Skip to content
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -283,4 +283,12 @@ $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ $wb['php_fastcgi_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Putanja do php.ini direktorija';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Putanja do PHP-FPM init skripte';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Putanja do php.ini direktorija';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Putanja do PHP-FPM pool direktorija';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
......@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Šifre su identične.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'Korisničko ime ne može biti web ili web sa brojem.\\"';
$wb['client_not_admin_err'] = 'Korisnik koji je u grupi klijenti ne može biti admin';
$wb['lost_password_function_txt'] = 'Forgot password function is available';
$wb['no_user_insert'] = 'CP-Users of type -user- get added and updated automatically when you add a client or reseller.';
......@@ -44,4 +44,7 @@ $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['remote_access_txt'] = 'Remote Access';
$wb['remote_ips_txt'] = 'Remote Access IPs / Hostnames (separate by , and leave blank for <i>any</i>)';
$wb['remote_user_error_ips'] = 'At least one of the entered ip addresses or hostnames is invalid.';
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -283,4 +283,12 @@ $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ $wb['php_fastcgi_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
......@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not be web or web plus a number.\\"';
$wb['client_not_admin_err'] = 'A user that belongs to a client can not be set to type: admin';
$wb['lost_password_function_txt'] = 'Forgot password function is available';
$wb['no_user_insert'] = 'CP-Users of type -user- get added and updated automatically when you add a client or reseller.';
......@@ -44,4 +44,7 @@ $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['remote_access_txt'] = 'Remote Access';
$wb['remote_ips_txt'] = 'Remote Access IPs / Hostnames (separate by , and leave blank for <i>any</i>)';
$wb['remote_user_error_ips'] = 'At least one of the entered ip addresses or hostnames is invalid.';
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -283,4 +283,12 @@ $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ $wb['php_fastcgi_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
......@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not be web or web plus a number.\\"';
$wb['client_not_admin_err'] = 'A user that belongs to a client can not be set to type: admin';
$wb['lost_password_function_txt'] = 'Forgot password function is available';
$wb['no_user_insert'] = 'CP-Users of type -user- get added and updated automatically when you add a client or reseller.';
......@@ -44,4 +44,7 @@ $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Genera Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Ripeti Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Le password non coincidono.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Le password coincidono.';
$wb['remote_access_txt'] = 'Remote Access';
$wb['remote_ips_txt'] = 'Remote Access IPs / Hostnames (separate by , and leave blank for <i>any</i>)';
$wb['remote_user_error_ips'] = 'At least one of the entered ip addresses or hostnames is invalid.';
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -284,4 +284,12 @@ $wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb["mailinglist_manager_txt"] = 'Gestore delle Liste'
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ $wb['php_fastcgi_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Percorso per php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Percorso per PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Percorso per php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Percorso per PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
......@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Le password coincidono.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not be web or web plus a number.\\"';
$wb['client_not_admin_err'] = 'A user that belongs to a client can not be set to type: admin';
$wb['lost_password_function_txt'] = 'Forgot password function is available';
$wb['no_user_insert'] = 'CP-Users of type -user- get added and updated automatically when you add a client or reseller.';
......@@ -44,4 +44,7 @@ $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['remote_access_txt'] = 'Remote Access';
$wb['remote_ips_txt'] = 'Remote Access IPs / Hostnames (separate by , and leave blank for <i>any</i>)';
$wb['remote_user_error_ips'] = 'At least one of the entered ip addresses or hostnames is invalid.';
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -283,4 +283,12 @@ $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';
......@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@ $wb['php_fastcgi_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the php.ini directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'Path to the PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
......@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not be web or web plus a number.\\"';
$wb['client_not_admin_err'] = 'A user that belongs to a client can not be set to type: admin';
$wb['lost_password_function_txt'] = 'Forgot password function is available';
$wb['no_user_insert'] = 'CP-Users of type -user- get added and updated automatically when you add a client or reseller.';
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY available';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
......@@ -292,4 +292,9 @@ $wb['mailinglist_manager_txt'] = 'Mailinglist Manager';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tijdelijke map voor zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir map is leeg.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Ongeldige tmp-dir map.';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';