## short description What is happening and what is wrong with that? ## steps to reproduce 1. [First step] 2. [Second step] 3. [and so on...] ## correct behaviour What should happen instead? ## environment Server OS + version: (Debian 10/Ubuntu 20.04 /CentOS 8/...) ISPConfig version: (3.1.15p3/3.2.3/3.2dev/...) _you can use `grep 'ISPC_APP_VERSION' /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php` to get it from the command line_ Software version of the related software: ``` insert the output of `nginx -v` or `apachectl -v` here ``` ``` insert the output of `php -v` here ``` ## proposed fix optional, of course. if you want to post code snippets, please use ``` your code ``` or attach a code file. Best is to create a merge request of course. ## references if you know of related bugs or feature requests, please reference them by using `#`, e. g. #6105 if you have done a merge request already, please reference it by using `!`, e. g. !1444 if you know of a forum post on howtoforge.com that deals with this topic, just add the link to the forum topic here ## screenshots optional, of course. Add screenshots of the problem by clicking "Attach a file" on the bottom right. ## Related log entries