queryAllRecords("SELECT l.id, l.limit_name, l.value FROM Limits as l"); foreach($limit_data as $entry) { if(array_key_exists($entry['id'], $limits) == false) $limits[$entry['id']] = array(); $limits[$entry['id']][$entry['limit_name']] = $entry['value']; // limits that are there: /* disk_space disk_space_soft expiration max_box max_db max_dom_aliases max_maillists max_mn max_site max_site_builder max_subdom max_subftp_users max_traffic max_traffic_soft max_unity_mobile_sites max_webapps max_wu mbox_quota */ } return $limits; } /** * * @param array $limits * @param int $id * @param string $limit * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ function get_limit($limits, $id, $limit, $default = false) { $ret = $default; if(isset($limits[$id][$limit])) $ret = $limits[$id][$limit]; return $ret; } function get_option($options, $option, $default = false) { $ret = $default; if(isset($options[$option])) $ret = $options[$option]; return $ret; } function add_dot($string) { if(strlen($string) > 0 && substr($string, -1, 1) !== '.') $string .= '.'; return $string; } function byte_to_mbyte($byte) { if($byte <= 0) return $byte; // limit = -1 -> unlimited return round($byte / (1024*1024)); } function yes_no($num, $reverse = false) { return (($num == 1 && !$reverse) || ($num != 1 && $reverse) ? 'y' : 'n'); } // taken from the web_domain_edit.php function id_hash($id,$levels) { $hash = "" . $id % 10 ; $id /= 10 ; $levels -- ; while ( $levels > 0 ) { $hash .= "/" . $id % 10 ; $id /= 10 ; $levels-- ; } return $hash; } /* TODO: document root rewrite on ftp account and other home directories */ //* Check permissions for module $app->auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); //* This is only allowed for administrators if(!$app->auth->is_admin()) die('only allowed for administrators.'); $app->uses('tpl'); $app->load('importer'); $app->tpl->newTemplate('form.tpl.htm'); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/import_plesk.htm'); $msg = ''; $error = ''; // Start migrating plesk data if(isset($_POST['start']) && $_POST['start'] == 1) { //* Set variable sin template $app->tpl->setVar('dbhost',$_POST['dbhost']); $app->tpl->setVar('dbname',$_POST['dbname']); $app->tpl->setVar('dbuser',$_POST['dbuser']); $app->tpl->setVar('dbpassword',$_POST['dbpassword']); $app->tpl->setVar('webcontent',$_POST['webcontent']); $app->tpl->setVar('mailcontent',$_POST['mailcontent']); //* Establish connection to external database $msg .= 'Connecting to external database...
'; //* Backup DB login details /*$conf_bak['db_host'] = $conf['db_host']; $conf_bak['db_database'] = $conf['db_database']; $conf_bak['db_user'] = $conf['db_user']; $conf_bak['db_password'] = $conf['db_password'];*/ //* Set external Login details $conf['imp_db_host'] = $_POST['dbhost']; $conf['imp_db_database'] = $_POST['dbname']; $conf['imp_db_user'] = $_POST['dbuser']; $conf['imp_db_password'] = $_POST['dbpassword']; $conf['imp_db_charset'] = $conf['db_charset']; $conf['imp_db_new_link'] = $conf['db_new_link']; $conf['imp_db_client_flags'] = $conf['db_client_flags']; //* create new db object $exdb = new db('imp'); $msg .= 'db object created...
'; $importer = new importer(); $session_id = 'ISPC3'; // set dummy session id for remoting lib $msg .= 'importer object created...
'; // import on server $server_id = 1; //* Connect to DB if($exdb !== false) { $msg .= 'Connecting to external database done...
'; $limits = read_limit_data($exdb); $msg .= 'read all limit data...
'; // param_id -> cl_params table - not needed for import // tpye = admin, reseller, client $admins = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.type, c.cr_date, c.cname, c.pname, c.login, c.account_id, a.password, a.type as `pwtype`, c.status, c.phone, c.fax, c.email, c.address, c.city, c.state, c.pcode, c.country, c.locale, c.limits_id, c.params_id, c.perm_id, c.pool_id, c.logo_id, c.tmpl_id, c.guid, c.overuse, c.vendor_id, c.external_id FROM clients as c LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = c.account_id) WHERE c.type = 'admin' ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.id"); $resellers = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.type, c.cr_date, c.cname, c.pname, c.login, c.account_id, a.password, a.type as `pwtype`, c.status, c.phone, c.fax, c.email, c.address, c.city, c.state, c.pcode, c.country, c.locale, c.limits_id, c.params_id, c.perm_id, c.pool_id, c.logo_id, c.tmpl_id, c.guid, c.overuse, c.vendor_id, c.external_id FROM clients as c LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = c.account_id) WHERE c.type = 'reseller' ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.id"); $clients = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.type, c.cr_date, c.cname, c.pname, c.login, c.account_id, a.password, a.type as `pwtype`, c.status, c.phone, c.fax, c.email, c.address, c.city, c.state, c.pcode, c.country, c.locale, c.limits_id, c.params_id, c.perm_id, c.pool_id, c.logo_id, c.tmpl_id, c.guid, c.overuse, c.vendor_id, c.external_id FROM clients as c LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = c.account_id) WHERE c.type = 'client' ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.id"); $users = array_merge($admins, $resellers, $clients); $msg .= 'read all users (' . count($users) . ')...
'; $plesk_ispc_ids = array(); // array with key = plesk id, value = ispc id $phpopts = array('no', 'fast-cgi', 'cgi', 'mod', 'suphp', 'php-fpm'); // import admins / resellers for($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) { $entry = $users[$i]; $old_client = $importer->client_get_by_username($session_id, $entry['login']); if($old_client) { if($old_client['client_id'] == 0) { $entry['login'] = 'psa_' . $entry['login']; $old_client = $importer->client_get_by_username($session_id, $entry['login']); if($old_client) { $msg .= $entry['login'] . ' existed, updating id ' . $old_client['client_id'] . '
'; } } else { $msg .= $entry['login'] . ' existed, updating id ' . $old_client['client_id'] . '
'; } } $params = array( 'company_name' => $entry['cname'], 'contact_name' => $entry['pname'], //'customer_no' => '', 'username' => $entry['login'], 'password' => $entry['password'], 'language' => substr($entry['locale'], 0, 2), // plesk stores as de-DE or en-US //'usertheme' => '', 'street' => $entry['address'], 'zip' => $entry['pcode'], 'city' => $entry['city'], 'state' => $entry['state'], 'country' => $entry['country'], 'telephone' => $entry['phone'], //'mobile' => $entry[''], 'fax' => $entry['fax'], 'email' => $entry['email'], //'internet' => $entry[''], //'icq' => $entry[''], //'vat_id' => $entry[''], //'company_id' => $entry[''], //'bank_account_number' => $entry[''], //'bank_code' => $entry[''], //'bank_name' => $entry[''], //'bank_account_iban' => $entry[''], //'bank_account_swift' => $entry[''], 'notes' => 'imported from Plesk id ' . $entry['id'], //'template_master' => $entry[''], //'template_additional' => $entry[''], //'default_mailserver' => $entry[''], 'limit_maildomain' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_site', -1), 'limit_mailbox' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_box', -1), 'limit_mailalias' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_mn', -1), 'limit_mailaliasdomain' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_dom_aliases', -1), 'limit_mailmailinglist' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_maillists', -1), 'limit_mailforward' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_mn', -1), 'limit_mailcatchall' => 1, 'limit_mailrouting' => 0, 'limit_mailfilter' => 0, 'limit_fetchmail' => 0, 'limit_mailquota' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'mbox_quota', -1), 'limit_spamfilter_wblist' => 0, 'limit_spamfilter_user' => 0, 'limit_spamfilter_policy' => 0, //'default_webserver' => '', 'limit_web_domain' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_site', -1), 'limit_web_quota' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'disk_space', -1), 'web_php_options' => implode(',', $phpopts), 'limit_web_aliasdomain' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_dom_aliases', -1), 'limit_web_subdomain' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_subdom', -1), 'limit_ftp_user' => (string)($app->functions->intval(get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_subftp_users', -2)) + 1), 'limit_shell_user' => 0, 'ssh_chroot' => 'no,jailkit', 'limit_webdav_user' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_wu', 0), //'default_dnsserver' => '', 'limit_dns_zone' => -1, 'limit_dns_slave_zone' => -1, 'limit_dns_record' => -1, 'limit_client' => ($entry['type'] == 'client' ? 0 : -1), //'default_dbserver' => '', 'limit_database' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_db', -1), 'limit_cron' => 0, 'limit_cron_type' => 'url', 'limit_cron_frequency' => '5', 'limit_traffic_quota' => get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_traffic', -1), 'limit_openvz_vm' => 0, 'limit_openvz_vm_template_id' => '' ); $reseller_id = 0; if($entry['parent_id'] != 0) { if(array_key_exists($entry['parent_id'], $plesk_ispc_ids)) { $reseller_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['parent_id']]; } } if($old_client) { $new_id = $old_client['client_id']; $ok = $importer->client_update($session_id, $old_client['client_id'], $reseller_id, $params); if($ok === false) { } } else { $new_id = $importer->client_add($session_id, $reseller_id, $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Client " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['pname'] . ") could not be inserted/updated.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Client " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['pname'] . ") inserted/updated.
"; } $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; } unset($users); unset($clients); unset($resellers); unset($admins); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id,'web'); $domains = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT d.id, d.cr_date, d.name, d.displayName, d.dns_zone_id, d.status, d.htype, d.real_size, d.cl_id, d.limits_id, d.params_id, d.guid, d.overuse, d.gl_filter, d.vendor_id, d.webspace_id, d.webspace_status, d.permissions_id, d.external_id FROM domains as d"); $dom_ftp_users = array(); $domain_ids = array(); $domain_roots = array(); $domain_owners = array(); $dns_domain_ids = array(); $maildomain_ids = array(); foreach($domains as $entry) { $res = $exdb->query("SELECT d.dom_id, d.param, d.val FROM dom_param as d WHERE d.dom_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); $options = array(); while($opt = $exdb->nextRecord()) { $options[$opt['param']] = $opt['val']; } /* TODO: options that might be used later: * OveruseBlock true/false * OveruseNotify true/false * OveruseSuspend true/false * wu_script true/false (webusers allowed to use scripts?) * webmail string (webmailer used - horde) */ $redir_type = ''; $redir_path = ''; if($entry['htype'] === 'std_fwd') { // redirection $redir = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT f.dom_id, f.ip_address_id, f.redirect FROM forwarding as f WHERE f.dom_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); $redir_type = 'R,L'; $redir_path = $redir['redirect']; } elseif($entry['htype'] === 'vrt_hst') { // default virtual hosting (vhost) } else { /* TODO: unknown type */ } $hosting = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT h.dom_id, h.sys_user_id, h.ip_address_id, h.real_traffic, h.fp, h.fp_ssl, h.fp_enable, h.fp_adm, h.fp_pass, h.ssi, h.php, h.php_safe_mode, h.cgi, h.perl, h.python, h.fastcgi, h.miva, h.coldfusion, h.asp, h.asp_dot_net, h.ssl, h.webstat, h.same_ssl, h.traffic_bandwidth, h.max_connection, h.php_handler_type, h.www_root, h.maintenance_mode, h.certificate_id, s.login, s.account_id, s.home, s.shell, s.quota, s.mapped_to, a.password, a.type as `pwtype` FROM hosting as h LEFT JOIN sys_users as s ON (s.id = h.sys_user_id) LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (s.account_id = a.id) WHERE h.dom_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); if($hosting['sys_user_id']) { $dom_ftp_users[] = array('id' => 0, 'dom_id' => $hosting['dom_id'], 'sys_user_id' => $hosting['sys_user_id'], 'login' => $hosting['login'], 'account_id' => $hosting['account_id'], 'home' => $hosting['home'], 'shell' => $hosting['shell'], 'quota' => $hosting['quota'], 'mapped_to' => $hosting['mapped_to'], 'password' => $hosting['password'], 'pwtype' => $hosting['pwtype'] ); } $phpmode = 'no'; if(get_option($hosting, 'php', 'false') === 'true') { $mode = get_option($hosting, 'php_handler_type', 'module'); if($mode === 'module') $phpmode = 'mod'; else $phpmode = 'fast-cgi'; /* TODO: what other options could be in "php_handler_type"? */ } /* TODO: plesk offers some more options: * sys_user_id -> owner of files? * ip_address_id - needed? * fp - frontpage extensions * miva - ? * coldfusion * asp * asp_dot_net * traffic_bandwidth * max_connections */ $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'ip_address' => '*', //'ipv6_address' => '', 'domain' => $entry['name'], 'type' => 'vhost', // can be vhost or alias 'parent_domain_id' => '', // only if alias 'vhost_type' => 'name', // or ip (-based) 'hd_quota' => byte_to_mbyte(get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'disk_space', -1)), 'traffic_quota' => byte_to_mbyte(get_limit($limits, $entry['id'], 'max_traffic', -1)), 'cgi' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'cgi', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'ssi' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'ssi', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'suexec' => yes_no(1), // does plesk use this?! 'errordocs' => get_option($options, 'apacheErrorDocs', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0, 'subdomain' => 'www', // plesk always uses this option 'ssl' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'ssl', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'php' => $phpmode, 'fastcgi_php_version' => '', // plesk has no different php versions 'ruby' => yes_no(0), // plesk has no ruby support 'python' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'python', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 && get_option($hosting, 'maintenance_mode', 'false') !== 'true') ? 1 : 0), 'redirect_type' => $redir_type, 'redirect_path' => $redir_path, 'seo_redirect' => '', 'ssl_state' => $entry[''], 'ssl_locality' => $entry[''], 'ssl_organisation' => $entry[''], 'ssl_organisation_unit' => $entry[''], 'ssl_country' => $entry[''], 'ssl_domain' => $entry[''], 'ssl_request' => $entry[''], 'ssl_cert' => $entry[''], 'ssl_bundle' => $entry[''], 'ssl_action' => $entry[''], 'stats_password' => '', 'stats_type' => get_option($hosting, 'webstat', 'webalizer') === 'awstats' ? 'awstats' : 'webalizer', 'backup_interval' => 'none', 'backup_copies' => 1, 'allow_override' => 'All', 'pm_process_idle_timeout' => 10, 'pm_max_requests' => 0 ); // find already inserted domain $old_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '" . $entry['name'] . "'"); if($old_domain) { $new_id = $old_domain['domain_id']; $msg .= "Found domain with id " . $new_id . ", updating it.
"; $params = array_merge($old_domain, $params); $ok = $importer->sites_web_domain_update($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['cl_id']], $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->sites_web_domain_add($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['cl_id']], $params, true); // read only... } $domain_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; $domain_roots[$entry['id']] = $entry['www_root']; $domain_owners[$entry['id']] = $entry['cl_id']; $dns_domain_ids[$entry['dns_zone_id']] = $entry['id']; if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Domain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Domain" . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } // add domain to mail domains too $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'domain' => $entry['name'], 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 ? 1 : 0)) ); $old_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = '" . $entry['name'] . "'"); if($old_domain) { $new_id = $old_domain['domain_id']; $params = array_merge($old_domain, $params); $msg .= "Found maildomain with id " . $new_id . ", updating it.
"; $ok = $importer->mail_domain_update($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['cl_id']], $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->mail_domain_add($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$entry['cl_id']], $params); } $maildomain_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Maildomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Maildomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } } $domain_aliases = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT da.id, da.name, da.displayName, da.dns, da.mail, da.web, da.dom_id, da.status FROM domainaliases as da"); foreach($domain_aliases as $entry) { $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'domain' => $entry['name'], 'type' => 'alias', 'parent_domain_id' => $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']], 'redirect_type' => '', 'redirect_path' => '', 'subdomain' => 'www', 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 && $entry['web'] === 'true') ? 1 : 0) ); $old_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '" . $entry['name'] . "'"); if($old_domain) { $new_id = $old_domain['domain_id']; $params = array_merge($old_domain, $params); $msg .= "Found domain with id " . $new_id . ", updating it.
"; $ok = $importer->sites_web_aliasdomain_update($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]], $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->sites_web_aliasdomain_add($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]], $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Aliasdomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Aliasdomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } // add alias to mail domains, too $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'domain' => $entry['name'], 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 && $entry['mail'] === 'true') ? 1 : 0) ); $old_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = '" . $entry['name'] . "'"); if($old_domain) { $new_id = $old_domain['domain_id']; $params = array_merge($old_domain, $params); $msg .= "Found mail domain with id " . $new_id . ", updating it.
"; $ok = $importer->sites_web_aliasdomain_update($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]], $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->mail_domain_add($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]], $params); } $maildomain_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Aliasmaildomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Aliasmaildomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } } // subdomains in plesk are real vhosts, so we have to treat them as vhostsubdomains $subdomains = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT d.id, d.dom_id, d.name, d.displayName, d.sys_user_id, d.ssi, d.php, d.cgi, d.perl, d.python, d.fastcgi, d.miva, d.coldfusion, d.asp, d.asp_dot_net, d.ssl, d.same_ssl, d.php_handler_type, d.www_root, d.maintenance_mode, d.certificate_id FROM subdomains as d"); $subdomain_ids = array(); $subdomain_roots = array(); $subdomain_owners = array(); foreach($subdomains as $entry) { $res = $exdb->query("SELECT d.dom_id, d.param, d.val FROM dom_param as d WHERE d.dom_id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); $options = array(); while($opt = $exdb->nextRecord()) { $options[$opt['param']] = $opt['val']; } $parent_domain = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT d.id, d.cl_id, d.name FROM domains as d WHERE d.id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); /* TODO: options that might be used later: * OveruseBlock true/false * OveruseNotify true/false * OveruseSuspend true/false * wu_script true/false (webusers allowed to use scripts?) * webmail string (webmailer used - horde) */ $redir_type = ''; $redir_path = ''; if($entry['htype'] === 'std_fwd') { // redirection $redir = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT f.dom_id, f.ip_address_id, f.redirect FROM forwarding as f WHERE f.dom_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); $redir_type = 'R,L'; $redir_path = $redir['redirect']; } elseif($entry['htype'] === 'vrt_hst') { // default virtual hosting (vhost) } else { /* TODO: unknown type */ } $hosting = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT h.dom_id, h.sys_user_id, h.ip_address_id, h.real_traffic, h.fp, h.fp_ssl, h.fp_enable, h.fp_adm, h.fp_pass, h.ssi, h.php, h.php_safe_mode, h.cgi, h.perl, h.python, h.fastcgi, h.miva, h.coldfusion, h.asp, h.asp_dot_net, h.ssl, h.webstat, h.same_ssl, h.traffic_bandwidth, h.max_connection, h.php_handler_type, h.www_root, h.maintenance_mode, h.certificate_id FROM hosting as h WHERE h.dom_id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); $hosting = array_merge($hosting, $entry); //settings from subdomain override parent settings $phpmode = 'no'; if(get_option($hosting, 'php', 'false') === 'true') { $mode = get_option($hosting, 'php_handler_type', 'module'); if($mode === 'module') $phpmode = 'mod'; else $phpmode = 'fast-cgi'; /* TODO: what other options could be in "php_handler_type"? */ } /* TODO: plesk offers some more options: * sys_user_id -> owner of files? * ip_address_id - needed? * fp - frontpage extensions * miva - ? * coldfusion * asp * asp_dot_net * traffic_bandwidth * max_connections */ $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'ip_address' => '*', //'ipv6_address' => '', 'domain' => $entry['name'] . '.' . $parent_domain['name'], 'type' => 'vhost', // can be vhost or alias 'parent_domain_id' => $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']], 'vhost_type' => 'name', // or ip (-based) 'hd_quota' => byte_to_mbyte(get_limit($limits, $entry['dom_id'], 'disk_space', -1)), 'traffic_quota' => byte_to_mbyte(get_limit($limits, $entry['dom_id'], 'max_traffic', -1)), 'cgi' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'cgi', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'ssi' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'ssi', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'suexec' => yes_no(1), // does plesk use this?! 'errordocs' => get_option($options, 'apacheErrorDocs', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0, 'subdomain' => 'www', // plesk always uses this option 'ssl' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'ssl', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'php' => $phpmode, 'fastcgi_php_version' => '', // plesk has no different php versions 'ruby' => yes_no(0), // plesk has no ruby support 'python' => yes_no(get_option($hosting, 'python', 'false') === 'true' ? 1 : 0), 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 && get_option($hosting, 'maintenance_mode', 'false') !== 'true') ? 1 : 0), 'redirect_type' => $redir_type, 'redirect_path' => $redir_path, 'seo_redirect' => '', 'ssl_state' => $entry[''], 'ssl_locality' => $entry[''], 'ssl_organisation' => $entry[''], 'ssl_organisation_unit' => $entry[''], 'ssl_country' => $entry[''], 'ssl_domain' => $entry[''], 'ssl_request' => $entry[''], 'ssl_cert' => $entry[''], 'ssl_bundle' => $entry[''], 'ssl_action' => $entry[''], 'stats_password' => '', 'stats_type' => get_option($hosting, 'webstat', 'webalizer') === 'awstats' ? 'awstats' : 'webalizer', 'backup_interval' => 'none', 'backup_copies' => 1, 'allow_override' => 'All', 'pm_process_idle_timeout' => 10, 'pm_max_requests' => 0 ); $old_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '" . $entry['name'] . '.' . $parent_domain['name'] . "'"); if($old_domain) { $new_id = $old_domain['domain_id']; $params = array_merge($old_domain, $params); $msg .= "Found domain with id " . $new_id . ", updating it.
"; $ok = $importer->sites_web_vhost_subdomain_update($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$parent_domain['cl_id']], $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->sites_web_vhost_subdomain_add($session_id, $plesk_ispc_ids[$parent_domain['cl_id']], $params, true); // read only... } $subdomain_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; $subdomain_roots[$entry['id']] = $entry['www_root']; $subdomain_owners[$entry['id']] = $entry['cl_id']; if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Subdomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Subdomain " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } } // dns have to be done AFTER domains due to missing client info $dns_zone_ids = array(); $dns_zone_serials = array(); $dns_zones = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.displayName, d.status, d.email, d.type, d.ttl, d.ttl_unit, d.refresh, d.refresh_unit, d.retry, d.retry_unit, d.expire, d.expire_unit, d.minimum, d.minimum_unit, d.serial_format, d.serial FROM dns_zone as d"); foreach($dns_zones as $entry) { $ns = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT d.id, d.val FROM dns_recs as d WHERE d.dns_zone_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "' AND d.type = 'NS'"); if(!$ns) $ns = array('id' => 0, 'val' => 'ns.' . $entry['name']); $dom_id = $dns_domain_ids[$entry['id']]; $client_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]]; if(!$client_id) $client_id = 0; $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'origin' => add_dot($entry['name']), // what to put here? 'ns' => add_dot($ns['val']), // what to put here? 'mbox' => str_replace('@', '.', add_dot($entry['email'])), 'serial' => $entry['serial'], 'refresh' => $entry['refresh'], 'retry' => $entry['retry'], 'expire' => $entry['expire'], 'minimum' => $entry['minimum'], 'ttl' => $entry['ttl'], 'xfer' => '', 'also_notify' => '', 'update_acl' => '', 'active' => yes_no(($entry['status'] == 0 ? 1 : 0)) ); $old_dns = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM dns_soa WHERE origin = '" . add_dot($entry['name']) . "'"); if($old_dns) $old_id = $old_dns['id']; if($old_id) { $new_id = $old_id; $ok = $importer->dns_zone_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); //if(!$ok) { // $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be updated.
"; // $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; //} else { $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") updated.
"; //} } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_zone_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted.
"; } } $dns_zone_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; $dns_zone_serials[$entry['id']] = $entry['serial']; } unset($dns_zones); /* types: * PTR, NS, A, CNAME, MX, TXT, AAAA */ $dns_records = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT d.id, d.dns_zone_id, d.type, d.displayHost, d.host, d.displayVal, d.val, d.opt, d.time_stamp FROM dns_recs as d"); foreach($dns_records as $entry) { $dns_id = (array_key_exists($entry['dns_zone_id'], $dns_zone_ids) ? $dns_zone_ids[$entry['dns_zone_id']] : 0); if(!$dns_id) { // entry for missing dns zone...? continue; } $dom_id = $dns_domain_ids[$entry['dns_zone_id']]; $client_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]]; if(!$client_id) $client_id = 0; $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'zone' => $dns_id, 'name' => add_dot($entry['host']), 'type' => $entry['type'], 'data' => $entry['val'], //'ttl' => '', 'active' => yes_no(1), 'stamp' => $entry['time_stamp'], //'serial' => $dns_zone_serials[$entry['id']] ); $record = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM dns_rr WHERE zone = '" . $dns_zone_ids[$entry['dns_zone_id']] . "' AND name = '" . add_dot($entry['host']) . "' AND type = '" . $entry['type'] . "'"); $old_id = 0; if($record) { $old_id = $record['id']; } $new_id = false; if($entry['type'] === 'MX') { $params['aux'] = $entry['opt']; if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_mx_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_mx_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'PTR') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_ptr_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_ptr_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'A') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_a_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_a_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'AAAA') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_aaaa_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_aaaa_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'TXT') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_txt_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_txt_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'CNAME') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_cname_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_cname_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } elseif($entry['type'] === 'NS') { if($old_id) { $ok = $importer->dns_ns_update($session_id, $client_id, $old_id, $params); if($ok) $new_id = $old_id; } else { $new_id = $importer->dns_ns_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") could not be inserted/updated.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "DNS " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['name'] . ") inserted/updated.
"; } } unset($dns_records); $folder_ids = array(); /* web_folder creation*/ $protected_dirs = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT id, non_ssl, ssl, cgi_bin, realm, path, dom_id FROM protected_dirs"); foreach($protected_dirs as $entry) { $params = array('server_id' => $server_id, 'parent_domain_id' => $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']], 'path' => $entry['path'], 'active' => 'y'); $folder_id = 0; $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM `web_folder` WHERE `parent_domain_id` = \'' . $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']] . '\' AND `path` = \'' . $app->db->quote($entry['path'])); if($check) { $importer->sites_web_folder_update($session_id, $client_id, $check['web_folder_id'], array_merge($check, $params)); $folder_id = $check['web_folder_id']; } else { $folder_id = $importer->sites_web_folder_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } $msg .= 'Created / updated HTTP AUTH folder: ' . $entry['path'] . '
'; $folder_ids[$entry['id']] = $folder_id; } $pd_users = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT u.id, u.login, u.account_id, u.pd_id, a.password FROM pd_users as u INNER JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = u.account_id)"); foreach($protected_dirs as $entry) { $params = array('server_id' => $server_id, 'web_folder_id' => $folder_ids[$entry['id']], 'username' => $entry['login'], 'password' => $entry['password'], 'active' => 'y'); $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM `web_folder_user` WHERE `web_folder_id` = ? AND `username` = ?', $folder_id, $entry['login']); if($check) { if($dry_run == false) $importer->sites_web_folder_user_update($session_id, $client_id, $check['web_folder_user_id'], array_merge($check, $params)); } else { if($dry_run == false) $importer->sites_web_folder_user_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } } /*$web_users = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT id, dom_id, sys_user_id, ssi, php, cgi, perl, python, fastcgi, asp, asp_dot_net FROM web_users"); foreach($web_users as $entry) { $params = } */ $ftp_users = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT f.id, f.dom_id, f.sys_user_id, s.login, s.account_id, s.home, s.shell, s.quota, s.mapped_to, a.password, a.type as `pwtype` FROM ftp_users as f INNER JOIN sys_users as s ON (s.id = f.sys_user_id) INNER JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = s.account_id)"); $ftp_users = array_merge($ftp_users, $dom_ftp_users); foreach($ftp_users as $entry) { $parent_domain = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT d.id, d.cl_id, d.name FROM domains as d WHERE d.id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); $ispc_dom_id = $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']]; $client_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]]; if(!$client_id) $client_id = 0; $document_root = str_replace("[website_id]",$ispc_dom_id,$web_config["website_path"]); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_1]",id_hash($ispc_dom_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_2]",id_hash($ispc_dom_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_3]",id_hash($ispc_dom_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_4]",id_hash($ispc_dom_id,1),$document_root); // Set the values for document_root, system_user and system_group $system_user = 'web'.$ispc_dom_id; $system_group = 'client'.$client_id; $document_root = str_replace("[client_id]",$client_id,$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_1]",id_hash($client_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_2]",id_hash($client_id,2),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_3]",id_hash($client_id,3),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_4]",id_hash($client_id,4),$document_root); $uid = $system_user; $gid = $system_group; $sys_grp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = '" . $client_id . "'"); if(!$sys_grp) $sys_grp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = 0"); if(!$sys_grp) $sys_groupid = 1; else $sys_groupid = $sys_grp['groupid']; $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'parent_domain_id' => $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']], 'username' => $entry['login'], 'password' => $entry['password'], 'quota_size' => byte_to_mbyte(($entry['quota'] == 0 ? -1 : $entry['quota'])), 'active' => yes_no(1), 'uid' => $uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'dir' => $document_root, 'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid //'quota_files' => $entry[''], //'ul_ratio' => $entry[''], //'dl_ratio' => $entry[''], //'ul_bandwidth' => $entry[''], //'dl_bandwidth' => $entry[''] ); $new_id = false; $old_ftp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT ftp_user_id, parent_domain_id FROM ftp_user WHERE username = '" . $entry['login'] ."'"); if($old_ftp) { if($old_ftp['parent_domain_id'] != $domain_ids[$entry['dom_id']]) { $msg .= "FTP Account conflicts with other domain!
"; } else { $new_id = $old_ftp['ftp_user_id']; $ok = $importer->sites_ftp_user_update($session_id, $client_id, $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } } else { $new_id = $importer->sites_ftp_user_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "FTP " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['login'] . ") could not be inserted.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; $msg .= "Params: " . var_export($params, true) . "
"; } else { $msg .= "FTP Account " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['login'] . ") inserted.
"; } } $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id, 'mail'); $mail_addresses = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT m.id, m.mail_name, m.perm_id, m.postbox, m.account_id, m.redirect, m.redir_addr, m.mail_group, m.autoresponder, m.spamfilter, m.virusfilter, m.mbox_quota, m.dom_id, m.userId, a.password, a.type as `pwtype` FROM mail as m LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = m.account_id) "); $mail_ids = array(); foreach($mail_addresses as $entry) { $parent_domain = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT d.id, d.cl_id, d.name FROM domains as d WHERE d.id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); if(!$parent_domain) { $msg .= "Could not insert/update mail address " . $entry['mail_name'] . " as domain is missing.
"; continue; } /* postbox true/false * mail_group true/false * spamfilter true/false */ $has_responder = false; if($entry['autoresponder'] === 'true') { $responder = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT id, mn_id, resp_name, keystr, key_where, subject, reply_to, content_type, charset, text, resp_on, ans_freq, mem_limit FROM mail_resp WHERE mn_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); if($responder) $has_responder = true; } $maildir = str_replace("[domain]",$parent_domain["name"],$mail_config["maildir_path"]); $maildir = str_replace("[localpart]",strtolower($entry["mail_name"]),$maildir); $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'email' => $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'], 'login' => strtolower($entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name']), 'password' => $entry['password'], 'name' => $entry[''], 'quota' => ($entry['mbox_quota'] == -1 ? 0 : $entry['mbox_quota']), // in bytes! 'cc' => $entry['redir_addr'], 'maildir' => $maildir, 'homedir' => $mail_config["homedir_path"], 'uid' => $mail_config["mailuser_uid"], 'gid' => $mail_config["mailuser_gid"], 'postfix' => yes_no(1), 'disableimap' => yes_no(0), 'disablepop3' => yes_no(0), 'autoresponder_subject' => ($has_responder ? $responder['subject'] : ''), 'autoresponder_text' => ($has_responder ? $responder['text'] : ''), 'autoresponder' => yes_no($has_responder ? 1 : 0), 'autoresponder_start_date' => ($has_responder && $responder['resp_on'] === 'true' ? strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time()) : strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time() - (3600*24))), 'autoresponder_end_date' => ($has_responder && $responder['resp_on'] === 'true' ? strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time() + (3600*24*365)) : strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time())), 'move_junk' => yes_no(0) ); $client_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]]; // if this is no postbox we do not need to create a mailuser if($entry['postbox'] !== 'false') { $old_mail = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT mailuser_id FROM mail_user WHERE email = '" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . "'"); if($old_mail) { $new_id = $old_mail['mailuser_id']; $ok = $importer->mail_user_update($session_id, $client_id, $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->mail_user_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Mail" . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . ") could not be inserted/updated.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Mail " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . ") inserted/updated.
"; } $mail_ids[$entry['id']] = $new_id; } // select all redirs for this address $mail_redir = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT id, mn_id, address FROM mail_redir WHERE mn_id = '" . $entry['id'] . "'"); foreach($mail_redir as $redir) { $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'source' => $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'], 'destination' => $redir['address'], 'type' => 'forward', // or forward 'active' => yes_no(1) ); $old_mail = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT forwarding_id FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source = '" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . "' AND destination = '" . $redir['address'] . "'"); if($old_mail) { $new_id = $old_mail['forwarding_id']; $ok = $importer->mail_forward_update($session_id, $client_id, $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->mail_forward_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Mail redirect " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . " to " . $redir['address'] . ") could not be inserted/updated.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Mail redirect " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . " to " . $redir['address'] . ") inserted/updated.
"; } } unset($mail_redir); } unset($mail_addresses); $mail_aliases = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT a.id, a.mn_id, a.alias, m.dom_id, m.mail_name FROM mail_aliases as a INNER JOIN mail as m ON (m.id = a.mn_id)"); foreach($mail_aliases as $entry) { $parent_domain = $exdb->queryOneRecord("SELECT d.id, d.cl_id, d.name FROM domains as d WHERE d.id = '" . $entry['dom_id'] . "'"); if(!$parent_domain) { $msg .= "Could not insert/update mail alias " . $entry['alias'] . " as domain is missing.
"; continue; } $params = array( 'server_id' => $server_id, 'source' => $entry['alias'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'], 'destination' => $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'], 'type' => 'alias', // or forward 'active' => yes_no(1) ); $client_id = $plesk_ispc_ids[$domain_owners[$entry['dom_id']]]; $old_mail = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT forwarding_id FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source = '" . $entry['alias'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . "' AND destination = '" . $entry['mail_name'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . "'"); if($old_mail) { $new_id = $old_mail['forwarding_id']; $ok = $importer->mail_alias_update($session_id, $client_id, $new_id, $params); //if(!$ok) $new_id = false; } else { $new_id = $importer->mail_alias_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } if($new_id === false) { //something went wrong here... $msg .= "Mail alias " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['alias'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . ") could not be inserted/updated.
"; $msg .= "  Error: " . $importer->getFault() . "
"; } else { $msg .= "Mail alias " . $entry['id'] . " (" . $entry['alias'] . "@" . $parent_domain['name'] . ") inserted/updated.
"; } } unset($mail_aliases); //spamfilter // preferences = true/false, username = email address, can be *@* //id, username, preferences //spamfilter_preferences //prefid, spamfilter_id, preference, value //$client_traffic = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT t.cl_id, t.date, t.http_in, t.http_out, t.ftp_in, t.ftp_out, t.smtp_in, t.smtp_out, t.pop3_imap_in, t.pop3_imap_out FROM ClientsTraffic as t"); $db_userids = array(); $db_users = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT u.id, u.login, u.account_id, u.db_id, a.password, a.type as `pwtype` FROM db_users as u LEFT JOIN accounts as a ON (a.id = u.account_id)"); foreach($db_users as $db_user) { // database user $params = array('server_id' => $server_id, 'database_user' => $db_user['login'], 'database_password' => $db_user['password']); $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM `web_database_user` WHERE `database_user` = \'' . $app->db->quote($db_user['login']) . '\''); $db_user_id = 0; if($check) { $importer->sites_database_user_update($session_id, $client_id, $check['database_user_id'], array_merge($check, $params)); $db_user_id = $check['database_user_id']; } else { $db_user_id = $api->sites_database_user_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } if(!isset($db_userids[$db_user['db_id']])) $db_userids[$db_user['db_id']] = $db_user_id; print 'Created / updated database user: ' . $db_user['login'] . NL; } $databases = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.type, d.dom_id, d.db_server_id, d.default_user_id FROM databases as d"); foreach($databases as $database) { $params = array('server_id' => $server_id, 'parent_domain_id' => $domain_ids[$database['dom_id']], 'type' => 'mysql', 'database_name' => $database['name'], 'database_user_id' => $db_userids[$database['id']], 'database_ro_user_id' => 0, 'database_charset' => 'utf8', 'remote_access' => 'n', 'active' => 'y', 'remote_ips' => ''); $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM `web_database` WHERE `database_name` = \'' . $app->db->quote($database['name']) . '\''); if($check) { $importer->sites_database_update($session_id, $client_id, $check['database_id'], array_merge($check, $params)); } else { $importer->sites_database_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } print 'Created / updated database: ' . $database['name'] . NL; } // do we need table disk_usage for import? i think we don't // name is domain name, displayName is including "Umlaute" //$anon_ftp = $exdb->queryAllRecords("SELECT f.id, f.dom_id, f.max_conn, f.bandwidth, f.incoming, f.incoming_readable, f.incoming_subdirs, f.status, f.quota, f.display_login, f.login_text FROM anon_ftp as f"); //DomainServices //id, dom_id, type, status, parameters_id, ipCollectionId //DomainsTraffic //dom_id, date, http_in, http_out, ftp_in, ftp_out, smtp_in, smtp_out, pop3_imap_in, pop3_imap_out //IP_Adresses //id, ip_address, mask, iface, ssl_certificate_id, default_domain_id, ftps, main, status //ip_pool //id, ip_address_id, type /* TODO: */ //misc // needed? global settings //param, val //Permissions //id, permission, value //smb_users // pass is base64 encoded plaintext //id, login, password, contactName, email, companyName, phone, fax, address, city, state, zip, country, creationDate, isBuiltIn, roleId, uuid, isLocked, authCookie, sessionId, externalId, ownerId, isDomainAdmin, additionalInfo, imNumber, imType, isLegacyUser /* TODO: sys_users // mapped_to = parent_id id, login, account_id, home, shell, quota, mapped_to */ } else { $msg .= 'Connecting to external database failed!
'; $msg .= $exdb->connect_error; $msg .= substr($exdb->errorMessage, 0, 25); $error .= $exdb->errorMessage; } //* restore db login details /*$conf['db_host'] = $conf_bak['db_host']; $conf['db_database'] = $conf_bak['db_database']; $conf['db_user'] = $conf_bak['db_user']; $conf['db_password'] = $conf_bak['db_password'];*/ } $app->tpl->setVar('msg',$msg); $app->tpl->setVar('error',$error); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>