In case that you use a different log format, you should use a custom goaccess.conf which you'll have to put into /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/.
By default the originaly with GoAccess shipped goaccess.conf from /etc/ will be used along with the log-format value COMBINED.
By default the goaccess.conf should get copied by the webserver plugin but in case it wasn't, or it got deleted by accident we gonna copy it again to the destination dir.
Also there was no /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/goaccess.conf.master, so we gonna use /etc/goaccess.conf as the base conf.
$app->log("No GoAccess base config found. Make sure that GoAccess is installed and that the goaccess.conf does exist in ".$goaccess_conf_dir.".",LOGLEVEL_WARN);