pixcept KG * @author (original tools.inc.php) Till Brehm, projektfarm Gmbh * @author (original tools.inc.php) Oliver Vogel www.muv.com */ class client_templates { function apply_client_templates($clientId) { global $app; include('../client/form/client.tform.php'); /* * Get the master-template for the client */ $sql = "SELECT template_master, template_additional FROM client WHERE client_id = " . $app->functions->intval($clientId); $record = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); $masterTemplateId = $record['template_master']; $additionalTemplateStr = $record['template_additional']; /* * if the master-Template is custom there is NO changing */ if ($masterTemplateId > 0){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM client_template WHERE template_id = " . $app->functions->intval($masterTemplateId); $limits = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); } else { // if there is no master template it makes NO SENSE adding sub templates. // adding subtemplates are stored in client limits, so they would add up // on every save action for the client -> too high limits! return; } /* * Process the additional tempaltes here (add them to the limits * if != -1) */ $addTpl = explode('/', $additionalTemplateStr); foreach ($addTpl as $item){ if (trim($item) != ''){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM client_template WHERE template_id = " . $app->functions->intval($item); $addLimits = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); /* maybe the template is deleted in the meantime */ if (is_array($addLimits)){ foreach($addLimits as $k => $v){ /* we can remove this condition, but it is easier to debug with it (don't add ids and other non-limit values) */ if (strpos($k, 'limit') !== false){ /* process the numerical limits */ if (is_numeric($v)){ /* switch for special cases */ switch ($k){ case 'limit_cron_frequency': if ($v < $limits[$k]) $limits[$k] = $v; /* silent adjustment of the minimum cron frequency to 1 minute */ /* maybe this control test should be done via validator definition in tform.php file, but I don't know how */ if ($limits[$k] < 1) $limits[$k] = 1; break; default: if ($limits[$k] > -1){ if ($v == -1){ $limits[$k] = -1; } else { $limits[$k] += $v; } } } } /* process the string limits (CHECKBOXARRAY, SELECT etc.) */ elseif (is_string($v)){ switch ($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]['formtype']){ case 'CHECKBOXARRAY': if (!isset($limits[$k])){ $limits[$k] = array(); } $limits_values = $limits[$k]; if (is_string($limits[$k])){ $limits_values = explode($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]["separator"],$limits[$k]); } $additional_values = explode($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]["separator"],$v); /* unification of limits_values (master template) and additional_values (additional template) */ $limits_unified = array(); foreach($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]["value"] as $key => $val){ if (in_array($key,$limits_values) || in_array($key,$additional_values)) $limits_unified[] = $key; } $limits[$k] = implode($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]["separator"],$limits_unified); break; case 'SELECT': $limit_values = array_keys($form["tabs"]["limits"]["fields"][$k]["value"]); /* choose the lower index of the two SELECT items */ $limits[$k] = $limit_values[min(array_search($limits[$k], $limit_values), array_search($v, $limit_values))]; break; } } } } } } } /* * Write all back to the database */ $update = ''; foreach($limits as $k => $v){ if ((strpos($k, 'limit') !== false or $k == 'ssh_chroot' or $k == 'web_php_options' or $k == 'force_suexec') && !is_array($v)){ if ($update != '') $update .= ', '; $update .= '`' . $k . "`='" . $v . "'"; } } if($update != '') { $sql = 'UPDATE client SET ' . $update . " WHERE client_id = " . $app->functions->intval($clientId); $app->db->query($sql); } unset($form); } }