# Defines stages which are to be executed stages: - syntax - syntax_diff - test # ### Stage syntax # syntax:lint: stage: syntax image: edbizarro/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php:7.2 allow_failure: false only: - schedules - web - merge_requests script: - echo "Syntax checking PHP files" - bash ./.git-scripts/syntax.sh syntax_diff:lint: stage: syntax image: edbizarro/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php:7.2 allow_failure: false only: - web - pushes - branches script: - echo "Syntax checking PHP files" - bash ./.git-scripts/syntax.sh commit #syntax:lint: # stage: syntax # image: edbizarro/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php:7.2 # allow_failure: false # only: # - schedules # - web # - merge_requests # # script: # - composer require overtrue/phplint # - echo "Syntax checking PHP files" # - echo "For more information http://www.icosaedro.it/phplint/" # - vendor/bin/phplint test:install: stage: test image: jerob/docker-ispconfig only: - schedules - web script: - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/helper_scripts/test_install_docker.sh - apt-get update - apt-get --yes install curl - curl --insecure - ps xaf