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tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['conf_format_dateshort'] = "Y-m-d";
$wb['conf_format_dateshort_human_readable'] = "yyyy-mm-dd";
$wb['conf_format_datelong'] = "l dS of F Y";
$wb['conf_format_timeshort'] = "H:i";
$wb['conf_format_timelong'] = "H:i:s";
$wb['conf_format_datetime'] = "Y-m-d H:i";
$wb['number_format_decimals'] = '4';
$wb['number_format_decimals_client'] = '2';
$wb['number_format_dec_point'] = '.';
$wb['number_format_thousands_sep'] = '';
$wb['error_301'] = "Module not permitted for the current user.";
$wb['error_302'] = "Module invalid.";
$wb['error_1001'] = "The username and password cannot be empty !";
$wb['error_1002'] = "The username and/or password are not correct !";
$wb['error_1003'] = "The username is deactivated!";
$wb['delete_confirmation'] = "Do you really want to delete this record?";
$wb['error_no_view_permission'] = "You dont have the permission to view this record or this record does not exist!";
$wb['error_no_delete_permission'] = "You dont have the permission to delete this record!";
$wb['page_txt'] = "Page";
$wb['page_of_txt'] = "of";
$wb['page_and_txt'] = "and";
$wb['page_next_txt'] = "Next";
$wb['page_back_txt'] = "Back";
$wb['delete_txt'] = "Delete";
$wb['filter_txt'] = "Filter";
$wb['add_new_record_txt'] = "Add new record";
fantu's avatar
fantu committed
$wb['btn_save_txt'] = "Save";
$wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = "Back";
$wb['top_menu_system'] = 'System';
$wb['top_menu_client'] = 'Client';
$wb['top_menu_email'] = 'Email';
$wb['top_menu_monitor'] = 'Monitor';
$wb['top_menu_sites'] = 'Sites';
$wb['top_menu_dns'] = 'DNS';
$wb['top_menu_tools'] = 'Tools';
$wb['top_menu_help'] = 'Help';
$wb['top_menu_billing'] = 'Billing';
$wb['top_menu_mailuser'] = 'Mailuser';
$wb['top_menu_domain'] = 'Domains';
$wb['top_menu_vm'] = 'VServer';
$wb['toolsarea_head_txt'] = 'Tools';
$wb['latest_news_txt'] = 'Latest news';
$wb['logout_txt'] = "Logout";
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
$wb['daynamesmin_su'] = "Su";
$wb['daynamesmin_mo'] = "Mo";
$wb['daynamesmin_tu'] = "Tu";
$wb['daynamesmin_we'] = "We";
$wb['daynamesmin_th'] = "Th";
$wb['daynamesmin_fr'] = "Fr";
$wb['daynamesmin_sa'] = "Sa";
$wb['daynames_sunday'] = "Sunday";
$wb['daynames_monday'] = "Monday";
$wb['daynames_tuesday'] = "Tuesday";
$wb['daynames_wednesday'] = "Wednesday";
$wb['daynames_thursday'] = "Thursday";
$wb['daynames_friday'] = "Friday";
$wb['daynames_saturday'] = "Saturday";
$wb['monthnamesshort_jan'] = "Jan";
$wb['monthnamesshort_feb'] = "Feb";
$wb['monthnamesshort_mar'] = "Mar";
$wb['monthnamesshort_apr'] = "Apr";
$wb['monthnamesshort_may'] = "May";
$wb['monthnamesshort_jun'] = "Jun";
$wb['monthnamesshort_jul'] = "Jul";
$wb['monthnamesshort_aug'] = "Aug";
$wb['monthnamesshort_sep'] = "Sep";
$wb['monthnamesshort_oct'] = "Oct";
$wb['monthnamesshort_nov'] = "Nov";
$wb['monthnamesshort_dec'] = "Dec";
$wb['datepicker_nextText'] = "Next";
$wb['datepicker_prevText'] = "Prev";
$wb['submit_confirmation'] = "Do you really want to perform this action?";
$wb['globalsearch_resultslimit_of_txt'] = "of";
$wb['globalsearch_resultslimit_results_txt'] = "results";
$wb['globalsearch_noresults_text_txt'] = "No results.";
$wb['globalsearch_noresults_limit_txt'] = "0 results";
$wb['globalsearch_searchfield_watermark_txt'] = "Search";
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
$wb['globalsearch_suggestions_text_txt'] = "Suggestions";
mcramer's avatar
mcramer committed
$wb['global_tabchange_warning_txt'] = 'Changed data in this tab will be changed if you press OK. On cancel they will be discarded.';
$wb['global_tabchange_discard_txt'] = 'You have unsaved changes in this tab. Changes will be discarded if you continue.';

$wb['datalog_changes_txt'] = 'The following changes are not yet populated to all servers:';
$wb['datalog_changes_end_txt'] = 'Storing updates can take up to one minute. Please be patient.';
$wb['datalog_status_i_web_database'] = 'Create new database';
$wb['datalog_status_u_web_database'] = 'Update database';
$wb['datalog_status_d_web_database'] = 'Delete database';
$wb['datalog_status_i_web_database_user'] = 'Create database user for database';
$wb['datalog_status_u_web_database_user'] = 'Update database user';
$wb['datalog_status_d_web_database_user'] = 'Delete database user';
$wb['datalog_status_i_web_domain'] = 'Create new website';
$wb['datalog_status_u_web_domain'] = 'Update website settings';
$wb['datalog_status_d_web_domain'] = 'Delete website';
$wb['datalog_status_i_ftp_user'] = 'Create FTP user';
$wb['datalog_status_u_ftp_user'] = 'Update FTP user';
$wb['datalog_status_d_ftp_user'] = 'Delete FTP user';
$wb['datalog_status_i_mail_domain'] = 'Create email domain';
$wb['datalog_status_u_mail_domain'] = 'Update email domain';
$wb['datalog_status_d_mail_domain'] = 'Delete email domain';
$wb['datalog_status_i_mail_user'] = 'Create email user';
$wb['datalog_status_u_mail_user'] = 'Update email user';
$wb['datalog_status_d_mail_user'] = 'Delete email user';
$wb['datalog_status_i_spamfilter_users'] = 'Create spam filter settings';
$wb['datalog_status_u_spamfilter_users'] = 'Update spam filter settings';
$wb['datalog_status_d_spamfilter_users'] = 'Delete spam filter settings';
$wb['datalog_status_i_mail_forwarding'] = 'Create email address';
$wb['datalog_status_u_mail_forwarding'] = 'Update email address';
$wb['datalog_status_d_mail_forwarding'] = 'Delete email address';
$wb['datalog_status_i_dns_rr'] = 'Create DNS record';
$wb['datalog_status_u_dns_rr'] = 'Update DNS record';
$wb['datalog_status_d_dns_rr'] = 'Delete DNS record';
$wb['datalog_status_i_dns_soa'] = 'Create DNS zone';
$wb['datalog_status_u_dns_soa'] = 'Update DNS zone';
$wb['datalog_status_d_dns_soa'] = 'Delete DNS zone';
$wb['datalog_status_i_cron'] = 'Create cron job';
$wb['datalog_status_u_cron'] = 'Update cron job';
$wb['datalog_status_d_cron'] = 'Delete cron job';
$wb['datalog_status_i_mail_get'] = 'Create mail fetcher account';
$wb['datalog_status_u_mail_get'] = 'Update mail fetcher account';
$wb['datalog_status_d_mail_get'] = 'Delete mail fetcher account';
$wb['datalog_status_i_mail_mailinglist'] = 'Create mailing list';
$wb['datalog_status_u_mail_mailinglist'] = 'Update mailing list';
$wb['datalog_status_d_mail_mailinglist'] = 'Delete mailing list';
$wb['datalog_status_i_shell_user'] = 'Create shell user';
$wb['datalog_status_u_shell_user'] = 'Update shell user';
$wb['datalog_status_d_shell_user'] = 'Delete shell user';
$wb['datalog_status_i_web_folder'] = 'Create folder protection';
$wb['datalog_status_u_web_folder'] = 'Update folder protection';
$wb['datalog_status_d_web_folder'] = 'Delete folder protection';
$wb['datalog_status_i_web_folder_user'] = 'Create folder protection user';
$wb['datalog_status_u_web_folder_user'] = 'Update folder protection user';
$wb['datalog_status_d_web_folder_user'] = 'Delete folder protection user';

$wb['login_as_txt'] = 'Log in as';
$wb["no_domain_perm"] = 'You have no permission for this domain.';
$wb["no_destination_perm"] = 'You have no permission for this destination.';
$wb['client_you_are_locked'] = 'You have no permission to change any settings.';
$wb['gender_m_txt'] = 'Mr.';
$wb['gender_f_txt'] = 'Ms.';
$wb['client_cannot_be_deleted_because_of_billing_module_txt'] = 'This client has records in the billing module, therefore he cannot be deleted.';
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
$wb['yes_txt'] = 'Yes';
$wb['no_txt'] = 'No';
$wb['None'] = 'None';
$wb['strength_1'] = 'Weak';
$wb['strength_2'] = 'Fair';
$wb['strength_3'] = 'Good';
$wb['strength_4'] = 'Strong';
$wb['strength_5'] = 'Very Strong';
$wb['weak_password_txt'] = 'The chosen password does not match the security guidelines. It has to be at least {chars} chars in length and have a strength of "{strength}".';
$wb['weak_password_length_txt'] = 'The chosen password does not match the security guidelines. It has to be at least {chars} chars in length.';
$wb['domain_owner_changed'] = 'You have changed the owner of domain {domain}, please change website and mail domain owner for this domain accordingly.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed