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faq_list.php 1.01 KiB
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require_once '../../lib/';
require_once '../../lib/';

// Path to the list definition file
$list_def_file = 'list/faq_list.php';

// Check the module permissions

// Loading the class

// Optional limit
$hf_section = 0;
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Till Brehm committed
	$hf_section = $app->functions->intval(preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_GET['hfs_id']));

// if section id is not specified in the url, choose the first existing section
	$res = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT MIN(hfs_id) AS min_id FROM help_faq_sections");
	$hf_section = $res['min_id'];
$app->listform_actions->SQLExtWhere = "help_faq.hf_section = $hf_section";
if($hf_section) $res = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT hfs_name FROM help_faq_sections WHERE hfs_id=?", $hf_section);
// Start the form rendering and action ahndling
echo "<h2>FAQ: ".$app->functions->htmlentities($res['hfs_name'])."</h2>";
if($hf_section) $app->listform_actions->onLoad();