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bg_module_edit.lng 1.1 KiB
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$wb["name_txt"] = 'Modulename';
$wb["title_txt"] = 'Moduletitle';
$wb["template_txt"] = 'Template file';
$wb["navframe_txt"] = 'NaviFrame';
$wb["startpage_txt"] = 'Default page';
$wb["tab_width_txt"] = 'Tab width';
$wb["save_txt"] = 'Save';
$wb["cancel_txt"] = 'Cancel';
$wb["header_txt"] = 'Module properties';
$wb["description_txt"] = '
<b>Modulename:</b> Name of the module directory. Only numbers, chars and underscore allowed.<br>
<b>Moduletitle:</b> Will be shown in the (upper) main navigation.<br>
<b>Template file:</b> Template file of the module. Currently available: module.tpl.htm and module_tree.tpl.htm. Default is module.tpl.htm.<br>
<b>NaviFrame:</b> If module_tree.tpl.htm selected as template file, enter here the path to the script file for the left frame.<br>
<b>Default page:</b> These page will be shown when the module is opened.<br>
<b>Tab width:</b> Width of the Tabs in the main navigation. The field is empty by default. You can enter values absolute in pixel (e.g 20) or relative (e.g 20%).<br>
<b>Hint:</b> All paths are relative to the directory "web".
