port_pastebin_txt'] = 'Pastebin'; $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH'; $wb["disable_bind_log_txt"] = "Disable bind9 messages for Loglevel WARN"; $wb["apps_vhost_enabled_txt"] = "Apps-vhost enabled"; $wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check'; $wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode'; $wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available'; $wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs'; $wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.'; $wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)'; $wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0'; $wb['php_default_hide_txt'] = 'Hide Default PHP-Version in selectbox'; $wb['php_default_name_txt'] = 'Description Default PHP-Version'; $wb['php_default_name_error_empty'] = 'Description Default PHP-Version must not be empty'; $wb['error_mailbox_message_size_txt'] = 'Mailbox size must be larger or equal to message size'; $wb['php_fpm_reload_mode_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM reload mode'; $wb['content_filter_txt'] = 'Content Filter'; $wb['rspamd_url_txt'] = 'Rspamd URL'; $wb['rspamd_user_txt'] = 'Rspamd User'; $wb['rspamd_password_txt'] = 'Rspamd Password'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_enabled_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_http_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTP Port'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_https_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTPS Port';