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* vlibTemplate is a class used to seperate PHP and HTML.
* For instructions on how to use vlibTemplate, see the
* vlibTemplate.html file, located in the 'docs' directory.
* @since 07/03/2002
* @author Kelvin Jones <>
* @package vLIB
* @access public
* @see vlibTemplate.html
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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.0                                                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2002 Active Fish Group                                 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Kelvin Jones <>                     |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id:,v 1.1 2003/07/08 12:31:10 platinum Exp $

//** check and avoid multiple loading of class
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if (!defined('vlibTemplateClassLoaded')) {
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    define('vlibTemplateClassLoaded', 1);
   	include_once (ISPC_CLASS_PATH.'/');
   	include_once (ISPC_CLASS_PATH.'/');
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    class tpl{
        |                                 ATTENTION                                    |
        |  Do not touch the following variables. vlibTemplate will not work otherwise. |
        private $OPTIONS = array(
                'MAX_INCLUDES'          =>   10,
                'TEMPLATE_DIR'          => null,
                'GLOBAL_VARS'           => null,
                'GLOBAL_CONTEXT_VARS'   => null,
                'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'     => null,
                'SET_LOOP_VAR'          => null,
                'DEFAULT_ESCAPE'        => null,
                'STRICT'                => null,
                'CASELESS'              => null,
                'UNKNOWNS'              => null,
                'TIME_PARSE'            => null,
                'ENABLE_PHPINCLUDE'     => null,
                'INCLUDE_PATHS'         => array(),
                'CACHE_DIRECTORY'       => null,
                'CACHE_LIFETIME'        => null,
                'CACHE_EXTENSION'       => null
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        /** open and close tags used for escaping */
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        private $ESCAPE_TAGS = array(
                'html'      => array('open' => 'htmlspecialchars('    ,'close'=> ', ENT_QUOTES)'),
                'url'       => array('open' => 'urlencode('           ,'close'=> ')'),
                'rawurl'    => array('open' => 'rawurlencode('        ,'close'=> ')'),
                'sq'        => array('open' => 'addcslashes('         ,'close'=> ", \"'\")"),
                'dq'        => array('open' => 'addcslashes('         ,'close'=> ", '\"')"),
                '1'         => array('open' => 'htmlspecialchars('    ,'close'=> ', ENT_QUOTES)'),
                '0'         => array('open' => ''                     ,'close'=> ''),
                'none'      => array('open' => ''                     ,'close'=> ''),
                'hex'       => array('open' => '$this->_escape_hex('  ,'close'=> ', false)'),
                'hexentity' => array('open' => '$this->_escape_hex('  ,'close'=> ', true)')
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        /** open and close tags used for formatting */
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        private $FORMAT_TAGS = array(
                'strtoupper' => array('open' => 'strtoupper(',          'close'=> ')'),
                'uc'         => array('open' => 'strtoupper(',          'close'=> ')'),
                'strtolower' => array('open' => 'strtolower(',          'close'=> ')'),
                'lc'         => array('open' => 'strtolower(',          'close'=> ')'),
                'ucfirst'    => array('open' => 'ucfirst(',             'close'=> ')'),
                'lcucfirst'  => array('open' => 'ucfirst(strtolower(',  'close'=> '))'),
                'ucwords'    => array('open' => 'ucwords(',             'close'=> ')'),
                'lcucwords'  => array('open' => 'ucwords(strtolower(',  'close'=> '))')
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        /** operators allowed when using extended TMPL_IF syntax */
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        private $allowed_if_ops = array('==','!=','<>','<','>','<=','>=');
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        /** dbs allowed by vlibTemplate::setDbLoop(). */
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        private $allowed_loop_dbs = array('MYSQL','POSTGRESQL','INFORMIX','INTERBASE','INGRES',
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        /** root directory of vlibTemplate automagically filled in */
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        private $VLIBTEMPLATE_ROOT = null;
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        /** contains current directory used when doing recursive include */
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        private $_currentincludedir = array();
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        /** current depth of includes */
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        private $_includedepth = 0;
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        /** full path to tmpl file */
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        private $_tmplfilename = null;
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        /** file data before it's parsed */
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        private $_tmplfile = null;
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        /** parsed version of file, ready for eval()ing */
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        private $_tmplfilep = null;
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        /** eval()ed version ready for printing or whatever */
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        private $_tmploutput = null;
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        /** array for variables to be kept */
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        private $_vars = array();
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        /** array where loop variables are kept */
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        private $_arrvars = array();
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        /** array which holds the current namespace during parse */
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        private $_namespace = array();
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        /** variable is set to true once the template is parsed, to save re-parsing everything */
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        private $_parsed = false;
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        /** array holds all unknowns vars */
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        private $_unknowns = array();
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        /** microtime when template parsing began */
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        private $_firstparsetime = null;
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        /** total time taken to parse template */
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        private $_totalparsetime = null;
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        /** name of current loop being passed in */
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        private $_currloopname = null;
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        /** rows with the above loop */
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        private $_currloop = array();
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        /** define vars to avoid warnings */
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        private $_debug = null;
        private $_cache = null;
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        /** array which holds the dynamic Includes */
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        private $_dyninclude = array();

        |                           public functions                                   |
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         * Usually called by the class constructor.
         * Stores the filename in $this->_tmplfilename.
         * Raises an error if the template file is not found.
         * @param string $tmplfile full path to template file
         * @return boolean true
         * @access public
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        public function newTemplate($tmplfile)
            if (!$tfile = $this->_fileSearch($tmplfile)){
                vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_NOFILE', KILL, $tmplfile);
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            //* make sure that any parsing vars are cleared for the new template
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            $this->_tmplfile = null;
            $this->_tmplfilep = null;
            $this->_tmploutput = null;
            $this->_parsed = false;
            $this->_unknowns = array();
            $this->_firstparsetime = null;
            $this->_totalparsetime = null;

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            //* reset debug module
            if ($this->_debug){
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            $this->_tmplfilename = $tfile;
            return true;

         * Sets variables to be used by the template
         * If $k is an array, then it will treat it as an associative array
         * using the keys as variable names and the values as variable values.
         * @param mixed $k key to define variable name
         * @param mixed $v variable to assign to $k
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function setVar($k, $v = null)
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            if (is_array($k)) {
                foreach($k as $key => $value){
                    $key = ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) ? strtolower(trim($key)) : trim($key);
                    if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/', $key) && $value !== null ) {
                        $this->_vars[$key] = $value;
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            } else {
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                if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/', $k) && $v !== null) {
                    if ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) $k = strtolower($k);
                    $this->_vars[trim($k)] = $v;
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                } else {
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                    return false;
            return true;
         * Sets dynamic includes to be used by the template
         * If $k is an array, then it will treat it as an associative array
         * using the keys as variable names and the values as variable values.
         * @param mixed $k key to define variable name
         * @param mixed $v variable to assign to $k
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function setInclude($k, $v = null) 
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        	if(is_array($k)) {
				foreach($k as $key => $val) {
					$this->_dyninclude[$key] = $val;
			} else {
				$this->_dyninclude[$k] = $v;
			return true;

         * Unsets a variable which has already been set
         * Parse in all vars wanted for deletion in seperate parametres
         * @param string var name to remove use: vlibTemplate::unsetVar(var[, var..])
         * @return boolean true/false returns true unless called with 0 params
         * @access public
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        public function unsetVar()
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            $num_args = func_num_args();
            if ($num_args < 1)  return false;

            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++) {
                $var = func_get_arg($i);
                if ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) $var = strtolower($var);
                if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/', $var)) continue;
            return true;

         * Gets all vars currently set in global namespace.
         * @return array
         * @access public
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        public function getVars()
            return empty($this->_vars) ? false : $this->_vars;
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         * Gets a single var from the global namespace
         * @return var
         * @access public
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        public function getVar($var)
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            if ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) $var = strtolower($var);
            return (empty($var) || !isset($this->_vars[$var])) ? false : $this->_vars[$var];
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         * sets the GLOBAL_CONTEXT_VARS
         * @return true
         * @access public
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        public function setContextVars()
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            $_phpself = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['PHP_SELF'];
            $_pathinfo = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['PATH_INFO'];
            $_request_uri = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['REQUEST_URI'];
            $_qs   = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['QUERY_STRING'];

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            //* the following fixes bug of $PHP_SELF on Win32 CGI and IIS.
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            $_self = (!empty($_pathinfo)) ? $_pathinfo : $_phpself;
            $_uri  = (!empty($_request_uri)) ? $_request_uri : $_self.'?'.$_qs;

            $this->setvar('__SELF__', $_self);
            $this->setvar('__REQUEST_URI__', $_uri);
            return true;

         * Builds the loop construct for use with <TMPL_LOOP>.
         * @param string $k string to define loop name
         * @param array $v array to assign to $k
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function setLoop($k, $v)
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            if (is_array($v) && preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/', $k)) {
                $k = ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) ? strtolower(trim($k)) : trim($k);
                $this->_arrvars[$k] = array();
                if ($this->OPTIONS['SET_LOOP_VAR'] && !empty($v)) $this->setvar($k, 1);
                if (($this->_arrvars[$k] = $this->_arrayBuild($v)) == false) {
                    vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_ARR', WARNING, $k);
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            return true;

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         * [** EXPERIMENTAL **]
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         * Function to create a loop from a Db result resource link.
         * @param string $loopname to commit loop. If not set, will use last loopname set using newLoop()
         * @param string $result link to a Db result resource
         * @param string $db_type, type of db that the result resource belongs to.
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function setDbLoop($loopname, $result, $db_type = 'MYSQL')
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            $db_type = strtoupper($db_type);
            if (!in_array($db_type, $this->allowed_loop_dbs)) {
                vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_LOOP_DB', WARNING, $db_type);
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                return false;

            $loop_arr = array();
            // TODO: Are all these necessary as were onyl using mysql and possible postgres ? - pedro
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            switch ($db_type) {

                case 'MYSQL':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'mysql result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'POSTGRESQL':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'pgsql result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;

                    $nr = (function_exists('pg_num_rows')) ? pg_num_rows($result) : pg_numrows($result);

                    for ($i=0; $i < $nr; $i++) {
                        $loop_arr[] = pg_fetch_array($result, $i, PGSQL_ASSOC);
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                case 'INFORMIX':
                    if (!$result) {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = ifx_fetch_row($result, 'NEXT')) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'INTERBASE':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'interbase result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = ibase_fetch_row($result)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'INGRES':
                    if (!$result) {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = ingres_fetch_array(INGRES_ASSOC, $result)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'MSSQL':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'mssql result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = mssql_fetch_array($result)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'MSQL':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'msql result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while($r = msql_fetch_array($result, MSQL_ASSOC)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'OCI8':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'oci8 statement') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while(OCIFetchInto($result, &$r, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'ORACLE':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'oracle Cursor') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while(ora_fetch_into($result, &$r, ORA_FETCHINTO_ASSOC)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'OVRIMOS':
                    if (!$result) {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;
                    while(ovrimos_fetch_into($result, &$r, 'NEXT')) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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                case 'SYBASE':
                    if (get_resource_type($result) != 'sybase-db result') {
                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE', WARNING, $db_type);
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                        return false;

                    while($r = sybase_fetch_array($result)) {
                        $loop_arr[] = $r;
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            $this->setLoop($loopname, $loop_arr);
            return true;

         * Sets the name for the curent loop in the 3 step loop process.
         * @param string $name string to define loop name
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function newLoop($loopname)
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            if (preg_match('/^[a-z_]+[a-z0-9_]*$/i', $loopname)) {
                $this->_currloopname[$loopname] = $loopname;
                $this->_currloop[$loopname] = array();
                return true;
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            } else {
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                return false;

         * Adds a row to the current loop in the 3 step loop process.
         * @param array $row loop row to add to current loop
         * @param string $loopname loop to which you want to add row, if not set will use last loop set using newLoop().
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function addRow($row, $loopname = null)
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            if (!$loopname) $loopname = $this->_currloopname[(count($this->_currloopname)-1)];

            if (!isset($this->_currloop[$loopname]) || empty($this->_currloopname)) {
                vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_LOOP_NOT_SET', WARNING);
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                return false;
            if (is_array($row)) {
                $this->_currloop[$loopname][] = $row;
                return true;
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            } else {
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                return false;

         * Completes the 3 step loop process. This assigns the rows and resets
         * the variables used.
         * @param string $loopname to commit loop. If not set, will use last loopname set using newLoop()
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function addLoop($loopname = null)
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            if ($loopname == null) { // add last loop used
                if (!empty($this->_currloop)) {
                    foreach ($this->_currloop as $k => $v) {
                        $this->setLoop($k, $v);
                    $this->_currloopname = array();
                    return true;
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                } else {
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                    return false;
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            } elseif (!isset($this->_currloop[$loopname]) || empty($this->_currloopname)) { // newLoop not yet envoked
                    vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_LOOP_NOT_SET', WARNING);
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                    return false;
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            } else { // add a specific loop
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                $this->setLoop($loopname, $this->_currloop[$loopname]);
                unset($this->_currloopname[$loopname], $this->_currloop[$loopname]);
            return true;

         * Unsets a loop which has already been set.
         * Can only unset top level loops.
         * @param string loop to remove use: vlibTemplate::unsetLoop(loop[, loop..])
         * @return boolean true/false returns true unless called with 0 params
         * @access public
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        public function unsetLoop()
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            $num_args = func_num_args();
            if ($num_args < 1) return false;

            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++) {
                $var = func_get_arg($i);
                if ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) $var = strtolower($var);
                if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$/', $var)) continue;
            return true;

         * Resets the vlibTemplate object. After using vlibTemplate::reset() you must
         * use vlibTemplate::newTemplate(tmpl) to reuse, not passing in the options array.
         * @return boolean true
         * @access public
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        public function reset()
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            $this->_tmplfilename = null;
            $this->_tmplfile = null;
            $this->_tmplfilep = null;
            $this->_tmploutput = null;
            $this->_parsed = false;
            $this->_unknowns = array();
            $this->_firstparsetime = null;
            $this->_totalparsetime = null;
            $this->_currloopname = null;
            $this->_currloop = array();
            return true;

         * Unsets all variables in the template
         * @return boolean true
         * @access public
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        public function clearVars()
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            $this->_vars = array();
            return true;

         * Unsets all loops in the template
         * @return boolean true
         * @access public
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        public function clearLoops()
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            $this->_arrvars = array();
            $this->_currloopname = null;
            $this->_currloop = array();
            return true;

         * Unsets all variables and loops set using setVar/Loop()
         * @return boolean true
         * @access public
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        public function clearAll()
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            return true;

         * Returns true if unknowns were found after parsing.
         * Function MUST be called AFTER one of the parsing functions to have any relevance.
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access public
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        public function unknownsExist()
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            return (!empty($this->_unknowns));

         * Alias for unknownsExist.
         * @access public
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        public function unknowns()
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            return $this->unknownsExist();

         * Returns an array of all unknown vars found when parsing.
         * This function is only relevant after parsing a document.
         * @return array
         * @access public
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        public function getUnknowns()
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            return $this->_unknowns;

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          * Sets how you want to handle variables that were found in the
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         * template but not set in vlibTemplate using vlibTemplate::setVar().
         * @param  string $arg ignore, remove, print, leave or comment
         * @return boolean
         * @access public
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        public function setUnknowns($arg)
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            $arg = strtolower(trim($arg));
            if (preg_match('/^ignore|remove|print|leave|comment$/', $arg)) {
                $this->OPTIONS['UNKNOWNS'] = $arg;
                return true;
            return false;

         * function sets the paths to use when including files.
         * Use of this function: vlibTemplate::setPath(string path [, string path, ..]);
         * i.e. if $tmpl is your template object do: $tmpl->setPath('/web/htdocs/templates','/web/htdocs/www');
         * with as many paths as you like.
         * if this function is called without any arguments, it will just delete any previously set paths.
         * @param string path (mulitple)
         * @return bool success
         * @access public
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        public function setPath()
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            $num_args = func_num_args();
            if ($num_args < 1) {
                $this->OPTIONS['INCLUDE_PATHS'] = array();
                return true;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++) {
                $thispath = func_get_arg($i);
                array_push($this->OPTIONS['INCLUDE_PATHS'], realpath($thispath));
            return true;

         * After using one of the parse functions, this will allow you
         * access the time taken to parse the template.
         * see OPTION 'TIME_PARSE'.
         * @return float time taken to parse template
         * @access public
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        public function getParseTime()
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            if ($this->OPTIONS['TIME_PARSE'] && $this->_parsed) {
                return $this->_totalparsetime;
            return false;

         * Identical to pparse() except that it uses output buffering w/ gz compression thus
         * printing the output directly and compressed if poss.
         * Will possibly if parsing a huge template.
         * @access public
         * @return boolean true/false
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        public function fastPrint()
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            $ret = $this->_parse('ob_gzhandler');
            return $ret;

         * Calls parse, and then prints out $this->_tmploutput
         * @access public
         * @return boolean true/false
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        public function pparse()
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            if (!$this->_parsed) $this->_parse();
            return true;

         * Alias for pparse()
         * @access public
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        public function pprint()
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            return $this->pparse();

         * Returns the parsed output, ready for printing, passing to mail() ...etc.
         * Invokes $this->_parse() if template has not yet been parsed.
         * @access public
         * @return boolean true/false
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        public function grab()
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            if (!$this->_parsed) $this->_parse();
            return $this->_tmploutput;

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        |                           private functions                                  |
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         * vlibTemplate constructor.
         * if $tmplfile has been passed to it, it will send to $this->newTemplate()
         * @param string $tmplfile full path to template file
         * @param array $options see above
         * @return boolean true/false
         * @access private
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        public function __construct($tmplfile = null, $options = null)
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            if (is_array($tmplfile) && $options == null) {
                $options = $tmplfile;

            $this->VLIBTEMPLATE_ROOT = dirname(realpath(__FILE__));

            if (is_array(vlibIni::vlibTemplate())) {
                foreach (vlibIni::vlibTemplate() as $name => $val) {
                    $this->OPTIONS[$name] = $val;

            if (is_array($options)) {
                foreach($options as $key => $val) {
                    $key = strtoupper($key);
                    if ($key == 'PATH') {
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                    } else {
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                        $this->_setOption($key, strtolower($val));
            if($tmplfile) $this->newTemplate($tmplfile);
            if ($this->OPTIONS['GLOBAL_CONTEXT_VARS']) $this->setContextVars();
            return true;

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         * function returns the text from the file, or if we're using cache, the text
         * from the cache file. MUST RETURN DATA.
         * @param string tmplfile contains path to template file
         * @param do_eval used for included files. If set then this function must do the eval()'ing.
         * @access private
         * @return mixed data/string or boolean
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        private function _getData ($tmplfile, $do_eval=false)
            //* check the current file depth
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            if ($this->_includedepth > $this->OPTIONS['MAX_INCLUDES'] || $tmplfile == false) {
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            } else {
                if ($this->_debug){
                    array_push ($this->_debugIncludedfiles, $tmplfile);
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                if ($do_eval) {
                    array_push($this->_currentincludedir, dirname($tmplfile));

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            if($this->_cache && $this->_checkCache($tmplfile)) { //* cache exists so lets use it
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                $data = fread($fp = fopen($this->_cachefile, 'r'), filesize($this->_cachefile));
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            } else { //* no cache lets parse the file
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                $data = fread($fp = fopen($tmplfile, 'r'), filesize($tmplfile));

                $regex = '/(<|<\/|{|{\/|<!--|<!--\/){1}\s*';
                $regex.= 'tmpl_([\w]+)\s*';
                $regex.= '(?:';
                $regex.=    '(?:';
                $regex.=        '(name|format|escape|op|value|file)';
                $regex.=        '\s*=\s*';
                $regex.=    ')?';
                $regex.=    '(?:[\"\'])?';
                $regex.=    '((?<=[\"\'])';
                $regex.=    '[^\"\']*|[a-z0-9_\.]*)';
                $regex.=    '[\"\']?';
                $regex.= ')?\s*';
                $regex.= '(?:';
                $regex.=    '(?:';
                $regex.=        '(name|format|escape|op|value)';
                $regex.=        '\s*=\s*';
                $regex.=    ')';
                $regex.=    '(?:[\"\'])?';
                $regex.=    '((?<=[\"\'])';
                $regex.=    '[^\"\']*|[a-z0-9_\.]*)';
                $regex.=    '[\"\']?';
                $regex.= ')?\s*';
                $regex.= '(?:';
                $regex.=    '(?:';
                $regex.=        '(name|format|escape|op|value)';
                $regex.=        '\s*=\s*';
                $regex.=    ')';
                $regex.=    '(?:[\"\'])?';
                $regex.=    '((?<=[\"\'])';
                $regex.=    '[^\"\']*|[a-z0-9_\.]*)';
                $regex.=    '[\"\']?';
                $regex.= ')?\s*';
                $regex.= '(?:>|\/>|}|-->){1}';
                $regex.= '([\r\n|\n|\r])?/ie';
                $data = preg_replace($regex,"\$this->_parseTag(array('\\0','\\1','\\2','\\3','\\4','\\5','\\6','\\7','\\8','\\9'));",$data);

                if ($this->_cache) { // add cache if need be

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            //* now we must parse the $data and check for any <tmpl_include>'s
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            if ($this->_debug) $this->doDebugWarnings(file($tmplfile), $tmplfile);

            if ($do_eval) {
                $success = @eval('?>'.$data.'<?php return 1;');
                return $success;
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            } else {
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                return $data;

         * Searches for all possible instances of file { $file }
         * @param string $file path of file we're looking for
         * @access private
         * @return mixed fullpath to file or boolean false
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        private function _fileSearch($file) 
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            $filename = basename($file);
            $filepath = dirname($file);

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            //* check fullpath first..
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            $fullpath = $filepath.'/'.$filename;
            if (is_file($fullpath)) return $fullpath;

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            //* ..then check for relative path for current directory..
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            if (!empty($this->_currentincludedir)) {
                $currdir = $this->_currentincludedir[(count($this->_currentincludedir) -1)];
                $relativepath = realpath($currdir.'/'.$filepath.'/'.$filename);
                if (is_file($relativepath)) {
                    array_push ($this->_currentincludedir, dirname($relativepath));
                    return $relativepath;

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            //* ..then check for relative path for all additional given paths..
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            if (!empty($this->OPTIONS['INCLUDE_PATHS'])) {
                foreach ($this->OPTIONS['INCLUDE_PATHS'] as $currdir) {
                    $relativepath = realpath($currdir.'/'.$filepath.'/'.$filename);
                    if (is_file($relativepath)) {
                        return $relativepath;

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            //* ..then check path from TEMPLATE_DIR..
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            if (!empty($this->OPTIONS['TEMPLATE_DIR'])) {
                $fullpath = realpath($this->OPTIONS['TEMPLATE_DIR'].'/'.$filepath.'/'.$filename);
                if (is_file($fullpath)) return $fullpath;

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            //* ..then check relative path from executing php script..
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            $fullpath = realpath($filepath.'/'.$filename);
            if (is_file($fullpath)) return $fullpath;

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            //* ..then check path from template file.
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            if (!empty($this->VLIBTEMPLATE_ROOT)) {
                $fullpath = realpath($this->VLIBTEMPLATE_ROOT.'/'.$filepath.'/'.$filename);
                if (is_file($fullpath)) return $fullpath;

            return false; // uh oh, file not found

         * Modifies the array $arr to add Template variables, __FIRST__, __LAST__ ..etc
         * if $this->OPTIONS['LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'] is true.
         * Used by $this->setloop().
         * @param array $arr
         * @return array new look array
         * @access private
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        private function _arrayBuild($arr)
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            if (is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) {
                $arr = array_values($arr); // to prevent problems w/ non sequential arrays
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
                    if(!is_array($arr[$i]))  return false;
                    foreach ($arr[$i] as $k => $v) {
                        if ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) $k = strtolower($k);
                        if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $k)) $k = '_'.$k;

                        if (is_array($v)) {
                            if (($arr[$i][$k] = $this->_arrayBuild($v)) == false) return false;
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                        } else { // reinsert the var
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                            $arr[$i][$k] = $v;
                    if ($this->OPTIONS['LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS']) {
                        if ($i == 0) $arr[$i]['__FIRST__'] = true;
                        if (($i + 1) == count($arr)) $arr[$i]['__LAST__'] = true;
                        if ($i != 0 && (($i + 1) < count($arr))) $arr[$i]['__INNER__'] = true;
                        if (is_int(($i+1) / 2))  $arr[$i]['__EVEN__'] = true;
                        if (!is_int(($i+1) / 2))  $arr[$i]['__ODD__'] = true;
                        $arr[$i]['__ROWNUM__'] = ($i + 1);
                return $arr;
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            } elseif (empty($arr)) {
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                return true;

         * returns a string used for parsing in tmpl_if statements.
         * @param string $varname
         * @param string $value
         * @param string $op
         * @param string $namespace current namespace
         * @access private
         * @return string used for eval'ing
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        private function _parseIf($varname, $value = null, $op = null, $namespace = null)
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            if (isset($namespace)) $namespace = substr($namespace, 0, -1);
            $comp_str = ''; // used for extended if statements

            // work out what to put on the end id value="whatever" is used
            if (isset($value)) {

                // add the correct operator depending on whether it's been specified or not
                if (!empty($op)) {
                    if (in_array($op, $this->allowed_if_ops)) {
                        $comp_str .= $op;
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                    } else {
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                        vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_IF_OP', WARNING, $op);
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                } else {
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                    $comp_str .= '==';

                // now we add the value, if it's numeric, then we leave the quotes off
                if (is_numeric($value)) {
                    $comp_str .= $value;
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                } else {
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                    $comp_str .= '\''.$value.'\'';