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upd_0086.php 1.32 KiB
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if(!defined('INSTALLER_RUN')) die('Patch update file access violation.');

	Example installer patch update class. the classname must match
	the php and the sql patch update filename. The php patches are
	only executed when a corresponding sql patch exists.

class upd_0086 extends installer_patch_update {

	public function onAfterSQL() {
		global $inst;
		// delete all the files that were deleted on previous updates
		$delete = array(
		$curpath = dirname(dirname(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))));
		$c = 0;
		$del_all = false;
		foreach($delete as $file) {
			if(strpos($file, '..') !== false) continue; // security!
			if($del_all == false) {
				$answer = $inst->simple_query('Delete obsolete file ' . $file . '?', array('y', 'n', 'a', 'all', 'none'), 'y');
				if($answer == 'n') continue;
				elseif($answer == 'a' || $answer == 'all') $del_all = true;
				elseif($answer == 'none') break;
			if(@is_file('/usr/local/ispconfig/' . $file) && !@is_file($curpath . '/' . $file)) {
				// be sure this is not a file contained in installation!
				@unlink('/usr/local/ispconfig/' . $file);
				ilog('Deleted obsolete file /usr/local/ispconfig/' . $file);
		ilog($c . 'obsolete files deleted.');
