Skip to content
......@@ -65,9 +65,11 @@ class system_config_dns_ca_plugin {
function web_vhost_domain_edit($event_name, $page_form) {
global $app;
global $app, $conf;
$global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('sites');
if($page_form->dataRecord['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y') {
if(($page_form->dataRecord['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y') && ($global_config['le_caa_autocreate_options'] != 'n')) {
$domain = $page_form->dataRecord['domain'];
$subdomain = $page_form->dataRecord['subdomain'];
$temp=$app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM dns_rr WHERE type = 'CAA' AND (name = ? OR name = ?) AND data like ?", $domain.'.', $subdomain.'.'.$domain.'.', '%letsencrypt%');
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -734,6 +734,12 @@ $form["tabs"]['mail'] = array(
'default' => 'y',
'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
'mailbox_soft_delete' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
'default' => 'n',
'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
'mailbox_quota_stats' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
......@@ -1646,6 +1652,20 @@ $form["tabs"]['dns'] = array(
'width' => '40',
'maxlength' => '255'
'bind_keyfiles_dir' => array(
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'TEXT',
'default' => '',
'validators' => array( 0 => array('type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
'errmsg' => 'bind_keyfiles_dir_error_empty'),
1 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
'regex' => '/^\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_\/]{1,128}$/',
'errmsg'=> 'bind_keyfiles_dir_error_regex'),
'value' => '',
'width' => '40',
'maxlength' => '255'
'named_conf_path' => array(
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'TEXT',
......@@ -246,7 +246,13 @@ $form["tabs"]['sites'] = array (
'formtype' => 'SELECT',
'default' => '',
'value' => array('' => 'ssh_authentication_password_key', 'password' => 'ssh_authentication_password', 'key' => 'ssh_authentication_key')
'le_caa_autocreate_options' => array (
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
'default' => 'y',
'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
// END Datatable fields
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ $form['tabs']['users'] = array (
'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
'regex' => '',
'errmsg' => '',
'default' => '',
'default' => '1',
'value' => array(0 => 0, 1 => 1),
'separator' => '',
'width' => '30',
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -106,4 +106,5 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -106,4 +106,5 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Usar links físicos é inseguro, mas eco
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Permitir links físicos enjaulados';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'Não, remover arquivos de links físicos';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Sim, usar links físicos quando possível';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -107,3 +107,4 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['monitor_key_txt'] = 'Senha do Monitor';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -106,4 +106,5 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'Ne, odstranit soubory s pevným odkazem';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Ano, pokud je to možné, použijte pevné odkazy';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -107,3 +107,4 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['monitor_key_txt'] = 'Monitor keyword';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
$wb['server_config'] = 'Server Config';
$wb['config_for_txt'] = 'Configuration for';
$wb['config_for_txt'] = 'Konfiguration für';
$wb['server_config_error_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: not updated';
$wb['server_config_error_section_not_updated'] = 'Error in Server Config: %s section not updated';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_home_txt'] = 'Jailkit Chroot home';
......@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ $wb['awstats_settings_txt'] = 'AWStats Einstellungen';
$wb['backup_mode_txt'] = 'Backupmodus';
$wb['backup_mode_userzip'] = 'Backup Dateien gehören dem Web Benutzer (.zip Datei)';
$wb['backup_mode_rootgz'] = 'Backup aller Dateien des Webverzeichnisses als Root Benutzer';
$wb['backup_mode_borg_txt'] = 'BorgBackup: Maak een back-up van alle bestanden in de vhost-directory en databases in incrementele repositories';
$wb['backup_missing_utils_txt'] = 'De volgende back-upmodus kan niet worden gebruikt omdat de vereiste tools niet zijn geïnstalleerd:';
$wb['backup_mode_borg_txt'] = 'BorgBackup: Sichere alle Dateien im Webspace-Verzeichnis und die Datenbanken in inkrementellen Repositories';
$wb['backup_missing_utils_txt'] = 'Der folgende Backup-Modus kann nicht verwendet werden, da das erforderliche Tool nicht installiert ist:';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backupzeit';
$wb['firewall_txt'] = 'Firewall';
$wb['mailbox_quota_stats_txt'] = 'E-Mailkonto Beschränkung Statistiken';
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ $wb['munin_url_error_regex'] = 'Ungültige Munin-URL';
$wb['munin_url_note_txt'] = 'Platzhalter:';
$wb['backup_dir_is_mount_txt'] = 'Backupverzeichnis ist ein eigener Mount?';
$wb['backup_dir_mount_cmd_txt'] = 'Mount-Befehl, falls Backupverzeichnis nicht gemountet';
$wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Backups loeschen wenn eine Domain / Webseite geloescht wird';
$wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Backups löschen wenn eine Domain / Webseite gelöscht wird';
$wb['v6_prefix_txt'] = 'IPv6 Prefix';
$wb['vhost_rewrite_v6_txt'] = 'Rewrite IPv6 on Mirror';
$wb['v6_prefix_length'] = 'Prefix zu lang fuer angegebene IPv6-Adresse ';
......@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ $wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
$wb['php_default_hide_txt'] = 'Hide Default PHP-Version in selectbox';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Aufbewahrungsdauer der ISPConfig Log-Dateien (Tage)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Die Aufbewahrungsdauer des Protokolls muss eine Zahl und > 0 sein.';
$wb['php_default_hide_txt'] = 'Biete die standardmäßig installierte PHP-Version des Servers nicht zur Auswahl an';
$wb['php_default_name_txt'] = 'Beschreibung Standard PHP';
$wb['php_default_name_error_empty'] = 'Beschreibung Standard PHP ist leer.';
$wb['error_mailbox_message_size_txt'] = 'Mailboxgröße muss gleich oder größer als max. Nachrichtengröße sein.';
......@@ -335,10 +335,12 @@ $wb['tooltip_rspamd_redis_bayes_password_txt'] = 'Password for Bayes Redis Serve
$wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_enabled_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol';
$wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_http_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTP Port';
$wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_https_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTPS Port';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_txt'] = 'Jailkit authorized_keys template';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot authorized_keys template file.';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Hardlinks within Jailkit chroot';
$wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves disk space.';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_txt'] = 'Jailkit authorized_keys Template';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_error_regex'] = 'Ungültige Jailkit chroot authorized_keys Template-Datei.';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Hardlinks innerhalb des Jailkit chroot';
$wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Die Benutzung von hardlinks ist unsicher, spart aber Speicherplatz.';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Erlaube hardlinks innerhalb des Jails';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'Nein, entferne hardgelinkte Dateien';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Ja, benutze hardlinks wenn möglich';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Postfach Soft-Löschung';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'wird standardmäßig nach 7 Tagen gelöscht.';
......@@ -106,4 +106,5 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Automatische Erstellung des CAA-Records bei LE Ausstellung aktivieren';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';
......@@ -106,4 +106,5 @@ $wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
$wb['le_caa_autocreate_options_txt'] = 'Enable automatic creation of CAA record on issuing LE';
......@@ -342,3 +342,5 @@ $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves d
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files';
$wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_txt'] = 'Mailbox soft delete';
$wb['mailbox_soft_delete_info_txt'] = 'by default cleaned up after 7 days.';