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en_mail_user.lng 935 B
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tbrehm committed
$wb["email_txt"] = 'Email';
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tbrehm committed
$wb["cryptpwd_txt"] = 'Password';
$wb["active_txt"] = 'Active';
$wb["btn_save_txt"] = 'Save';
$wb["btn_cancel_txt"] = 'Cancel';
$wb["email_error_isemail"] = 'Email address is invalid.';
$wb["email_error_unique"] = 'Duplicate Emailaddress.';
$wb["autoresponder_text_txt"] = 'Text';
$wb["autoresponder_txt"] = 'Autoresponder';
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tbrehm committed
$wb["no_domain_perm"] = 'You have no permission for this domain.';
$wb["error_no_pwd"] = 'Password is empty.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb["quota_error_isint"] = 'Mailbox size must be a number.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb["quota_txt"] = 'quota';
$wb["server_id_txt"] = 'server_id';
$wb["password_txt"] = 'password';
$wb["maildir_txt"] = 'maildir';
$wb["postfix_txt"] = 'Enable Receiving';
$wb["access_txt"] = 'Enable Access';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb["limit_mailbox_txt"] = 'The max. number of mailboxes for your account is reached.';
$wb["limit_mailquota_txt"] = 'The max space for mailboxes is reached. The max. available space in MB is';
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tbrehm committed