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						} else { // reinsert the var
							$arr[$i][$k] = $v;
					if ($this->OPTIONS['LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS']) {
						if ($i == 0) $arr[$i]['__FIRST__'] = true;
						if (($i + 1) == count($arr)) $arr[$i]['__LAST__'] = true;
						if ($i != 0 && (($i + 1) < count($arr))) $arr[$i]['__INNER__'] = true;
						if (is_int(($i+1) / 2))  $arr[$i]['__EVEN__'] = true;
						if (!is_int(($i+1) / 2))  $arr[$i]['__ODD__'] = true;
						$arr[$i]['__ROWNUM__'] = ($i + 1);
				return $arr;
			} elseif (empty($arr)) {
				return true;
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		 * returns a string used for parsing in tmpl_if statements.
		 * @param string $varname
		 * @param string $value
		 * @param string $op
		 * @param string $namespace current namespace
		 * @access private
		 * @return string used for eval'ing
		private function _parseIf($varname, $value = null, $op = null, $namespace = null)
			if (isset($namespace)) $namespace = substr($namespace, 0, -1);
			$comp_str = ''; // used for extended if statements

			// work out what to put on the end id value="whatever" is used
			if (isset($value)) {

				// add the correct operator depending on whether it's been specified or not
				if (!empty($op)) {
					if (in_array($op, $this->allowed_if_ops)) {
						$comp_str .= $op;
					} else {
						vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_INVALID_IF_OP', WARNING, $op);
				} else {
					$comp_str .= '==';
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				// now we add the value, if it's numeric, then we leave the quotes off
				if (is_numeric($value)) {
					$comp_str .= $value;
				} else {
					$comp_str .= '\''.$value.'\'';
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			if (count($this->_namespace) == 0 || $namespace == 'global') return '$this->_vars[\''.$varname.'\']'.$comp_str;
			$retstr = '$this->_arrvars';
			$numnamespaces = count($this->_namespace);
			for ($i=0; $i < $numnamespaces; $i++) {
				if ($this->_namespace[$i] == $namespace || (($i + 1) == $numnamespaces && !empty($namespace))) {
					$retstr .= "['".$namespace."'][\$_".$i."]";
					break 1;
				} else {
					$retstr .= "['".$this->_namespace[$i]."'][\$_".$i."]";
			if ($this->OPTIONS['GLOBAL_VARS'] && empty($namespace)) {
				return '(('.$retstr.'[\''.$varname.'\'] !== null) ? '.$retstr.'[\''.$varname.'\'] : $this->_vars[\''.$varname.'\'])'.$comp_str;
			} else {
				return $retstr."['".$varname."']".$comp_str;
		 * returns a string used for parsing in tmpl_loop statements.
		 * @param string $varname
		 * @access private
		 * @return string used for eval'ing
		private function _parseLoop ($varname)
			array_push($this->_namespace, $varname);
			$tempvar = count($this->_namespace) - 1;
			$retstr = "for (\$_".$tempvar."=0 ; \$_".$tempvar." < count(\$this->_arrvars";
			for ($i=0; $i < count($this->_namespace); $i++) {
				$retstr .= "['".$this->_namespace[$i]."']";
				if ($this->_namespace[$i] != $varname) $retstr .= "[\$_".$i."]";
			return $retstr."); \$_".$tempvar."++) {";
		 * returns a string used for parsing in tmpl_var statements.
		 * @param string $wholetag
		 * @param string $tag
		 * @param string $varname
		 * @param string $escape
		 * @param string $format
		 * @param string $namespace
		 * @access private
		 * @return string used for eval'ing
		private function _parseVar ($wholetag, $tag, $varname, $escape, $format, $namespace)
			if (!empty($namespace)) $namespace = substr($namespace, 0, -1);
			$wholetag = stripslashes($wholetag);

			if (count($this->_namespace) == 0 || $namespace == 'global') {
				$var1 = '$this->_vars[\''.$varname.'\']';
			} else {
				$var1build = "\$this->_arrvars";
				$numnamespaces = count($this->_namespace);
				for ($i=0; $i < $numnamespaces; $i++) {
					if ($this->_namespace[$i] == $namespace || (($i + 1) == $numnamespaces && !empty($namespace))) {
						$var1build .= "['".$namespace."'][\$_".$i."]";
						break 1;
					} else {
						$var1build .= "['".$this->_namespace[$i]."'][\$_".$i."]";
				$var1 = $var1build . "['$varname']";
				if ($this->OPTIONS['GLOBAL_VARS'] && empty($namespace)) {
					$var2 = '$this->_vars[\''.$varname.'\']';
			$beforevar = '';
			$aftervar  = '';
			if (!empty($escape)&& isset($this->ESCAPE_TAGS[$escape])) {
				$beforevar .= $this->ESCAPE_TAGS[$escape]['open'];
				$aftervar   = $this->ESCAPE_TAGS[$escape]['close'] . $aftervar;
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			if (!empty($format)&& isset($this->FORMAT_TAGS[$format])) {
				$beforevar .= $this->FORMAT_TAGS[$format]['open'];
				$aftervar   = $this->FORMAT_TAGS[$format]['close'] . $aftervar;
			//* build return values
			$retstr  = 'if ('.$var1.' !== null) { ';
			$retstr .= 'print('.$beforevar.$var1.$aftervar.'); ';
			$retstr .= '}';
			if (@$var2) {
				$retstr .= ' elseif ('.$var2.' !== null) { ';
				$retstr .= 'print('.$beforevar.$var2.$aftervar.'); ';
				$retstr .= '}';
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			switch (strtolower($this->OPTIONS['UNKNOWNS'])) {
			case 'comment':
				$comment = addcslashes('<!-- unknown variable '.preg_replace('/<!--|-->/', '', $wholetag).'//-->', '"');
				$retstr .= ' else { print("'.$comment.'"); $this->_setUnknown("'.$varname.'"); }';
				return $retstr;
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			case 'leave':
				$retstr .= ' else { print("'.addcslashes($wholetag, '"').'"); $this->_setUnknown("'.$varname.'"); }';
				return $retstr;
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			case 'print':
				$retstr .= ' else { print("'.htmlspecialchars($wholetag, ENT_QUOTES).'"); $this->_setUnknown("'.$varname.'"); }';
				return $retstr;
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			case 'ignore':
				return $retstr;
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			case 'remove':
				$retstr .= ' else { $this->_setUnknown("'.$varname.'"); }';
				return $retstr;
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		 * takes values from preg_replace in $this->_intparse() and determines
		 * the replace string.
		 * @param array $args array of all matches found by preg_replace
		 * @access private
		 * @return string replace values
		private function _parseTag ($args)
			$wholetag = $args[0];
			$openclose = $args[1];
			$tag = strtolower($args[2]);
			$newline = $args[9];

			if ($tag == 'else') return '<?php } else { ?>'.$newline;
			if ($tag == 'tmpl_include') return $wholetag; // ignore tmpl_include tags

			if (preg_match("/^<\/|{\/|<!--\/$/s", $openclose) || preg_match("/^end[if|loop|unless|comment]$/", $tag)) {
				if ($tag == 'loop' || $tag == 'endloop') array_pop($this->_namespace);
				if ($tag == 'comment' || $tag == 'endcomment') {
					return '<?php */ ?>'.$newline;
				} else {
					return '<?php } ?>'.$newline;
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			//* arrange attributes
			for ($i=3; $i < 8; $i=($i+2)) {
				if (empty($args[$i]) && empty($args[($i+1)])) break;
				$key = (empty($args[$i])) ? 'name' : strtolower($args[$i]);
				if ($key == 'name' && preg_match('/^(php)?include$/', $tag)) $key = 'file';
				$$key = $args[($i+1)];
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			$var = ($this->OPTIONS['CASELESS']) ? strtolower($name) : $name;
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			if ($this->_debug && !empty($var)) {
				if (preg_match("/^global\.([A-Za-z_]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*)$/", $var, $matches)) $var2 = $matches[1];
				if (empty($this->_debugTemplatevars[$tag])) $this->_debugTemplatevars[$tag] = array();
				if (!isset($var2)) $var2 = $var;
				if (!in_array($var2, $this->_debugTemplatevars[$tag])) array_push($this->_debugTemplatevars[$tag], $var2);
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			if (preg_match("/^([A-Za-z_]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*(\.)+)?([A-Za-z_]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*)$/", $var, $matches)) {
				$var = $matches[3];
				$namespace = $matches[1];
			//* return correct string (tag dependent)
			switch ($tag) {
			case 'var':
				if (empty($escape) && (!empty($this->OPTIONS['DEFAULT_ESCAPE']) && strtolower($this->OPTIONS['DEFAULT_ESCAPE']) != 'none')) {
					$escape = strtolower($this->OPTIONS['DEFAULT_ESCAPE']);
				return '<?php '.$this->_parseVar ($wholetag, $tag, $var, @$escape, @$format, @$namespace)." ?>$newline";
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			case 'if':
				return '<?php if ('. $this->_parseIf($var, @$value, @$op, @$namespace) .') { ?>'.$newline;
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			case 'unless':
				return '<?php if (!'. $this->_parseIf($var, @$value, @$op, @$namespace) .') { ?>'.$newline;

			case 'elseif':
				return '<?php } elseif ('. $this->_parseIf($var, @$value, @$op, @$namespace) .') { ?>'.$newline;

			case 'loop':
				return '<?php '. $this->_parseLoop($var) .'?>'.$newline;

			case 'comment':
				if (empty($var)) { // full open/close style comment
					return '<?php /* ?>'.$newline;
				} else { // just ignore tag if it was a one line comment

			case 'phpinclude':
				if ($this->OPTIONS['ENABLE_PHPINCLUDE']) {
					return '<?php include(\''.$file.'\'); ?>'.$newline;

			case 'include':
				return '<?php $this->_getData($this->_fileSearch(\''.$file.'\'), 1); ?>';

			case 'dyninclude':
				return '<?php $this->_getData($this->_fileSearch($this->_dyninclude[\''.$name.'\']), 1); ?>';

				if ($this->OPTIONS['STRICT']) vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_INVALID_TAG', KILL, htmlspecialchars($wholetag, ENT_QUOTES));


		 * Parses $this->_tmplfile into correct format for eval() to work
		 * Called by $this->_parse(), or $this->fastPrint, this replaces all <tmpl_*> references
		 * with their correct php representation, i.e. <tmpl_var title> becomes $this->vars['title']
		 * Sets final parsed file to $this->_tmplfilep.
		 * @access private
		 * @return boolean true/false
		private function _intParse ()
			//$mqrt = get_magic_quotes_runtime();
			$this->_tmplfilep = '?>'.$this->_getData($this->_tmplfilename).'<?php return true;';
			return true;

		 * Calls _intParse, and eval()s $this->tmplfilep
		 * and outputs the results to $this->tmploutput
		 * @param bool compress whether to compress contents
		 * @access private
		 * @return boolean true/false
		private function _parse ($compress = '')
			if (!$this->_parsed) {
				if ($this->OPTIONS['TIME_PARSE']) $this->_firstparsetime = $this->_getMicroTime();

				$this->_parsed = true;

				if ($this->OPTIONS['TIME_PARSE']) $this->_totalparsetime = ($this->_getMicroTime() - $this->_firstparsetime);
				if ($this->OPTIONS['TIME_PARSE'] && $this->OPTIONS['GLOBAL_CONTEXT_VARS']) $this->setVar('__PARSE_TIME__', $this->getParseTime());
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			// ob_start($compress);

			array_push($this->_currentincludedir, dirname($this->_tmplfilename));
			$success = @eval($this->_tmplfilep);

			if ($this->_debug) $this->doDebug();
			if (!$success) vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_PARSE', FATAL);
			$this->_tmploutput .= ob_get_contents();
			return true;
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		 * Sets one or more of the boolean options 1/0, that control certain actions in the template.
		 * Use of this function:
		 * either: vlibTemplate::_setOptions(string option_name, bool option_val [, string option_name, bool option_val ..]);
		 * or      vlibTemplate::_setOptions(array);
		 *          with an associative array where the key is the option_name
		 *          and the value is the option_value.
		 * @param mixed (mulitple)
		 * @return bool true/false
		 * @access private
		private function _setOption()
			$numargs = func_num_args();
			if ($numargs < 1) {
				vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_WRONG_NO_PARAMS', null, '_setOption()');
				return false;

			if ($numargs == 1) {
				$options = func_get_arg(1);
				if (is_array($options)) {
					foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
						if ($v != null) {
							if(in_array($k, array_keys($this->OPTIONS))) $this->OPTIONS[$k] = $v;
						} else {
				} else {
					vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_WRONG_NO_PARAMS', null, '_setOption()');
					return false;
			}elseif (is_int($numargs / 2)) {
				for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i=($i+2)) {
					$k  = func_get_arg($i);
					$v = func_get_arg(($i+1));
					if ($v != null) {
						if(in_array($k, array_keys($this->OPTIONS))) $this->OPTIONS[$k] = $v;
			} else {
				vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_ERROR_WRONG_NO_PARAMS', null, '_setOption()');
				return false;
			return true;

		 * Used during parsing, this function sets an unknown var checking to see if it
		 * has been previously set.
		 * @param string var
		 * @access private
		private function _setUnknown($var)
			if (!in_array($var, $this->_unknowns)) array_push($this->_unknowns, $var);

		 * Returns microtime as a float number
		 * @return float microtime
		 * @access private
		private function _getMicrotime()
			list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
			return (float)$msec + (float)$sec;

		 * Returns str encoded to hex code.
		 * @param string str to be encoded
		 * @param bool true/false specify whether to use hex_entity
		 * @return string encoded in hex
		 * @access private
		private  function _escape_hex($str = '', $entity = false) {
			$prestr = $entity ? '&#x' : '%';
			$poststr= $entity ? ';' : '';
			for ($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
				$return .= $prestr.bin2hex($str[$i]).$poststr;
			return $return;
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		/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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    The following functions have no use and are included just so that if the user
    is making use of vlibTemplateCache functions, this doesn't crash when changed to
    vlibTemplate if the user is quickly bypassing the vlibTemplateCache class.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
		function clearCache()        {vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ', WARNING, 'clearCache()');}

		function recache()           {vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ', WARNING, 'recache()');}

		function setCacheLifeTime()  {vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ', WARNING, 'setCacheLifeTime()');}

		function setCacheExtension() {vlibTemplateError::raiseError('VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ', WARNING, 'setCacheExtension()');}

	} // << end class Def
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	//include_once (ISPC_CLASS_PATH.'/vlibTemplate/debug.php');
	include_once ISPC_CLASS_PATH.'/';
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} // << end if(!defined())..