auth->check_module_permissions('monitor'); /* Change the Server if needed */ if (isset($_GET['server'])){ $server = explode('|', $_GET['server'], 2); $_SESSION['monitor']['server_id'] = $server[0]; $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] = $server[1]; } /* * Loading the template */ $app->uses('tpl'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl','templates/show_sys_state.htm'); /* Get some translations */ $monTransRefreshsq = $app->lng("monitor_settings_refreshsq_txt"); /* * setting the content */ if ($_GET['state'] == 'server') { $output = _getServerState($_SESSION['monitor']['server_id'], $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'], true); $title = $app->lng("monitor_general_serverstate_txt"); $stateType = 'server'; } else { $output = _getSysState(); $title = $app->lng("monitor_general_systemstate_txt"); $stateType = 'system'; } $app->tpl->setVar("state_data",$output); $app->tpl->setVar("state_type",$stateType); $app->tpl->setVar("title",$title); $app->tpl->setVar("description",$description); $app->tpl->setVar("monTransRefreshsq", $monTransRefreshsq); /* Creating the array with the refresh intervals Attention: the core-module ist triggered every 5 minutes, so reload every 2 minutes is impossible! */ $refresh = (isset($_GET["refresh"]))?intval($_GET["refresh"]):0; $refresh_values = array('0' => '- '.$app->lng("No Refresh").' -','5' => '5 '.$app->lng("minutes"),'10' => '10 '.$app->lng("minutes"),'15' => '15 '.$app->lng("minutes"),'30' => '30 '.$app->lng("minutes"),'60' => '60 '.$app->lng("minutes")); $tmp = ''; foreach($refresh_values as $key => $val) { if($key == $refresh) { $tmp .= ""; } else { $tmp .= ""; } } $app->tpl->setVar("refresh",$tmp); /* * doing the output */ $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); function _getSysState(){ global $app; /* * Get all Servers and calculate the state of them */ $html = ''; $servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server order by server_name"); foreach ($servers as $server) { $html .= _getServerState($server['server_id'], $server['server_name'], false); } return $html; } /* * Calculates the State of ONE Server */ function _getServerState($serverId, $serverName, $showAll) { global $app; /* The State of the server */ $serverState = 'ok'; /** The Number of several infos, warnings, errors, ... */ $count = array('unknown' => 0, 'info' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'critical' => 0, 'error' => 0); /** The messages */ $messages = array(); /** The Result of the function */ $res = ''; /* * get all monitoring-data from the server als process then * (count them and set the server-state) */ $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM monitor_data WHERE server_id = " . $serverId); foreach($records as $record){ _processDbState($record['type'], $serverId, &$serverState, &$messages); } $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; $res .= $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_server_txt") . ': ' . $serverName . '
'; $res .= $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_state_txt") . ': ' . $serverState . '
'; // $res .= sizeof($messages['ok']) . ' ok | '; $res .= sizeof($messages['unknown']) . ' ' . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_unknown_txt") . ' | '; $res .= sizeof($messages['info']) . ' ' . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_info_txt") . ' | '; $res .= sizeof($messages['warning']) . ' ' . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_warning_txt") . ' | '; $res .= sizeof($messages['critical']) . ' ' . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_critical_txt") . ' | '; $res .= sizeof($messages['error']) . ' ' . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_error_txt") . '
'; $res .= '
'; if ($showAll){ /* * if we have to show all, then we do it... */ /* * Show all messages */ foreach($messages as $key => $state){ /* * There is no need, to show the "ok" - messages */ // if ($key != 'ok') { $res .= $key . ':
'; foreach ($state as $msg) { $res .= $msg . '
'; } $res .= '
'; } } } else { /* * if not, we only show a link to the server... */ $res .= "" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_moreinfo_txt") . ""; } $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; if ($showAll){ /* * Show some state-info */ //$res .= showServerLoad(); //$res .= ' '. showDiskUsage(); //$res .= ' '.showServices(); } return $res; } /* * gets the state from the db and process it */ function _processDbState($type, $serverId, &$serverState, &$messages) { global $app; /* * Always the NEWEST record of each monitoring is responsible for the * state */ // get the State from the DB $record = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT state FROM monitor_data WHERE type = '" . $type . "' and server_id = " . $serverId . " order by created desc"); // change the new state to the highest state $serverState = _setState($serverState, $record['state']); // count the states $count[$record['state']]+= 1; /* * The message depands on the type and the state */ if ($type == 'cpu_info'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'disk_usage'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'info': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listinfo_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdgoingfull_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdnearlyfull_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'critical': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listcritical_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdveryfull_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdfull_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_hdunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'mem_usage'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'server_load'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'info': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listinfo_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadheavy_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadhigh_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'critical': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listcritical_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadhigher_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadhighest_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_loadunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'services'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_servicesonline_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_servicesoffline_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_servicesunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'system_update'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_updatesok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_updatesneeded_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'no_state': /* * not debian and not Ubuntu, so the state could not be monitored... */ break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_updatesunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'raid_state'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_raidok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'info': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listinfo_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_raidresync_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'critical': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listcritical_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_raidfault_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_raiderror_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'no_state': /* * mdadm is not installed or the RAID is not supported... */ break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_raidunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'mailq'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'info': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listinfo_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqheavy_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqhigh_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'critical': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listcritical_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqhigher_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqhighest_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_mailqunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'sys_log'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_syslogok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_syslogwarning_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'error': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listerror_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_syslogerror_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_syslogunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'log_clamav'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'log_freshclam'){ switch ($record['state']) { case 'ok': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listok_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_fclamok_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; case 'warning': $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listwarning_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_fclamoutdated_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; default: $messages[$app->lng("monitor_serverstate_listunknown_txt")][] = $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_fclamunknown_txt") . ' ' . "[" . $app->lng("monitor_serverstate_more_txt") . "]"; break; } } if ($type == 'log_ispconfig'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'log_mail'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'log_mail_err'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'log_mail_warn'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'log_messages'){ /* this type has no state */ } if ($type == 'rkhunter'){ /* this type has no state */ } } /* * Set the state to the given level (or higher, but not lesser). * * If the actual state is critical and you call the method with ok, * then the state is critical. * * * If the actual state is critical and you call the method with error, * then the state is error. */ function _setState($oldState, $newState) { /* * Calculate the weight of the old state */ switch ($oldState) { case 'no_state': $oldInt = 0; break; case 'ok': $oldInt = 1; break; case 'unknown': $oldInt = 2; break; case 'info': $oldInt = 3; break; case 'warning': $oldInt = 4; break; case 'critical': $oldInt = 5; break; case 'error': $oldInt = 6; break; } /* * Calculate the weight of the new state */ switch ($newState) { case 'no_state': $newInt = 0 ; break; case 'ok': $newInt = 1 ; break; case 'unknown': $newInt = 2 ; break; case 'info': $newInt = 3 ; break; case 'warning': $newInt = 4 ; break; case 'critical': $newInt = 5 ; break; case 'error': $newInt = 6 ; break; } /* * Set to the higher level */ if ($newInt > $oldInt){ return $newState; } else { return $oldState; } } ?>