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en_dns_bulk_editor.lng 1.78 KiB
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$wb['list_head_txt'] = 'Bulk Editor';
$wb['list_desc_txt'] = 'Change DNS records using search and replace';
$wb['error_txt'] = 'Error';
$wb['error_no_client_txt'] = 'Please select a client';
$wb['error_no_action_txt'] = 'Please select an action';
$wb['error_no_zone_txt'] = 'Please select at least one zone';
$wb['error_invalid_zone_txt'] = 'Invalid zone';
$wb['error_no_search_replace_txt'] = 'Please enter values for search and replace';
$wb['error_no_ttl_txt'] = 'Please enter valid TTL value';
$wb['error_invalid_ip_txt'] = 'Please enter a valid IP address';
$wb['error_invalid_dns_zone_txt'] = 'Please enter a valid zone name';
$wb['error_ip_type_mismatch_txt'] = 'Please enter either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses';
$wb['legend_client_txt'] = 'Select customer';
$wb['legend_action_txt'] = 'Select action';
$wb['legend_zones_txt'] = 'Select zones';
$wb['legend_result_txt'] = 'The following changes were made:';
$wb['select_client_txt'] = 'Please select a customer';
$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
$wb['search_txt'] = 'Search';
$wb['replace_txt'] = 'Replace';
$wb['a_records_txt'] = 'A Records';
$wb['mx_records_txt'] = 'MX Records';
$wb['ttl_txt'] = 'TTL';
$wb['ttl_desc_txt'] = 'of A, AAAA and MX records';
$wb['check_uncheck_all_txt'] = 'Check/uncheck all';
$wb['zone_txt'] = 'Zone';
$wb['btn_ok_txt'] = 'Update';
$wb['no_matches_txt'] = 'No matches.';
$wb['ttip_a_records_txt'] = 'Please enter either a valid IPv4 or a valid IPv6 address into the fields.';
$wb['ttip_mx_records_txt'] = 'If you enter a fully qualified domain name, do not forget to enter a dot at the end, for example:<b><u>.</u></b><br><br>If you enter a subdomain of your domain, please enter only the subdomain and no dot at the end, for example <i>www</i>.';
$wb['ttip_ttl_txt'] = 'Please enter the desired TTL value in seconds.';