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cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
default -> default-v2
source: default $3241 07/06/2012 @ 12:00 UTC+2
resources @
cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed

cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
- changed doctype to <!DOCTYPE html> (HTML5)
cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
- rm yaml/*
- rm css/patches/*
- cp yaml/patches/iehacks.css css/*
- rm <!--[if lte ie 6]> from templates/main.tpl.htm
- rm IE6 support from css/iehacks.css
- mv css/nav/* into css/style.css
- mv css/print/* into css/print.css
- add css/print.css to templates/main.tpl.htm
- rm css/print/*
- rm css/nav/*
- rm css projection-type support
- mv css/screen/redmond/* css/*
- rm css/screen/*
- mv css media-recognition from css-files to <head>-link tag
- change most div-containers to new html5 tags in main.tpl.htm
- rm dom elements from main.tpl.htm
cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
- add html5shiv.js ( for better HTML5-compatibility
cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
- reduction of dom elements
- reduction of css rules
- removed all single icons
    - all icons separate:
    - all used icons as layers and sprite as .psd:
cfoe's avatar
cfoe committed
- added sprites for (nearly) all used icons where suitable