Skip to content
$wb['users_txt'] = 'Users';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Benutzername';
$wb['username_err'] = 'Der Benutzername enthält ungültige Zeichen.';
$wb['passwort_txt'] = 'Passwort';
$wb['remote_user_txt'] = 'Remote User';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Brugernavn:';
$wb['password_txt'] = 'Adgangskode:';
$wb['function_txt'] = 'Funktioner:';
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ $wb['DNS alias functions'] = 'DNS alias funktioner';
$wb['DNS cname functions'] = 'DNS cname funktioner';
$wb['DNS hinfo functions'] = 'DNS hinfo funktioner';
$wb['DNS mx functions'] = 'DNS mx funktioner';
$wb['DNS naptr functions'] = 'DNS naptr funktioner';
$wb['DNS ns functions'] = 'DNS ns funktioner';
$wb['DNS ptr functions'] = 'DNS ptr funktioner';
$wb['DNS rp functions'] = 'DNS rp funktioner';
$wb['server_config'] = 'Server Config';
$wb['server_config_error_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: not updated';
$wb['server_config_error_section_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: %s section not updated';
$wb['ufw_enable_txt'] = 'Enable';
$wb['ufw_manage_builtins_txt'] = 'Administrer Builtin Rules';
$wb['ufw_ipv6_txt'] = 'Enable IPv6';
......@@ -263,6 +266,7 @@ $wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Delete backups on domain/website delete';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to admin';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to client';
$wb['php_handler_txt'] = 'Default PHP Handler';
$wb['php_fpm_default_chroot_txt'] = 'Default chrooted PHP-FPM';
$wb['php_fpm_incron_reload_txt'] = 'Install incron trigger file to reload PHP-FPM';
$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
$wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['server_ip_edit_title'] = 'IP Adresses';
$wb['server_ip_edit_desc'] = 'Form to edit system IP adresses';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
$wb['client_id_txt'] = 'Kunde';
$wb['ip_type_txt'] = 'Type';
$wb['server_ip_map_title'] = 'IPv4 Address mapping';
$wb['server_ip_map_desc'] = 'Form to map IPv4-addresses for Web-Server';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Rewrite on Server';
$wb['source_txt'] = 'Source IP';
$wb['destination_txt'] = 'Destination IP';
......@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ $wb['add_new_record_txt'] = 'Tilføj ny PHP version';
$wb['client_id_txt'] = 'Kunde';
$wb['name_txt'] = 'PHP Navn';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
$wb['usage_txt'] = 'Usage count';
$wb['system_config_title'] = 'System Config';
$wb['system_config_desc_txt'] = '';
$wb['smtp_missing_admin_mail_txt'] = 'Indtast venligst admin navn og admin mail adresse, hvis du vil bruge smtp mail afsendelse.';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_admin_txt'] = 'Dashboard atom feed URL (admin)';
$wb['users_txt'] = 'Users';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Brugernavn';
$wb['username_err'] = 'Brugernavnet er for langt eller indeholder ugyldige karaktere.';
$wb['username_empty'] = 'Brugernavnet er tomt.';
$wb['remote_user_txt'] = 'Remote User';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Όνομα Χρήστη:';
$wb['password_txt'] = 'Συνθηματικό:';
$wb['function_txt'] = 'Ενέργειες:';
......@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ $wb['DNS alias functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών alias του D
$wb['DNS cname functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών cname του DNS';
$wb['DNS hinfo functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών hinfo του DNS';
$wb['DNS mx functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών mx του DNS';
$wb['DNS naptr functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών naptr του DNS';
$wb['DNS ns functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών ns του DNS';
$wb['DNS ptr functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών ptr του DNS';
$wb['DNS rp functions'] = 'Ενέργειες εγγραφών rp του DNS';
$wb['server_config'] = 'Server Config';
$wb['server_config_error_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: not updated';
$wb['server_config_error_section_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: %s section not updated';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_home_txt'] = 'Jailkit chroot home';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_txt'] = 'Jailkit chroot app sections';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_txt'] = 'Jailkit chrooted applications';
......@@ -264,6 +267,7 @@ $wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Delete backups on domain/website delete';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to admin';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to client';
$wb['php_handler_txt'] = 'Default PHP Handler';
$wb['php_fpm_default_chroot_txt'] = 'Default chrooted PHP-FPM';
$wb['php_fpm_incron_reload_txt'] = 'Install incron trigger file to reload PHP-FPM';
$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
$wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['server_ip_edit_title'] = 'IP Adresses';
$wb['server_ip_edit_desc'] = 'Form to edit system IP adresses';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'Διεύθυνση IP';
$wb['virtualhost_txt'] = 'HTTP NameVirtualHost';
$wb['server_ip_map_title'] = 'IPv4 Address mapping';
$wb['server_ip_map_desc'] = 'Form to map IPv4-addresses for Web-Server';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Rewrite on Server';
$wb['source_txt'] = 'Source IP';
$wb['destination_txt'] = 'Destination IP';
......@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ $wb['add_new_record_txt'] = 'Add new PHP version';
$wb['client_id_txt'] = 'Client';
$wb['name_txt'] = 'PHP Name';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
$wb['usage_txt'] = 'Usage count';
$wb['system_config_title'] = 'System Config';
$wb['system_config_desc_txt'] = '';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_admin_txt'] = 'Dashboard atom feed URL (admin)';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_reseller_txt'] = 'Dashboard atom feed URL (reseller)';
$wb['users_txt'] = 'Users';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Όνομα Χρήστη';
$wb['username_err'] = 'Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μεγάλο ή περιέχει μη επιτρεπόμενους χαρακτήρες';
$wb['username_empty'] = 'Το όνομα χρήστη δεν έχει οριστεί.';
$wb['remote_user_txt'] = 'Remote User';
$wb['username_txt'] = 'Username';
$wb['password_txt'] = 'Password';
$wb['function_txt'] = 'Functions';
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ $wb['DNS alias functions'] = 'DNS alias functions';
$wb['DNS cname functions'] = 'DNS cname functions';
$wb['DNS hinfo functions'] = 'DNS hinfo functions';
$wb['DNS mx functions'] = 'DNS mx functions';
$wb['DNS naptr functions'] = 'DNS naptr functions';
$wb['DNS ns functions'] = 'DNS ns functions';
$wb['DNS ptr functions'] = 'DNS ptr functions';
$wb['DNS rp functions'] = 'DNS rp functions';
$wb['server_config'] = 'Server Config';
$wb['server_config_error_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: not updated';
$wb['server_config_error_section_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: %s section not updated';
$wb["ufw_enable_txt"] = 'Enable';
$wb["ufw_manage_builtins_txt"] = 'Manage Builtin Rules';
$wb["ufw_ipv6_txt"] = 'Enable IPv6';
......@@ -215,6 +218,7 @@ $wb["overquota_db_notify_admin_txt"] = 'Send DB quota warnings to admin';
$wb["overquota_db_notify_client_txt"] = 'Send DB quota warnings to client';
$wb['monitor_system_updates_txt'] = 'Check for Linux updates';
$wb['php_handler_txt'] = "Default PHP Handler";
$wb['php_fpm_default_chroot_txt'] = 'Default chrooted PHP-FPM';
$wb['php_fpm_incron_reload_txt'] = 'Install incron trigger file to reload PHP-FPM';
$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
$wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['server_ip_edit_title'] = 'IP Adresses';
$wb['server_ip_edit_desc'] = 'Form to edit system IP adresses';
$wb["server_id_txt"] = 'Server';
$wb["client_id_txt"] = 'Client';
$wb["ip_type_txt"] = 'Type';
......@@ -8,4 +10,4 @@ $wb["virtualhost_port_txt"] = 'HTTP Ports';
$wb["ip_error_wrong"] = 'The IP address is invalid';
$wb["ip_error_unique"] = 'The IP address must be unique';
$wb["error_port_syntax"] = 'Invalid chars in port field, please enter only comma separated numbers. Example: 80,443';
\ No newline at end of file
$wb['server_ip_map_title'] = 'IPv4 Address mapping';
$wb['server_ip_map_desc'] = 'Form to map IPv4-addresses for Web-Server';
$wb["server_id_txt"] = 'Rewrite on Server';
$wb["source_txt"] = 'Source IP';
$wb["destination_txt"] = 'Destination IP';
......@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ $wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
$wb['php_in_use_error'] = 'This PHP-Version is in use.';
$wb['php_name_in_use_error'] = 'The name can not be changed.';