*/ class remoting_server extends remoting { /** Gets the server configuration @param int session id @param int server id @param string section of the config field in the server table. Could be 'web', 'dns', 'mail', 'dns', 'cron', etc @author Julio Montoya BeezNest 2010 */ public function server_get_serverid_by_ip($session_id, $ipaddress) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get_serverid_by_ip')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $sql = "SELECT server_id FROM server_ip WHERE ip_address = ?"; $all = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $ipaddress); return $all; } //* Get server ips public function server_ip_get($session_id, $primary_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_ip_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $app->uses('remoting_lib'); $app->remoting_lib->loadFormDef('../admin/form/server_ip.tform.php'); return $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id); } //* Add a IP address record public function server_ip_add($session_id, $client_id, $params) { if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_ip_add')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } return $this->insertQuery('../admin/form/server_ip.tform.php', $client_id, $params); } //* Update IP address record public function server_ip_update($session_id, $client_id, $ip_id, $params) { if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_ip_update')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../admin/form/server_ip.tform.php', $client_id, $ip_id, $params); return $affected_rows; } //* Delete IP address record public function server_ip_delete($session_id, $ip_id) { if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_ip_delete')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $affected_rows = $this->deleteQuery('../admin/form/server_ip.tform.php', $ip_id); return $affected_rows; } /** Gets the server configuration @param int session id @param int server id @param string section of the config field in the server table. Could be 'web', 'dns', 'mail', 'dns', 'cron', etc @author Julio Montoya BeezNest 2010 */ public function server_get($session_id, $server_id = null, $section ='') { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($session_id)) { $app->uses('remoting_lib , getconf'); if(!empty($server_id)) { $section_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id, $section); return $section_config; } else { $servers = array(); $sql = "SELECT server_id FROM server WHERE 1"; $all = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($all as $s) { $servers[$s['server_id']] = $app->getconf->get_server_config($s['server_id'], $section); } unset($all); unset($s); return $servers; } } else { return false; } } /** Set a value in the server configuration @param int session id @param int server id @param string section of the config field in the server table. Could be 'web', 'dns', 'mail', 'dns', 'cron', etc @param string key of the option that you want to set @param string option value that you want to set */ public function server_config_set($session_id, $server_id, $section, $key, $value) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_config_set')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($server_id) && $server_id > 0 && $section != '' && $key != '') { $app->uses('remoting_lib,getconf,ini_parser'); $server_config_array = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id); $server_config_array[$section][$key] = $value; $server_config_str = $app->ini_parser->get_ini_string($server_config_array); return $app->db->datalogUpdate('server', array("config" => $server_config_str), 'server_id', $server_id); } else { throw new SoapFault('invalid_function_parameter', 'Invalid function parameter.'); return false; } } /** Gets a list of all servers @param int session_id @param int server_name @author Marius Cramer 2014 */ public function server_get_all($session_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($session_id)) { $sql = "SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server WHERE 1"; $servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); return $servers; } else { return false; } } /** Gets the server_id by server_name @param int session_id @param int server_name @author Sascha Bay TheCry 2013 */ public function server_get_serverid_by_name($session_id, $server_name) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($session_id) && !empty($server_name)) { $sql = "SELECT server_id FROM server WHERE server_name = ?"; $all = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $server_name); return $all; } else { return false; } } /** Gets the functions of a server by server_id @param int session_id @param int server_id @author Sascha Bay TheCry 2013 */ public function server_get_functions($session_id, $server_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($session_id) && !empty($server_id)) { $sql = "SELECT mail_server, web_server, dns_server, file_server, db_server, proxy_server, firewall_server, mirror_server_id FROM server WHERE server_id = ?"; $all = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $server_id); return $all; } else { return false; } } public function server_get_app_version($session_id, $server_id = 0) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if (!empty($session_id)) { if($server_id == 0) $ispc_app_version = array('ispc_app_version' => ISPC_APP_VERSION); else { $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT data FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'ispc_info' AND server_id = ?", $server_id); $rec = unserialize($rec['data']); $ispc_app_version = array('ispc_app_version' => $rec['version']); unset($rec); } return $ispc_app_version; } else { return false; } } public function server_get_php_versions($session_id, $server_id, $php) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); } if (!empty($session_id) && !empty($server_id) && !empty($php)) { $php_versions = array(); $web_config[$server_id] = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id, 'web'); $server_type = !empty($web_config[$server_id]['server_type']) ? $web_config[$server_id]['server_type'] : 'apache'; if ($php === 'php-fpm') { $php_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ? AND (client_id = 0)", $server_id); foreach ($php_records as $php_record) { $php_version = $php_record['name'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_init_script'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_ini_dir'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_pool_dir']; $php_versions[] = $php_version; } } if ($php === 'fast-cgi') { $php_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fastcgi_binary != '' AND php_fastcgi_ini_dir != '' AND server_id = ? AND (client_id = 0)", $server_id); foreach ($php_records as $php_record) { $php_version = $php_record['name'].':'.$php_record['php_fastcgi_binary'].':'.$php_record['php_fastcgi_ini_dir']; $php_versions[] = $php_version; } } return $php_versions; } else { return false; } } } ?>