We cant find any of them at your server.

This means we can not support your RAID yet.'; $wb['monitor_serverstate_beancounterok_txt'] = 'The beancounter is ok'; $wb['monitor_serverstate_beancounterinfo_txt'] = 'There are vew failure in the beancounter'; $wb['monitor_serverstate_beancounterwarning_txt'] = 'There are some failure in the beancounter'; $wb['monitor_serverstate_beancountercritical_txt'] = 'There are many failure in the beancounter'; $wb['monitor_serverstate_beancountererror_txt'] = 'There are too much failure in the beancounter'; $wb['monitor_title_beancounter_txt'] = 'OpenVz VE BeanCounter'; $wb['monitor_beancounter_nosupport_txt'] = 'This server is not a OpenVz VE and has no beancounter information'; $wb['monitor_title_iptables_txt'] = 'IPTables Regeln'; $wb['Show fail2ban-Log'] = 'Fail2ban Protokoll anzeigen'; $wb['Show IPTables'] = 'IPTables anzeigen'; $wb['Show OpenVz VE BeanCounter'] = 'OpenVz VE BeanCounter anzeigen'; $wb['Show Monit'] = 'Monit anzeigen'; $wb['no_monit_url_defined_txt'] = 'Keine Monit-URL definiert.'; $wb['no_permissions_to_view_monit_txt'] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, auf Monit zuzugreifen.'; $wb['Show Munin'] = 'Munin anzeigen'; $wb['no_munin_url_defined_txt'] = 'Keine Munin-URL definiert.'; $wb['no_permissions_to_view_munin_txt'] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, auf Munin zuzugreifen.'; ?>