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hr_system_config.lng 7.01 KiB
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tbrehm committed
$wb['system_config_title'] = 'System Config';
$wb['system_config_desc_txt'] = '';
$wb['warning'] = 'Oprezno mijenjajte prefikse i postavke! Nemojte brisati prefikse na sistemima gdje postoji više od jednog klijenata.';
$wb['dbname_prefix_txt'] = 'Prefiks nazivu baze';
$wb['dbuser_prefix_txt'] = 'Prefiks nazivu korisnika baze';
$wb['shelluser_prefix_txt'] = 'Prefiks Shell računu';
$wb['webdavuser_prefix_txt'] = 'Prefix Webdav računu';
$wb['ftpuser_prefix_txt'] = 'Prefiks FTP računu';
$wb['dbname_prefix_error_regex'] = 'Nedozvoljeni znak u prefiksu naziva baze.';
$wb['dbuser_prefix_error_regex'] = 'Nedozvoljeni znak u prefiksu naziva korisnika baze.';
$wb['ftpuser_prefix_error_regex'] = 'Nedozvoljeni znak u prefiksu FTP računa.';
$wb['shelluser_prefix_error_regex'] = 'Nedozvoljeni znak u prefiksu Shell računa.';
$wb['webdavuser_prefix_error_regex'] = 'Nedozvoljeni znak u prefiksu webdav računa.';
$wb['dblist_phpmyadmin_link_txt'] = 'Link za phpmyadmin u DB listi';
$wb['mailboxlist_webmail_link_txt'] = 'Link za webmail u Mailbox listi';
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tbrehm committed
$wb['webmail_url_txt'] = 'Webmail URL';
$wb['phpmyadmin_url_txt'] = 'PHPMyAdmin URL';
$wb['use_domain_module_txt'] = 'Koristi modul Domene za dodavanje novih domena';
$wb['use_domain_module_hint'] = 'Ukoliko koristite ovaj modul, vaši klijenti mogu izabrati samo domenu koju im je admin kreirao. Klijenti ne mogu slobodno mijenjati postavke domene. Morate se ponovno logirati nakon mijenjanja ove postavke da bi promjene bile vidljive.';
$wb['new_domain_txt'] = 'HTML za kreiranje nove domene';
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tbrehm committed
$wb['webftp_url_txt'] = 'WebFTP URL';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_admin_txt'] = 'RSS URL za početnu stranicu (admin)';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_reseller_txt'] = 'RSS URL za početnu stranicu (reseller)';
$wb['dashboard_atom_url_client_txt'] = 'RSS URL za početnu stranicu (client)';
$wb['enable_welcome_mail_txt'] = 'Enable welcome email';
$wb['enable_custom_login_txt'] = 'Dozvoli izbor korisničkog imena';
$wb['mailmailinglist_link_txt'] = 'Link na mailing listu u Mailing listi';
$wb['mailmailinglist_url_txt'] = 'URL mailing liste';
$wb['admin_mail_txt'] = 'e-mail administratora';
$wb['admin_name_txt'] = 'Ime administratora';
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tbrehm committed
$wb['maintenance_mode_txt'] = 'Maintenance Mode';
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Webslice committed
$wb['maintenance_mode_exclude_ips_txt'] = 'Exclude IP\'s from maintenance';
$wb['maintenance_mode_exclude_ips_error_isip'] = 'One or more invalid IP addresses in maintenance mode exclude list. Must be a list of comma-separated IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses.';
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tbrehm committed
$wb['smtp_enabled_txt'] = 'Use SMTP to send system mails';
$wb['smtp_host_txt'] = 'SMTP host';
$wb['smtp_port_txt'] = 'SMTP port';
$wb['smtp_user_txt'] = 'SMTP user';
$wb['smtp_pass_txt'] = 'SMTP password';
$wb['smtp_crypt_txt'] = 'Use SSL/TLS encrypted connection for SMTP';
$wb['smtp_missing_admin_mail_txt'] = 'Please enter the admin name and admin mail address if you want to use smtp mail sending.';
$wb['tab_change_discard_txt'] = 'Discard changes on tab change';
$wb['tab_change_warning_txt'] = 'Tab change warning';
$wb['tab_change_warning_note_txt'] = 'Show a warning on tab change in edit forms if any data has been altered by the user.';
$wb['vhost_subdomains_txt'] = 'Create subdomains as web site';
$wb['vhost_subdomains_note_txt'] = 'You cannot disable this as long as vhost subdomains exist in the system!';
$wb['vhost_aliasdomains_txt'] = 'Create aliasdomains as web site';
$wb['vhost_aliasdomains_note_txt'] = 'You cannot disable this as long as vhost aliasdomains exist in the system!';
$wb['phpmyadmin_url_error_regex'] = 'Invalid phpmyadmin URL';
$wb['use_combobox_txt'] = 'Use jQuery UI Combobox';
$wb['use_loadindicator_txt'] = 'Use Load Indicator';
$wb['f5_to_reload_js_txt'] = 'If you change this, you might have to press F5 to make the browser reload JavaScript libraries or empty your browser cache.';
$wb['client_username_web_check_disabled_txt'] = 'Disable client username check for the word \'web\'.';
$wb['backups_include_into_web_quota_txt'] = 'Include backup files into web quota.';
$wb['show_per_domain_relay_options_txt'] = 'Show per domain relay options';
$wb['mailbox_show_autoresponder_tab_txt'] = 'Show autoresponder tab in mail account details';
$wb['mailbox_show_mail_filter_tab_txt'] = 'Show mail filter tab in mail account details';
$wb['mailbox_show_custom_rules_tab_txt'] = 'Show custom mailfilter tab in mail account details';
$wb['webmail_url_error_regex'] = 'Invalid webmail URL';
$wb['phpmyadmin_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:';
$wb['webmail_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:';
$wb['available_dashlets_note_txt'] = 'Available Dashlets:';
$wb['admin_dashlets_left_txt'] = 'Left Admin Dashlets';
$wb['admin_dashlets_right_txt'] = 'Right Admin Dashlets';
$wb['reseller_dashlets_left_txt'] = 'Left Reseller Dashlets';
$wb['reseller_dashlets_right_txt'] = 'Right Reseller Dashlets';
$wb['client_dashlets_left_txt'] = 'Left Client Dashlets';
$wb['client_dashlets_right_txt'] = 'Right Client Dashlets';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['customer_no_template_txt'] = 'Customer No. template';
$wb['customer_no_template_error_regex_txt'] = 'The customer No. template contains invalid characters';
$wb['customer_no_start_txt'] = 'Customer No. start value';
$wb['customer_no_counter_txt'] = 'Customer No. counter';
$wb['session_timeout_txt'] = 'Session timeout (minutes)';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['session_allow_endless_txt'] = 'Enable \\"stay logged in\\"';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['No'] = 'No';
$wb['min_password_length_txt'] = 'Minimum password length';
$wb['min_password_strength_txt'] = 'Minimum password strength';
Thom's avatar
Thom committed
$wb['ssh_authentication_txt'] = 'Allowed SSH authentication';
$wb['ssh_authentication_password_key'] = 'Password & Key';
$wb['ssh_authentication_password'] = 'Password';
$wb['ssh_authentication_key'] = 'Key';
$wb['company_name_txt'] = 'Company Name for the page title';
$wb['reseller_can_use_options_txt'] = 'Reseller can use the option-tab for websites';
$wb['custom_login_text_txt'] = 'Custom Text on Login-Page';
$wb['custom_login_link_txt'] = 'Custom Link on Login-Page';
$wb['login_link_error_regex'] = 'Invalid Link for Custom Login';
$wb['default_mailserver_txt'] = 'Default Mailserver';
$wb['default_webserver_txt'] = 'Default Webserver';
$wb['default_dnsserver_txt'] = 'Default DNS Server';
$wb['default_slave_dnsserver_txt'] = 'Default Secondary DNS Server';
$wb['default_dbserver_txt'] = 'Default Database Server';
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Thom committed
$wb['default_remote_dbserver_txt'] = 'Default DB Remote servers';
$wb['disable_client_remote_dbserver_txt'] = 'Disable DB Remote sections for Clients';
$wb['ca_name_txt'] = 'Name';
$wb['ca_issue_txt'] = 'Issue';
$wb['ca_wildcard_txt'] = 'Use Wildcard';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['ca_critical_txt'] = 'Strict Check';
$wb['ca_iodef_txt'] = 'iodef';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktive';
$wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Save';
$wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Cancel';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['web_php_options_txt'] = 'PHP Handler (Apache only)';
$wb['client_protection_txt'] = 'Client protection';
$wb['show_support_messages_txt'] = 'Show message function in help module';
$wb['show_aps_menu_txt'] = 'Show APS menu';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_txt'] = 'APS will be removed from the panel in the near future.';
$wb['show_aps_menu_note_url_txt'] = 'Click here for more information.';
$wb['dns_show_zoneexport_txt'] = 'Show zone export.';
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tbrehm committed