auth->check_module_permissions('sites'); $app->uses('getconf'); $server_id = intval($_GET["server_id"]); $web_id = intval($_GET["web_id"]); $type = $_GET["type"]; //if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') { if($type == 'getservertype'){ $json = '{"servertype":"'; $server_type = 'apache'; $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id, 'web'); if(!empty($web_config['server_type'])) $server_type = $web_config['server_type']; $json .= $server_type; unset($webconfig); $json .= '"}'; } if($type == 'getserverid'){ $json = '{"serverid":"'; $sql = "SELECT server_id FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = $web_id"; $server = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); $json .= $server['server_id']; unset($server); $json .= '"}'; } if($type == 'getphpfastcgi'){ $json = '{'; $server_type = 'apache'; $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id, 'web'); if(!empty($web_config['server_type'])) $server_type = $web_config['server_type']; if($server_type == 'nginx'){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = $server_id"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fastcgi_binary != '' AND php_fastcgi_ini_dir != '' AND server_id = $server_id"; } $php_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $php_select = ""; if(is_array($php_records) && !empty($php_records)) { foreach( $php_records as $php_record) { if($server_type == 'nginx'){ $php_version = $php_record['name'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_init_script'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_ini_dir'].':'.$php_record['php_fpm_pool_dir']; } else { $php_version = $php_record['name'].':'.$php_record['php_fastcgi_binary'].':'.$php_record['php_fastcgi_ini_dir']; } $json .= '"'.$php_version.'": "'.$php_record['name'].'",'; } } unset($php_records); if(substr($json,-1) == ',') $json = substr($json,0,-1); $json .= '}'; } if($type == 'getphptype'){ $json = '{"phptype":"'; $sql = "SELECT php FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = $web_id"; $php = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); $json .= $php['php']; unset($php); $json .= '"}'; } //} echo $json; ?>