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installer_base.lib.php 109 KiB
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			//* and create the symlink
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Falko Timme committed
			if($this->is_update == false) {
				if(@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost')) unlink($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost');
				if(!@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/000-ispconfig.vhost')) {
					symlink($vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost', $vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/000-ispconfig.vhost');
			//if(!is_file('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter')) {
			$content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'].'/server/conf-custom/install/apache_ispconfig_fcgi_starter.master', 'tpl/apache_ispconfig_fcgi_starter.master');
			$content = str_replace('{fastcgi_bin}', $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_bin'], $content);
			$content = str_replace('{fastcgi_phpini_path}', $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_phpini_path'], $content);
			@mkdir('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig', 0755, true);
			wf('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter', $content);
			exec('chmod +x /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter');
			@symlink($install_dir.'/interface/web', '/var/www/ispconfig');
			exec('chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig');
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Falko Timme committed
		if($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true && $this->install_ispconfig_interface == true){
			//* Copy the ISPConfig vhost for the controlpanel
			$vhost_conf_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_dir'];
			$vhost_conf_enabled_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_enabled_dir'];

			// Dont just copy over the virtualhost template but add some custom settings
			$content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'].'/server/conf-custom/install/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master', 'tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master');
			$content = str_replace('{vhost_port}', $conf['nginx']['vhost_port'], $content);
			if(is_file($install_dir.'/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir.'/interface/ssl/ispserver.key')) {
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Bimon committed
				$content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', 'on', $content);
				$content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '', $content);
				$content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'on', $content);
			} else {
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Bimon committed
				$content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', 'off', $content);
				$content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '#', $content);
				$content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'off', $content);
			$socket_dir = escapeshellcmd($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_socket_dir']);
			if(substr($socket_dir, -1) != '/') $socket_dir .= '/';
			if(!is_dir($socket_dir)) exec('mkdir -p '.$socket_dir);
			$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.'ispconfig.sock';
			//$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content);
			$content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content);
			wf($vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost', $content);
			// PHP-FPM
			// Dont just copy over the php-fpm pool template but add some custom settings
			$content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'].'/server/conf-custom/install/php_fpm_pool.conf.master', 'tpl/php_fpm_pool.conf.master');
			$content = str_replace('{fpm_pool}', 'ispconfig', $content);
			//$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content);
			$content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content);
			$content = str_replace('{fpm_user}', 'ispconfig', $content);
			$content = str_replace('{fpm_group}', 'ispconfig', $content);
			wf($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_pool_dir'].'/ispconfig.conf', $content);

			//copy('tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master', $vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost');
			//* and create the symlink
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Falko Timme committed
			if($this->is_update == false) {
				if(@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost')) unlink($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost');
				if(!@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/000-ispconfig.vhost')) {
					symlink($vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost', $vhost_conf_enabled_dir.'/000-ispconfig.vhost');
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latham committed

		//* Install the update script
		if(is_file('/usr/local/bin/')) unlink('/usr/local/bin/');
		chown($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 'root');
		chmod($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 0700);
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		chown($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 'root');
		chmod($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 0700);
		chown($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 'root');
		chmod($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', 0700);
		if(!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) symlink($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/');
		if(!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) symlink($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/');
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		//* Make the logs readable for the ispconfig user
		if(@is_file('/var/log/mail.log')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/mail.log');
		if(@is_file('/var/log/mail.warn')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/mail.warn');
		if(@is_file('/var/log/mail.err')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/mail.err');
		if(@is_file('/var/log/messages')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/messages');
		if(@is_file('/var/log/clamav/clamav.log')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/clamav.log');
		if(@is_file('/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log');

		//* Create the ispconfig log file and directory
		if(!is_file($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/ispconfig.log')) {
			if(!is_dir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'])) mkdir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'], 0755);
		//* Create the ispconfig auth log file and set uid/gid
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		if(!is_file($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/auth.log')) {
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		exec('chown ispconfig:ispconfig '. $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/auth.log');
		exec('chmod 660 '. $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/auth.log');
			rename($install_dir.'/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/');
			if(is_user('getmail')) chown('/usr/local/bin/', 'getmail');
			chmod('/usr/local/bin/', 0744);
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		//* Add Log-Rotation
		if (is_dir('/etc/logrotate.d')) {
			@unlink('/etc/logrotate.d/logispc3'); // ignore, if the file is not there
			/* We rotate these logs in cron_daily.php
			$fh = fopen('/etc/logrotate.d/logispc3', 'w');
					"$conf['ispconfig_log_dir']/ispconfig.log { \n" .
					"	weekly \n" .
					"	missingok \n" .
					"	rotate 4 \n" .
					"	compress \n" .
					"	delaycompress \n" .
					"} \n" .
					"$conf['ispconfig_log_dir']/cron.log { \n" .
					"	weekly \n" .
					"	missingok \n" .
					"	rotate 4 \n" .
					"	compress \n" .
					"	delaycompress \n" .
		//* Remove Domain module as its functions are available in the client module now
		if(@is_dir('/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/domain')) exec('rm -rf /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/domain');
		//* Disable rkhunter run and update in debian cronjob as ispconfig is running and updating rkhunter
		if(is_file('/etc/default/rkhunter')) {
			replaceLine('/etc/default/rkhunter', 'CRON_DAILY_RUN="yes"', 'CRON_DAILY_RUN="no"', 1, 0);
			replaceLine('/etc/default/rkhunter', 'CRON_DB_UPDATE="yes"', 'CRON_DB_UPDATE="no"', 1, 0);
		// Add symlink for patch tool
		if(!is_link('/usr/local/bin/ispconfig_patch')) exec('ln -s /usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/ispconfig_patch /usr/local/bin/ispconfig_patch');
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	public function configure_dbserver() {
		global $conf;

		//* If this server shall act as database server for client DB's, we configure this here
		$install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir'];

		// Create a file with the database login details which
		// are used to create the client databases.

		if(!is_dir($install_dir.'/server/lib')) {
			$command = "mkdir $install_dir/server/lib";
			caselog($command.' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: $command", "Failed to execute the command $command");

		$content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'].'/server/conf-custom/install/mysql_clientdb.conf.master', 'tpl/mysql_clientdb.conf.master');
		$content = str_replace('{hostname}', $conf['mysql']['host'], $content);
		$content = str_replace('{username}', $conf['mysql']['admin_user'], $content);
		$content = str_replace('{password}', $conf['mysql']['admin_password'], $content);
		wf($install_dir.'/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', $content);
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		chmod($install_dir.'/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 0600);
		chown($install_dir.'/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root');
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		chgrp($install_dir.'/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root');
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	public function install_crontab() {
		global $conf;

		$install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir'];

		//* Root Crontab
		exec('crontab -u root -l > crontab.txt');
		$existing_root_cron_jobs = file('crontab.txt');

		// remove existing ispconfig cronjobs, in case the syntax has changed
		foreach($existing_root_cron_jobs as $key => $val) {
			if(stristr($val, $install_dir)) unset($existing_root_cron_jobs[$key]);
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		$root_cron_jobs = array(
			"* * * * * ".$install_dir."/server/ 2>&1 > /dev/null | while read line; do echo `/bin/date` \"\$line\" >> ".$conf['ispconfig_log_dir']."/cron.log; done",
			"30 00 * * * ".$install_dir."/server/ 2>&1 > /dev/null | while read line; do echo `/bin/date` \"\$line\" >> ".$conf['ispconfig_log_dir']."/cron.log; done"
		if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true) {
			$root_cron_jobs[] = "0 0 * * * ".$install_dir."/server/scripts/ &> /dev/null";
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		foreach($root_cron_jobs as $cron_job) {
			if(!in_array($cron_job."\n", $existing_root_cron_jobs)) {
				$existing_root_cron_jobs[] = $cron_job."\n";
		file_put_contents('crontab.txt', $existing_root_cron_jobs);
		exec('crontab -u root crontab.txt &> /dev/null');

		//* Getmail crontab
		if(is_user('getmail')) {
			$cf = $conf['getmail'];
			exec('crontab -u getmail -l > crontab.txt');
			$existing_cron_jobs = file('crontab.txt');

			$cron_jobs = array(
				'*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ > /dev/null 2>> /dev/null'
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			// remove existing ispconfig cronjobs, in case the syntax has changed
			foreach($existing_cron_jobs as $key => $val) {
				if(stristr($val, 'getmail')) unset($existing_cron_jobs[$key]);
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			foreach($cron_jobs as $cron_job) {
				if(!in_array($cron_job."\n", $existing_cron_jobs)) {
					$existing_cron_jobs[] = $cron_job."\n";
			file_put_contents('crontab.txt', $existing_cron_jobs);
			exec('crontab -u getmail crontab.txt &> /dev/null');

		chmod($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/cron.log', 0660);
	public function getinitcommand($servicename, $action, $init_script_directory = ''){
		global $conf;
		// systemd
			return 'systemctl '.$action.' '.$servicename.'.service';
		// upstart
			exec('/sbin/initctl version 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep -q upstart', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']);
			if(intval($retval['retval']) == 0) return 'service '.$servicename.' '.$action;
		// sysvinit
		if($init_script_directory == '') $init_script_directory = $conf['init_scripts'];
		if(substr($init_script_directory, -1) === '/') $init_script_directory = substr($init_script_directory, 0, -1);
		return $init_script_directory.'/'.$servicename.' '.$action;
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	 * Helper function - get the path to a template file based on
	 * the local part of the filename. Checks first for the existence
	 * of a distribution specific file and if not found looks in the
	 * base template folder. Optionally the behaviour can be changed
	 * by setting the 2nd parameter which will fetch the contents
	 * of the template file and return it instead of the path. The 3rd
	 * parameter further extends this behaviour by filtering the contents
	 * by inserting the ispconfig database credentials using the {} placeholders.
	 * @param string $tLocal local part of filename
	 * @param bool $tRf
	 * @param bool $tDBCred
	 * @return string Relative path to the chosen template file
	protected function get_template_file($tLocal, $tRf=false, $tDBCred=false) {
		global $conf, $dist;

		$final_path = '';
		$dist_template = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/' . $tLocal . '.master';
		if (file_exists($dist_template)) {
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			$final_path = $dist_template;
		} else {
			$dist_template = 'dist/tpl/'.strtolower($dist['name'])."/$tLocal.master";
			if (file_exists($dist_template)) {
				$final_path = $dist_template;
			} else {
				$final_path = "tpl/$tLocal.master";
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		if (!$tRf) {
			return $final_path;
		} else {
			return (!$tDBCred) ? rf($final_path) : $this->insert_db_credentials(rf($final_path));

	 * Helper function - writes the contents to a config file
	 * and performs a backup if the file exist. Additionally
	 * if the file exists the new file will be given the
	 * same rights and ownership as the original. Optionally the
	 * rights and/or ownership can be overriden by appending umask,
	 * user and group to the parameters. Providing only uid and gid
	 * values will result in only a chown.
	 * @param $tConf
	 * @param $tContents
	 * @return bool
	protected function write_config_file($tConf, $tContents) {
		// Backup config file before writing new contents and stat file
		if ( is_file($tConf) ) {
			$stat = exec('stat -c \'%a %U %G\' '.escapeshellarg($tConf), $output, $res);
			if ($res == 0) { // stat successfull
				list($access, $user, $group) = explode(" ", $stat);
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			if ( copy($tConf, $tConf.'~') ) {
				chmod($tConf.'~', 0400);

		wf($tConf, $tContents); // write file

		if (func_num_args() >= 4) // override rights and/or ownership
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			$args = func_get_args();
			$output = array_slice($args, 2);

			switch (sizeof($output)) {
			case 3:
				$umask = array_shift($output);
				if (is_numeric($umask) && preg_match('/^0?[0-7]{3}$/', $umask)) {
					$access = $umask;
			case 2:
				if (is_user($output[0]) && is_group($output[1])) {
					list($user, $group) = $output;
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		if (!empty($user) && !empty($group)) {
			chown($tConf, $user);
			chgrp($tConf, $group);

		if (!empty($access)) {
			exec("chmod $access $tConf");

	 * Helper function - filter the contents of a config
	 * file by inserting the common ispconfig database
	 * credentials.
	 * @param $tContents
	 * @return string
	protected function insert_db_credentials($tContents) {
		global $conf;

		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf["mysql"]["ispconfig_user"], $tContents);
		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf["mysql"]["ispconfig_password"], $tContents);
		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_database}', $conf["mysql"]["database"], $tContents);
		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_ip}', $conf["mysql"]["ip"], $tContents);
		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_host}', $conf['mysql']['host'], $tContents);
		$tContents = str_replace('{mysql_server_port}', $conf["mysql"]["port"], $tContents);
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		return $tContents;