if(!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/',$service))$app->error('Invalid service '.$service);
// Check the servers table to see which kinds of servers we actually have enabled.
// simple query cache
$this->server_count=$app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(mail_server) as mail, SUM(web_server) AS web, SUM(dns_server) AS dns, SUM(file_server) AS file,
SUM(db_server) AS db, SUM(vserver_server) AS vserver, SUM(proxy_server) AS proxy, SUM(firewall_server) AS firewall, SUM(xmpp_server) AS xmpp
FROM `server` WHERE mirror_server_id = 0");
// Check if we have the service enabled.
// Check the servers table to see which kinds of servers we actually have enabled.
// simple query cache
$this->server_count=$app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(mail_server) as mail, SUM(web_server) AS web, SUM(dns_server) AS dns, SUM(file_server) AS file,
SUM(db_server) AS db, SUM(vserver_server) AS vserver, SUM(proxy_server) AS proxy, SUM(firewall_server) AS firewall, SUM(xmpp_server) AS xmpp
FROM `server` WHERE mirror_server_id = 0");
// Check if we have the service enabled.
if(isset($_SESSION['s']['user'])&&$_SESSION['s']['user']['typ']=='admin')returntrue;//* We do not check admin-users