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 * Description of class
 * @author croydon
Marius Burkard's avatar
Marius Burkard committed
class ISPConfigUbuntu2004OS extends ISPConfigUbuntuOS {
	protected function configureApt() {
		// enable contrib and non-free
		ISPConfigLog::info('Configuring apt repositories.', true);

		$contents = '# created by ISPConfig auto installer
deb focal main restricted
deb focal-updates main restricted
deb focal universe
deb focal-updates universe
deb focal multiverse
deb focal-updates multiverse
deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-security main restricted
deb focal-security universe
deb focal-security multiverse
		file_put_contents('/etc/apt/sources.list', $contents);

	protected function beforePackageInstall($section = '') {

		$cmd = 'update-rc.d -f apparmor remove ; update-rc.d -f sendmail remove ; apt-get -y -qq remove apparmor apparmor-utils';
		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		if($result === false) {
			throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');

	protected function getPackagesToInstall($section) {
Marius Burkard's avatar
Marius Burkard committed
		$packages = parent::getPackagesToInstall($section);

		if($section === 'mail') {
			$packages[] = 'p7zip';
			$packages[] = 'p7zip-full';
			$packages[] = 'unrar-free';
			$packages[] = 'lrzip';
		} elseif($section === 'base') {
			$packages = array(
Marius Burkard's avatar
Marius Burkard committed
	protected function shallCompileJailkit() {
		return false;

	protected function addSuryRepo() {
		ISPConfigLog::info('Activating sury php repository.', true);

		$cmd = 'add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php';
		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		if($result === false) {
			throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');

	protected function getFail2BanJail() {
		$jk_jail = '[pure-ftpd]
enabled = true
port = ftp
filter = pure-ftpd
logpath = /var/log/syslog
maxretry = 3

enabled = true
filter = dovecot
action = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot-pop3imap, port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/mail.log
maxretry = 5

enabled = true
port = smtp
filter = postfix
logpath = /var/log/mail.log
maxretry = 3';
		return $jk_jail;

	protected function setDefaultPHP() {
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Thom Pol committed
		ISPConfigLog::info('Setting default system php version.', true);
		$cmd = 'update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4';
		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		if($result === false) {
			throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');

		if(ISPConfig::shallInstall('web')) {
			// When --use-php-system is used, there is no alternative for php-fpm.sock.
			if(ISPConfig::wantsPHP() === 'system') {
				$cmd = 'update-alternatives --set php-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi7.4';
			} else {
				$cmd = 'update-alternatives --set php-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi7.4 ; update-alternatives --set php-fpm.sock /run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock';
			$result = $this->exec($cmd);
			if($result === false) {
				throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');

	protected function getSystemPHPVersion() {
		return '7.4';
