150-awstats.inc.php: $app->log("No awstats base config found. Either awstats.conf or awstats.model.conf must exist in ".$awstats_conf_dir.".", LOGLEVEL_WARN);
150-awstats.inc.php: $app->log('Created awstats statistics with command: '.$command, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
150-awstats.inc.php: $app->log("No awstats statistics created. Either $awstats_pl or $awstats_buildstaticpages_pl is not owned by root user.", LOGLEVEL_WARN);
150-goaccess.inc.php: $app->log("No GoAccess base config found. Make sure that GoAccess is installed and that the goaccess.conf does exist in /etc or /etc/goaccess", LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
150-goaccess.inc.php: $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ?', $rec['parent_domain_id']);
150-goaccess.inc.php: $app->log("Stats not generated. The GoAccess binary was not compiled with btree support. Please recompile/reinstall GoAccess with btree support, or install GoAccess version >= 1.4!", LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
150-goaccess.inc.php: $app->log("Stats not generated. The GoAccess binary couldn't be found. Make sure that GoAccess is installed and that it is in \$PATH", LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
200-logfiles.inc.php: $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ?', $rec['parent_domain_id']);
200-logfiles.inc.php: $tmp = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("select hostname from web_traffic where hostname=? and traffic_date=?", $rec['domain'], $traffic_date);
300-quota_notify.inc.php: $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(traffic_bytes) As total_traffic_bytes FROM web_traffic WHERE traffic_date like '$current_month%' AND hostname = '$domain'");
300-quota_notify.inc.php: $database_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT database_id,sys_groupid,database_name,database_quota,last_quota_notification,DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), last_quota_notification) as `notified_before` FROM web_database");
300-quota_notify.inc.php: $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.username, client.email FROM web_database, sys_group, client WHERE web_database.sys_groupid = sys_group.groupid AND sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND web_database.database_name=?", $database);
550-bind_dnssec.inc.php:// $soas = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT id,serial,origin FROM dns_soa WHERE server_id = ? AND active= 'Y' AND dnssec_wanted = 'Y' AND dnssec_initialized = 'Y' AND (dnssec_last_signed < ? OR dnssec_last_signed > ?)", $conf['server_id'], time()-(3600*24*5)+900, time()+900); //Resign zones every 5 days (expiry is 16 days so we have enough safety, 15 minutes tolerance)
550-bind_dnssec.inc.php: $soas = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT id,serial,origin FROM dns_soa WHERE active= 'Y' AND dnssec_wanted = 'Y' AND dnssec_initialized = 'Y' AND (dnssec_last_signed < ? OR dnssec_last_signed > ?)", time()-(3600*24*5)+900, time()+900); //Resign zones every 5 days (expiry is 16 days so we have enough safety, 15 minutes tolerance)
550-bind_dnssec.inc.php: $app->log('DNSSEC Auto-Resign: Touching zone '.$domain, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
600-cleanup.inc.php: $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT s.instance_id, s.name, s.value FROM `aps_instances_settings` as s INNER JOIN `aps_instances` as i ON (i.id = s.instance_id) WHERE s.value != '' AND s.name IN ('main_database_password', 'admin_password') AND i.instance_status > 1");
600-cleanup.inc.php: $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE instance_id = ? AND name = ?", $rec['instance_id'], $rec['name']);