* Unix Line Breaks Only, NO windows breaks please.
* Tabs set at 4 spaces either as tabs or spaces.
* Tabs to indent lines, NO spaces
* no accidental _<?php space before, within or after a file
* every php file starts and end with <?php ?> no spaces before or after
* error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT) , yep php5
* Magic quotes is gone in php6, get used to it now. config = magic_quotes_gpc() Everything must be quoted
* Don't use ereg,split and other old function -> gone in php 5.4 or 6 (different information on php.net) http://www.php.net/manual/en/migration53.deprecated.php
* Don't use shorttags. A Shorttag is <? and that is confusing with <?xml -> always <?php
* every PHP file starts and end with <?php ?> no spaces before or after
* error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT), yep PHP 5
* Magic quotes is gone, get used to it now. config = magic_quotes_gpc() Everything must be quoted
* Don't use ereg, split and other old function -> gone in PHP 5.4
* Don't use features that are not supported in PHP 5.3, for compatibility with LTS OS releases, ISPConfig must support PHP 5.3+
* Don't use shorttags. A Shorttag is <? and that is confusing with <?xml -> always usw <?php
* Don't use namespaces
* Column names in database tables and database table names are in lowercase
* Classes for the interface are located in interface/lib/classes/ and loaded with $app->uses() or $app->load() functions.
* Classes for the server are located in server/lib/classes/ and loaded with $app->uses() or $app->load() functions.
please mark any section that need review or work on with
* Add documentation about access levels (public, private, protected).
* please mark any section that need review or work on with /* TODO: short description */
* Make function / var names on the following way, first word lower, next word(s) first letter upper like. getFirstResult();
Pear coding guidelines
* always a space but NO newline before opening braces, e. g.
class abc {
public function cde() {
if($a == $b) {
return false;
* no spaces after function/method or control names, e. g.