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sk_mail_user.lng 2.06 KiB
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Fantu committed
$wb['custom_mailfilter_txt'] = 'Vlastn mail filter';
$wb['email_txt'] = 'Email';
$wb['cryptpwd_txt'] = 'Heslo';
$wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Pevnos? hesla';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktvne';
$wb['email_error_isemail'] = 'E-mailov adresa je neplatn.';
$wb['email_error_unique'] = 'Duplicitn E-mailov adresa.';
$wb['autoresponder_text_txt'] = 'Text';
$wb['autoresponder_txt'] = 'Automatick odpove?';
$wb['no_domain_perm'] = 'Nemte iadne povolenie pre tto domnu.';
$wb['error_no_pwd'] = 'Heslo je przdne.';
$wb['quota_error_isint'] = 'Ve?kos? schrnky, mus by? ?slo.';
$wb['quota_txt'] = 'Kvta';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server_id';
$wb['password_txt'] = 'Heslo';
$wb['maildir_txt'] = 'Mailov zloka';
$wb['postfix_txt'] = 'Povoli? prjem';
$wb['access_txt'] = 'Povoli? Prstup';
$wb['policy_txt'] = 'Spamfilter';
$wb['no_policy'] = '- nepovolen -';
$wb['limit_mailbox_txt'] = 'Max. po?et potovch schrnok pre v ?et je dosiahnut.';
$wb['limit_mailquota_txt'] = 'Maximlny priestor pre potov schrnky je dosiahnut. Max. dostupn miesto v MB je';
$wb['welcome_mail_fromname_txt'] = 'ISPCONFIG 3';
$wb['welcome_mail_fromemail_txt'] = '';
$wb['welcome_mail_subject'] = 'Vitajte  na svojom novom e-mailovom konte.';
$wb['welcome_mail_message'] = 'Vitajte na svojom novom e-mailovom konte.';
$wb['disableimap_txt'] = 'Deaktivova? IMAP';
$wb['disablepop3_txt'] = 'Deaktivova? POP3';
$wb['duplicate_alias_or_forward_txt'] = 'Existuje u alias alebo preposlanie pre tto e-mailov adresu.';
$wb['quota_error_value'] = 'Neplatn hodnota kvty. Povolen hodnoty s: 0 pre neobmedzen alebo ?sla > 1';
$wb['autoresponder_start_date_txt'] = 'Start on';
$wb['autoresponder_start_date_isfuture'] = 'Start date cannot be in the past.';
$wb['autoresponder_end_date_txt'] = 'End by';
$wb['autoresponder_end_date_isgreater'] = 'End date must be set and be later than start date.';
$wb['move_junk_txt'] = 'Move Spam Emails to Junk directory';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['name_txt'] = 'Realname';
$wb['name_optional_txt'] = '(Optional)';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['autoresponder_active'] = 'Enable the autoresponder';
Fantu's avatar
Fantu committed