Some guidelines for web development with php. ----------------------------------------------------- * Unix Line Breaks Only, NO windows breaks please. * Tabs set at 4 spaces either as tabs or spaces. * no accidental _ no spaces before or after * error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT) , yep php5 * Magic quotes is gone in php6, get used to it now. config = magic_quotes_gpc() Everything must be quoted please mark any section that need review or work on with // TODO * Add documentation about access levels (public, private, protected). * Make function / var names on the following way, first word lower, next word(s) first letter upper like. getFirstResult(); Pear coding guiidelines //***************************************************************************** // Commenting style //***************************************************************************** phpdoc is used for creating and autogenerating the documentation, this means that some of the comments can be formatted to be included in documentation. ie the source files are scanned then processed and html docs are created. The comments break down into the following types // is uses for removing lines and debug dev etc //** and //* are used as "sub comments" /* is used to comment out blocks */ /** is used to create documentaion * thats over * lines */ If you need to block out a section then use /* function redundant_code(){ something here } */ To block out single lines use // and all // are assumed to be redundant test code and NOT comments // print_r($foo); For inline comment use //** and //* eg //** Decide what do do switch($decide){ //* blow it up case 'baloon': $foo->gas(+1); // test_pressure(); << inline comment break; //* Do default action default: do_land(); get_gps(); //* following grant greaceful exit //basket_exit_crash(); basket_exit(); } Do not use the phpdoc on every function, eg /** * Login a user * @param string user username * @param string password of user */ >> function login($user, $pass){ ....... } << as this function explains its self, the following clean code will suffice >> function login($user, $pass){ ....... } If you do need to explain a function then put un the summary syntax eg /** Pass an array of values where third param is bar * $foo['bar'] = 1; // allow a user * $foo['bar'] = 2; // destroy user * $foo['bar'] = -1; // recreate */ public function do_something($x, $y, $foo){ ... do something interesting }