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debian6_dovecot.conf.master 2.67 KiB
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## ISPConfig3 Template file.
## This file was installed by ISPConfig3
## It will be replaced if ISPConfig3 is updated.

## Dovecot configuration file
base_dir = /var/run/dovecot/

tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
listen = *,[::]
protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "

# ssl_cert_file = /etc/ssl/
# ssl_key_file = /etc/ssl/

ssl_cert_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.cert
ssl_key_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.key

latham's avatar
latham committed
login_greeting = ISPConfig3 IMAP server ready...

## IMAP specific settings
protocol imap {
  mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/rawlog /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota

## POP3 specific settings
protocol pop3 {
  mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/rawlog /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
  mail_plugins = quota

## LDA specific settings
protocol lda {
  # Address to use when sending rejection mails.
  postmaster_address = postmaster@my-domain.tld

  # Support for dynamically loadable plugins. mail_plugins is a space separated
  # list of plugins to load.
  mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lda

  # UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users.
  auth_socket_path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master

  # Enabling Sieve plugin for server-side mail filtering
  mail_plugins = sieve quota

## Plugin settings
plugin {
  quota = dict:user::file:/var/vmail/%d/%n/.quotausage
  # Because the mail quota is called in the user query 
  # the maildir quota does not need to be set.
  # You do not need: quota = maildir

  # no longer needed, as 'sieve' is in userdb extra fields:

  sieve_max_script_size = 2M
  sieve_max_actions = 100
  sieve_max_redirects = 25

## Authentication processes

# Executable location
#auth_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-auth
auth default {
  mechanisms = plain login

  # SQL database <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.SQL.txt>
  passdb sql {
    # Path for SQL configuration file
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf

# new quota support:
  userdb prefetch {

  userdb sql {
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf

  ## dovecot-lda specific settings
  socket listen {
    master {
      path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
      mode = 0600
      user = vmail # User running Dovecot LDA
      #group = vmail # Or alternatively mode 0660 + LDA user in this group
  client {
          path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
          mode = 0660
          user = postfix
          group = postfix


mail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir

mail_uid = 5000
mail_gid = 5000