Skip to content
......@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
if (!isset($_POST['autoresponder']) && array_key_exists('autoresponder_start_date', $_POST)) {
$this->dataRecord['autoresponder_start_date'] = array_map(create_function('$item', 'return 0;'), $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_start_date']);
$this->dataRecord['autoresponder_end_date'] = array_map(create_function('$item', 'return 0;'), $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_end_date']);
/* To be used when we go to PHP 7.x as min PHP version
$this->dataRecord['autoresponder_start_date'] = array_map( function ('$item') { 'return 0;' }, $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_start_date']);
$this->dataRecord['autoresponder_end_date'] = array_map( function ('$item') { 'return 0;' }, $this->dataRecord['autoresponder_end_date']);
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="page_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="page_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="panel panel_mailuser">
......@@ -33,4 +32,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="autoresponder_subject" class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='autoresponder_subject_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="autoresponder_subject" id="autoresponder_subject" value="{tmpl_var name='autoresponder_subject'}" /></div></div>
<div class="col-sm-9"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="autoresponder_subject" id="autoresponder_subject" value="{tmpl_var name='autoresponder_subject'}" /></div>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="autoresponder_text" class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='autoresponder_text_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><textarea class="form-control" name="autoresponder_text" id="autoresponder_text" rows='15' cols='30'>{tmpl_var name='autoresponder_text'}</textarea></div>
......@@ -30,4 +24,4 @@
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-success" type="button"
value="{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}" data-submit-form="pageForm" data-form-action="mailuser/mail_user_autoresponder_edit.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-default" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}" data-load-content="mailuser/index.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}</button>
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='email_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><div class="checkbox">{tmpl_var name='email'}</div></div>
......@@ -20,4 +13,4 @@
<div class="clear"><div class="right">
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-success" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}" data-submit-form="pageForm" data-form-action="mailuser/mail_user_cc_edit.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-default" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}" data-load-content="mailuser/index.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}</button>
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="rulename" class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='rulename_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><input type="text" id="rulename" name="rulename" value="{tmpl_var name='rulename'}" class="form-control"></div></div>
......@@ -29,4 +22,4 @@
<div class="clear"><div class="right">
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-success" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}" data-submit-form="pageForm" data-form-action="mailuser/mail_user_filter_edit.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-default" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}" data-load-content="mailuser/mail_user_filter_list.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}</button>
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='email_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
......@@ -44,4 +37,4 @@
<div class="clear"><div class="right">
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-success" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}" data-submit-form="pageForm" data-form-action="mailuser/mail_user_password_edit.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-default" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}" data-load-content="mailuser/index.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}</button>
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='page-header'>
<h1><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h1>
<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">{tmpl_var name='email_txt'}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
......@@ -24,4 +17,4 @@
<div class="clear"><div class="right">
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-success" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}" data-submit-form="pageForm" data-form-action="mailuser/mail_user_spamfilter_edit.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_save_txt'}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default formbutton-default" type="button" value="{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}" data-load-content="mailuser/index.php">{tmpl_var name='btn_cancel_txt'}</button>
\ No newline at end of file
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
......@@ -59,73 +59,6 @@ if($token == '' or $secret == '' or $token != $secret) {
$out['type'] = $type;
function __json_encode($data) {
if( is_array($data) || is_object($data) ) {
$islist = is_array($data) && ( empty($data) || array_keys($data) === range(0, count($data)-1) );
if( $islist ) {
$json = '[' . implode(',', array_map('__json_encode', $data) ) . ']';
} else {
$items = array();
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
$items[] = __json_encode("$key") . ':' . __json_encode($value);
$json = '{' . implode(',', $items) . '}';
} elseif( is_string($data) ) {
// Escape non-printable or Non-ASCII characters.
// I also put the \\ character first, as suggested in comments on the 'addcslashes' page.
$string = '"' . addcslashes($data, "\\\"\n\r\t/" . chr(8) . chr(12)) . '"';
$json = '';
$len = strlen($string);
// Convert UTF-8 to Hexadecimal Codepoints.
for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$char = $string[$i];
$c1 = ord($char);
// Single byte;
if( $c1 <128 ) {
$json .= ($c1 > 31) ? $char : sprintf("\\u%04x", $c1);
// Double byte
$c2 = ord($string[++$i]);
if ( ($c1 & 32) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", ($c1 - 192) * 64 + $c2 - 128);
// Triple
$c3 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 16) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", (($c1 - 224) <<12) + (($c2 - 128) << 6) + ($c3 - 128));
// Quadruple
$c4 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 8 ) === 0 ) {
$u = (($c1 & 15) << 2) + (($c2>>4) & 3) - 1;
$w1 = (54<<10) + ($u<<6) + (($c2 & 15) << 2) + (($c3>>4) & 3);
$w2 = (55<<10) + (($c3 & 15)<<6) + ($c4-128);
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x\\u%04x", $w1, $w2);
} else {
// int, floats, bools, null
$json = strtolower(var_export( $data, true ));
return $json;
if(function_exists('json_encode')) { // PHP >= 5.2
echo json_encode($out);
} else { // PHP < 5.2
echo __json_encode($out);
echo json_encode($out);
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if(!$app->auth->is_admin()) {
if($client['limit_backup'] != 'y') $backup_available = false;
$web_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('sites');
$form["tabs"]['domain'] = array (
......@@ -649,6 +649,28 @@ $form["tabs"]['stats'] = array (
//* Backup
if ($backup_available) {
$missing_utils = array();
$compressors_list = array(
foreach ($compressors_list as $compressor) {
if (!$app->system->is_installed($compressor)) {
array_push($missing_utils, $compressor);
$app->tpl->setVar("missing_utils", implode(", ",$missing_utils), true);
$form["tabs"]['backup'] = array (
'title' => "Backup",
'width' => 100,
......@@ -682,6 +704,58 @@ if ($backup_available) {
'width' => '30',
'maxlength' => '255'
'backup_format_web' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'SELECT',
'default' => '',
'value' => array(
'default' => 'backup_format_default_txt',
'zip' => 'backup_format_zip_txt',
'zip_bzip2' => 'backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt',
'tar_gzip' => 'backup_format_tar_gzip_txt',
'tar_bzip2' => 'backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt',
'tar_xz' => 'backup_format_tar_xz_txt',
'tar_7z_lzma2' => 'backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt',
'tar_7z_lzma' => 'backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt',
'tar_7z_ppmd' => 'backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt',
'tar_7z_bzip2' => 'backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt',
'rar' => 'backup_format_rar_txt',
'backup_format_db' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'SELECT',
'default' => '',
'value' => array(
'zip' => 'backup_format_zip_txt',
'zip_bzip2' => 'backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt',
'gzip' => 'backup_format_gzip_txt',
'bzip2' => 'backup_format_bzip2_txt',
'xz' => 'backup_format_xz_txt',
'7z_lzma2' => 'backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt',
'7z_lzma' => 'backup_format_7z_lzma_txt',
'7z_ppmd' => 'backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt',
'7z_bzip2' => 'backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt',
'rar' => 'backup_format_rar_txt',
'backup_encrypt' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
'default' => 'n',
'value' => array (
0 => 'n',
1 => 'y'
'backup_password' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'TEXT',
'default' => '',
'value' => '',
'width' => '30',
'maxlength' => '255'
// END Datatable fields
......@@ -787,7 +861,7 @@ if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin'
'pm' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'SELECT',
'default' => 'dynamic',
'default' => 'ondemand',
'value' => array('static' => 'static', 'dynamic' => 'dynamic', 'ondemand' => 'ondemand (PHP Version >= 5.3.9)')
'pm_max_children' => array (
......@@ -18,4 +18,36 @@ $wb['backup_type_mysql'] = 'MySQL Database';
$wb['backup_type_web'] = 'Website files';
$wb['filesize_txt'] = 'Filesize';
$wb['backup_type_mongodb'] = 'MongoDB Database';
$wb['backup_pending_txt'] = 'There is already a pending backup job.';
$wb['error_txt'] = 'Error';
$wb['backup_info_txt'] = 'A backup process started. This action can take several minutes to complete.';
$wb["backup_format_txt"] = 'Backup format';
$wb["backup_format_unknown_txt"] = 'Unknown';
$wb["backup_job_txt"] = 'Scheduler';
$wb["backup_job_manual_txt"] = 'Manual';
$wb["backup_job_auto_txt"] = 'Auto';
$wb["manual_backup_title_txt"] = 'Manual backup';
$wb["make_backup_web_txt"] = 'Make backup of web files';
$wb["make_backup_database_txt"] = 'Make backup of databases';
$wb["make_backup_confirm_txt"] = 'You are about to start a manual backup process. Manual backups count towards the total number of allowed backup copies: therefore if the limit will be exceeded, then oldest backups may be deleted automatically. Proceed?';
$wb["yes_txt"] = 'Yes';
$wb["no_txt"] = 'No';
$wb["backup_is_encrypted_txt"] = "Encrypted";
$wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)';
$wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip';
$wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2';
$wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz';
$wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)';
$wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR';
......@@ -156,4 +156,31 @@ $wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Logfiles retention time';
$wb['log_retention_error_regex'] = 'Retention time in days (allowed values: min. 0 - max. 9999)';
$wb['limit_web_quota_not_0_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota cannot be set to 0.';
$wb['proxy_protocol_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol';
$wb["backup_format_web_txt"] = 'Backup format for web files';
$wb["backup_format_db_txt"] = 'Backup format for database';
$wb["backup_format_web_note_txt"] = 'In "default" mode ISPConfig has the following behaviour: if backup mode is set as web user, then "zip" format is used for web files, otherwise backup mode is set as root user and "tar (gzip)" format is used; database is compressed in "gzip" format. Only "tar" based formats and "rar" preserve file ownership and permissions of web files and guarantee correct restore.';
$wb["backup_missing_utils_txt"] = 'Note: some utils are missing in the system that may prevent you from using some compression formats. Please, install the following utils to avoid possible backup problems: ';
$wb["backup_compression_options_txt"] = 'Compression options';
$wb["backup_encryption_note_txt"] = "Encryption is available only for the following backup formats: \"7z\", \"RAR\", \"zip\" (not secure). If any other format is used then encryption can't be applied and encryption settings are ignored. You can safely change the password at anytime: the \"Restore\" button will still work for old backups encrypted with a previous password. You don't need to type a password to restore backups using the \"Restore\" button. Password is required when you extract the archives manually. Please, don't forget your password, because it's impossible to restore it.";
$wb["backup_encryption_options_txt"] = 'Encryption options';
$wb["backup_enable_encryption_txt"] = 'Enable encryption';
$wb["backup_password_txt"] = 'Password';
$wb["backup_format_default_txt"] = 'Default: zip (deflate) or tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)';
$wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip';
$wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2';
$wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz';
$wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)';
$wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)';
......@@ -18,4 +18,36 @@ $wb['backup_type_mysql'] = 'MySQL Database';
$wb['backup_type_web'] = 'Website files';
$wb['filesize_txt'] = 'Filesize';
$wb['backup_type_mongodb'] = 'MongoDB Database';
$wb['backup_pending_txt'] = 'There is already a pending backup job.';
$wb['error_txt'] = 'Error';
$wb['backup_info_txt'] = 'A backup process started. This action can take several minutes to complete.';
$wb["backup_format_txt"] = 'Backup format';
$wb["backup_format_unknown_txt"] = 'Unknown';
$wb["backup_job_txt"] = 'Scheduler';
$wb["backup_job_manual_txt"] = 'Manual';
$wb["backup_job_auto_txt"] = 'Auto';
$wb["manual_backup_title_txt"] = 'Manual backup';
$wb["make_backup_web_txt"] = 'Make backup of web files';
$wb["make_backup_database_txt"] = 'Make backup of databases';
$wb["make_backup_confirm_txt"] = 'You are about to start a manual backup process. Manual backups count towards the total number of allowed backup copies: therefore if the limit will be exceeded, then oldest backups may be deleted automatically. Proceed?';
$wb["yes_txt"] = 'Yes';
$wb["no_txt"] = 'No';
$wb["backup_is_encrypted_txt"] = "Encrypted";
$wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)';
$wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip';
$wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2';
$wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz';
$wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)';
$wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR';
......@@ -156,4 +156,31 @@ $wb['log_retention_error_regex'] = 'Retention time in days (allowed values: min.
$wb['domain_error_acme_invalid'] = 'Domain name acme.invalid not permitted.';
$wb['limit_web_quota_not_0_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota cannot be set to 0.';
$wb['proxy_protocol_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol';
$wb["backup_format_web_txt"] = 'Backup format for web files';
$wb["backup_format_db_txt"] = 'Backup format for database';
$wb["backup_format_web_note_txt"] = 'In "default" mode ISPConfig has the following behaviour: if backup mode is set as web user, then "zip" format is used for web files, otherwise backup mode is set as root user and "tar (gzip)" format is used; database is compressed in "gzip" format. Only "tar" based formats and "rar" preserve file ownership and permissions of web files and guarantee correct restore.';
$wb["backup_missing_utils_txt"] = 'Note: some utils are missing in the system that may prevent you from using some compression formats. Please, install the following utils to avoid possible backup problems: ';
$wb["backup_compression_options_txt"] = 'Compression options';
$wb["backup_encryption_note_txt"] = "Encryption is available only for the following backup formats: \"7z\", \"RAR\", \"zip\" (not secure). If any other format is used then encryption can't be applied and encryption settings are ignored. You can safely change the password at anytime: the \"Restore\" button will still work for old backups encrypted with a previous password. You don't need to type a password to restore backups using the \"Restore\" button. Password is required when you extract the archives manually. Please, don't forget your password, because it's impossible to restore it.";
$wb["backup_encryption_options_txt"] = 'Encryption options';
$wb["backup_enable_encryption_txt"] = 'Enable encryption';
$wb["backup_password_txt"] = 'Password';
$wb["backup_format_default_txt"] = 'Default: zip (deflate) or tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)';
$wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip';
$wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2';
$wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz';
$wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)';
$wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)';
......@@ -18,5 +18,36 @@ $wb['delete_pending_txt'] = 'Já existe uma remoção de backup em andamento.';
$wb['backup_type_mongodb'] = 'MongoDB';
$wb['backup_type_mysql'] = 'MySQL';
$wb['backup_type_web'] = 'Arquivos do site';
$wb['backup_pending_txt'] = 'There is already a pending backup job.';
$wb['error_txt'] = 'Error';
$wb['backup_info_txt'] = 'A backup process started. This action can take several minutes to complete.';
$wb["backup_format_txt"] = 'Backup format';
$wb["backup_format_unknown_txt"] = 'Unknown';
$wb["backup_job_txt"] = 'Scheduler';
$wb["backup_job_manual_txt"] = 'Manual';
$wb["backup_job_auto_txt"] = 'Auto';
$wb["manual_backup_title_txt"] = 'Manual backup';
$wb["make_backup_web_txt"] = 'Make backup of web files';
$wb["make_backup_database_txt"] = 'Make backup of databases';
$wb["make_backup_confirm_txt"] = 'You are about to start a manual backup process. Manual backups count towards the total number of allowed backup copies: therefore if the limit will be exceeded, then oldest backups may be deleted automatically. Proceed?';
$wb["yes_txt"] = 'Yes';
$wb["no_txt"] = 'No';
$wb["backup_is_encrypted_txt"] = "Encrypted";
$wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)';
$wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip';
$wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2';
$wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz';
$wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)';
$wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)';
$wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)';
$wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR';