load('tform_base'); class remoting_lib extends tform_base { // additional class variables var $sys_username; var $sys_userid; var $sys_default_group; var $sys_groups; var $client_id; var $dataRecord; //* Load the form definition from file. - special version for remoting // module parameter is only for compatibility with base class function loadFormDef($file, $module = '') { global $app, $conf; include $file; $this->formDef = $form; unset($this->formDef['tabs']); //* Copy all fields from all tabs into one form definition foreach($form['tabs'] as $tab) { foreach($tab['fields'] as $key => $value) { $this->formDef['fields'][$key] = $value; } } unset($form); $this->dateformat = 'Y-m-d'; //$app->lng('conf_format_dateshort'); $this->datetimeformat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; //$app->lng('conf_format_datetime'); return true; } //* Load the user profile function loadUserProfile($client_id_param = 0) { global $app, $conf; $client_login = false; if(isset($_SESSION['client_login']) && isset($_SESSION['client_sys_userid']) && $_SESSION['client_login'] == 1) { $client_sys_userid = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION['client_sys_userid']); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.client_id FROM sys_user, client WHERE sys_user.client_id = client.client_id and sys_user.userid = ?", $client_sys_userid); $this->client_id = $client['client_id']; $client_login = true; } else { $this->client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id_param); } if($this->client_id == 0) { $this->sys_username = 'admin'; $this->sys_userid = 1; $this->sys_default_group = 1; $this->sys_groups = 1; $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] = 'admin'; } else { $user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ?", $this->client_id); $this->sys_username = $user['username']; $this->sys_userid = $user['userid']; $this->sys_default_group = $user['default_group']; $this->sys_groups = $user['groups']; // we have to force admin priveliges for the remoting API as some function calls might fail otherwise. if($client_login == false) $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] = 'admin'; } $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["username"] = $this->sys_username; $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"] = $this->sys_userid; $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"] = $this->sys_default_group; $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groups"] = $this->sys_groups; $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["client_id"] = $this->client_id; return true; } /** * Converts the data in the array to human readable format * Datatype conversion e.g. to show the data in lists * tab parameter is only there for compatibility with params of base class * * @param record * @return record */ function decode($record, $tab = '') { return $this->_decode($record, '', true); } /** * Get the key => value array of a form filled from a datasource definitiom * dummy parameter is only there for compatibility with params of base class * * @param field = array with field definition * @param record = Dataset as array * @return key => value array for the value field of a form */ function getDatasourceData($field, $record, $dummy = '') { return $this->_getDatasourceData($field, $record, true); } /** /** * Rewrite the record data to be stored in the database * and check values with regular expressions. * * @param record = Datensatz als Array * @return record */ function encode($record, $tab = '', $dbencode = true) { $new_record = $this->_encode($record, '', $dbencode, true); if(isset($record['_ispconfig_pw_crypted'])) $new_record['_ispconfig_pw_crypted'] = $record['_ispconfig_pw_crypted']; // this one is not in form definitions! return $new_record; } /** * Create SQL statement * dummy parameter is only there for compatibility with params of base class * * @param record = Datensatz als Array * @param action = INSERT oder UPDATE * @param primary_id * @return record */ function getSQL($record, $action = 'INSERT', $primary_id = 0, $sql_ext_where = '', $dummy = '') { global $app; // early usage. make sure _primary_id is sanitized if present. if ( isset($record['_primary_id']) && is_numeric($record['_primary_id'])) { $_primary_id = intval($record['_primary_id']); if ($_primary_id > 0) $this->primary_id_override = $_primary_id; } if(!is_array($this->formDef)) $app->error("Form definition not found."); $this->dataRecord = $record; return $this->_getSQL($record, '', $action, $primary_id, $sql_ext_where, true); } function getDeleteSQL($primary_id) { if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'], '.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$primary_id. " AND " . $this->getAuthSQL('d', $this->formDef['db_table']); return $sql; } function getDataRecord($primary_id, $client_id) { global $app; $escape = '`'; $this->loadUserProfile($client_id); if(@is_numeric($primary_id)) { if($primary_id > 0) { // Return a single record return parent::getDataRecord($primary_id); } elseif($primary_id == -1) { // Return a array with all records $sql = "SELECT * FROM ??"; return $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $this->formDef['db_table']); } else { throw new SoapFault('invalid_id', 'The ID has to be > 0 or -1.'); return array(); } } elseif (@is_array($primary_id) || @is_object($primary_id)) { if(@is_object($primary_id)) $primary_id = get_object_vars($primary_id); // do not use cast (array)xxx because it returns private and protected properties! $sql_offset = 0; $sql_limit = 0; $sql_where = ''; $params = array($this->formDef['db_table']); foreach($primary_id as $key => $val) { if($key == '#OFFSET#') $sql_offset = $app->functions->intval($val); elseif($key == '#LIMIT#') $sql_limit = $app->functions->intval($val); elseif(stristr($val, '%')) { $sql_where .= "?? like ? AND "; } else { $sql_where .= "?? = ? AND "; } $params[] = $key; $params[] = $val; } $sql_where = substr($sql_where, 0, -5); if($sql_where == '') $sql_where = '1'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ?? WHERE ".$sql_where. " AND " . $this->getAuthSQL('r', $this->formDef['db_table']); if($sql_offset >= 0 && $sql_limit > 0) $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $sql_offset . ',' . $sql_limit; return $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, true, $params); } else { $this->errorMessage = 'The ID must be either an integer or an array.'; return array(); } } function ispconfig_sysuser_add($params, $insert_id){ global $conf, $app, $sql1; $username = $params["username"]; $password = $params["password"]; if(!isset($params['modules'])) { $modules = $conf['interface_modules_enabled']; } else { $modules = $params['modules']; } if(isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] > 0) { $modules .= ',client'; } if(!isset($params['startmodule'])) { $startmodule = 'dashboard'; } else { $startmodule = $params["startmodule"]; if(!preg_match('/'.$startmodule.'/', $modules)) { $_modules = explode(',', $modules); $startmodule=$_modules[0]; } } $usertheme = (isset($params["usertheme"]) && $params["usertheme"] != '')?$params["usertheme"]:'default'; $type = 'user'; $active = 1; $insert_id = $app->functions->intval($insert_id); $language = $params["language"]; $groupid = $app->db->datalogInsert('sys_group', array("name" => $username, "description" => "", "client_id" => $insert_id), 'groupid'); $groups = $groupid; if(!isset($params['_ispconfig_pw_crypted']) || $params['_ispconfig_pw_crypted'] != 1) $password = $app->auth->crypt_password(stripslashes($password)); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO sys_user (username,passwort,modules,startmodule,app_theme,typ,active,language,groups,default_group,client_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $app->db->query($sql1, $username,$password,$modules,$startmodule,$usertheme,$type,$active,$language,$groups,$groupid,$insert_id); } function ispconfig_sysuser_update($params, $client_id){ global $app; $username = $params["username"]; $clear_password = $params["password"]; $language = $params['language']; $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id); if(!isset($params['_ispconfig_pw_crypted']) || $params['_ispconfig_pw_crypted'] != 1) $password = $app->auth->crypt_password(stripslashes($clear_password)); else $password = $clear_password; $params = array($username); if ($clear_password) { $pwstring = ", passwort = ?"; $params[] = $password; } else { $pwstring ="" ; } $langstring = ''; if (!empty($language)) { $langstring = ', language = ?'; $params[] = $language; } $params[] = $client_id; $sql = "UPDATE sys_user set username = ? $pwstring $langstring WHERE client_id = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, true, $params); } function ispconfig_sysuser_delete($client_id){ global $app; $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $client_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $client_id); } } ?>