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reseller.tform.php 29.1 KiB
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	Form Definition


	- INTEGER (Forces the input to Int)
	- CURRENCY (Formats the values to currency notation)
	- VARCHAR (no format check, maxlength: 255)
	- TEXT (no format check)
	- DATE (Dateformat, automatic conversion to timestamps)

	- TEXT (Textfield)
	- TEXTAREA (Textarea)
	- PASSWORD (Password textfield, input is not shown when edited)
	- SELECT (Select option field)

	- Wert oder Array

	The ID field of the database table is not part of the datafield definition.
	The ID field must be always auto incement (int or bigint).
	- searchable = 1 or searchable = 2 include the field in the search
	- searchable = 1: this field will be the title of the search result
	- searchable = 2: this field will be included in the description of the search result
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$form["title"] 			= "Reseller";
$form["description"] 	= "";
$form["name"] 			= "reseller";
$form["action"]			= "reseller_edit.php";
$form["db_table"]		= "client";
$form["db_table_idx"]	= "client_id";
$form["db_history"]		= "yes";
$form["tab_default"]	= "address";
$form["list_default"]	= "reseller_list.php";
$form["auth"]			= 'yes';

$form["auth_preset"]["userid"]  = 0; // 0 = id of the user, > 0 id must match with id of current user
$form["auth_preset"]["groupid"] = 0; // 0 = default groupid of the user, > 0 id must match with groupid of current user
$form["auth_preset"]["perm_user"] = 'riud'; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete
$form["auth_preset"]["perm_group"] = 'riud'; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete
$form["auth_preset"]["perm_other"] = ''; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete

//* Load themes
$themes_list = array();
$handle = @opendir(ISPC_THEMES_PATH);
while ($file = @readdir ($handle)) {
    if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') {
        if(@is_dir(ISPC_THEMES_PATH."/$file")) {
			if(!file_exists(ISPC_THEMES_PATH."/$file/ispconfig_version") || (@file_exists(ISPC_THEMES_PATH."/$file/ispconfig_version") && trim(@file_get_contents(ISPC_THEMES_PATH."/$file/ispconfig_version")) == ISPC_APP_VERSION)) {
                $themes_list[$file] = $file;
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//* Languages
$language_list = array();
$handle = @opendir(ISPC_ROOT_PATH.'/lib/lang');
while ($file = @readdir ($handle)) {
    if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
        if(@is_file(ISPC_ROOT_PATH.'/lib/lang/'.$file) and substr($file,-4,4) == '.lng') {
			$tmp = substr($file, 0, 2);
			$language_list[$tmp] = $tmp;

$form["tabs"]['address'] = array (
	'title' 	=> "Address",
	'width' 	=> 100,
	'template' 	=> "templates/reseller_edit_address.htm",
	'fields' 	=> array (
	# Begin Datatable fields
		'company_name' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> '',
			'searchable' => 2
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		'contact_name' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
			'validators'	=> array ( 	0 => array (	'type'	=> 'NOTEMPTY',
														'errmsg'=> 'contact_error_empty'),
			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> '',
			'searchable' => 1
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		'customer_no' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
			'validators'	=> array ( 	0 => array (	'type'	=> 'UNIQUE',
														'errmsg'=> 'customer_no_error_unique',
														'allowempty' => 'y'),
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			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> '',
			'searchable' => 2
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latham committed
		'username' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
			'validators'	=> array ( 	0 => array (	'type'	=> 'NOTEMPTY',
														'errmsg'=> 'username_error_empty'),
										1 => array (	'type'	=> 'CUSTOM',
														'class' => 'validate_client',
														'function' => 'username_unique',
														'errmsg'=> 'username_error_unique'),
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										2 => array (	'type'	=> 'CUSTOM',
														'class' => 'validate_client',
														'function' => 'username_collision',
														'errmsg'=> 'username_error_collision'),
										3 => array (	'type'	=> 'REGEX',
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														'regex' => '/^[\w\.\-\_]{0,64}$/',
														'errmsg'=> 'username_error_regex'),
			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> '',
			'searchable' => 2
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		'password' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'PASSWORD',
			'encryption'=> 'CRYPT',
			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> ''
		'language' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'SELECT',
			'default'	=> $conf["language"],
			'value'		=> $language_list,
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> ''
		'usertheme' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'SELECT',
			'default'	=> $conf["theme"],
			'value'		=> $themes_list,
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latham committed
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
			'maxlength'	=> '255',
			'rows'		=> '',
			'cols'		=> ''
		'street' => array (
			'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
			'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
			'default'	=> '',
			'value'		=> '',
			'separator'	=> '',
			'width'		=> '30',
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