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nl_server_config.lng 18.3 KiB
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$wb['jailkit_chroot_home_txt'] = 'Jailkit chroot home';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_txt'] = 'Jailkit chroot app secties';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_txt'] = 'Jailkit chrooted applicaties';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_cron_programs_txt'] = 'Jailkit cron chrooted applicaties';
$wb['website_path_txt'] = 'Website pad';
$wb['website_symlinks_txt'] = 'Website symlinks';
$wb['website_symlinks_rel_txt'] = 'Maak relative symlinks';
$wb['website_basedir_txt'] = 'Website basedir';
$wb['vhost_conf_dir_txt'] = 'Vhost config dir';
$wb['vhost_conf_enabled_dir_txt'] = 'Vhost config enabled dir';
$wb['getmail_config_dir_txt'] = 'Getmail config dir';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_path_txt'] = 'FastCGI starter pad';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_script_txt'] = 'FastCGI starter script';
$wb['fastcgi_alias_txt'] = 'FastCGI Alias';
$wb['fastcgi_phpini_path_txt'] = 'FastCGI php.ini pad';
$wb['fastcgi_children_txt'] = 'FastCGI children';
$wb['fastcgi_max_requests_txt'] = 'FastCGI max. gequests';
$wb['fastcgi_bin_txt'] = 'FastCGI bin';
$wb['module_txt'] = 'Module';
$wb['maildir_path_txt'] = 'Maildir pad';
$wb['maildir_format_txt'] = 'Maildir Format';
$wb['homedir_path_txt'] = 'Homedir pad';
$wb['mailuser_uid_txt'] = 'Mailuser UID';
$wb['mailuser_gid_txt'] = 'Mailuser GID';
$wb['mailuser_name_txt'] = 'Mailuser name';
$wb['mailuser_group_txt'] = 'Mailuser groep';
$wb['mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps_txt'] = 'Use Websites Linux uid for mailbox';
$wb['mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps_info_txt'] = 'only in single web and mail-server-setup';
$wb['mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps_error_nosingleserver'] = 'Uid cannot be mapped in multi-server-setup.';
$wb['mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps_error_nodovecot'] = 'Uid-mapping can only be used with dovecot.';
$wb['mailbox_virtual_uidgid_maps_error_alreadyusers'] = 'Uid-mapping cannot be changed if there are already mail users.';
$wb['relayhost_txt'] = 'Relayhost';
$wb['relayhost_user_txt'] = 'Relayhost gebruiker';
$wb['relayhost_password_txt'] = 'Relayhost wachtwoord';
$wb['reject_sender_login_mismatch_txt'] = 'Reject sender and login mismatch';
$wb['mailbox_size_limit_txt'] = 'Mailbox grootte limiet';
$wb['message_size_limit_txt'] = 'Message grootte limiet';
$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IP adres';
$wb['netmask_txt'] = 'Netmask';
$wb['gateway_txt'] = 'Gateway';
$wb['hostname_txt'] = 'Hostname';
$wb['nameservers_txt'] = 'Nameservers';
$wb['auto_network_configuration_txt'] = 'Netwerk configuratie';
$wb['ip_address_error_wrong'] = 'Ongeldig IP adres formaat.';
$wb['netmask_error_wrong'] = 'Ongeldig Netmask formaat.';
$wb['gateway_error_wrong'] = 'Invalid Gateway formaat.';
$wb['hostname_error_empty'] = 'Hostnnaam is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['nameservers_error_empty'] = 'Nameserver is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['config_dir_txt'] = 'Config directory';
$wb['init_script_txt'] = 'Cron init script naam';
$wb['crontab_dir_txt'] = 'Pad voor individuele crontabs';
$wb['wget_txt'] = 'Pad naar wget programma';
$wb['web_user_txt'] = 'Apache gebruiker';
$wb['web_group_txt'] = 'Apache groep';
$wb['security_level_txt'] = 'Beveiligingsniveau';
$wb['loglevel_txt'] = 'Loglevel';
$wb['apps_vhost_port_txt'] = 'Apps-vhost poort';
$wb['apps_vhost_ip_txt'] = 'Apps-vhost IP';
$wb['apps_vhost_servername_txt'] = 'Apps-vhost domein';
$wb['bind_user_txt'] = 'BIND gebruiker';
$wb['bind_group_txt'] = 'BIND groep';
$wb['bind_zonefiles_dir_txt'] = 'BIND zonefiles directory';
$wb['named_conf_path_txt'] = 'BIND named.conf pad';
$wb['bind_user_error_empty'] = 'BIND gebruiker is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['bind_group_error_empty'] = 'BIND groep is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['bind_zonefiles_dir_error_empty'] = 'BIND zonefiles directory is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['named_conf_path_error_empty'] = 'BIND named.conf pad is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['named_conf_local_path_error_empty'] = 'BIND named.conf.local pad is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['mail_filter_syntax_txt'] = 'Mailfilter syntax';
$wb['pop3_imap_daemon_txt'] = 'POP3/IMAP Daemon';
$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
$wb['php_open_basedir_error_empty'] = 'PHP open_basedir is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['htaccess_allow_override_txt'] = '.htaccess AllowOverride';
$wb['htaccess_allow_override_error_empty'] = '.htaccess AllowOverride is niet ingvuld.';
$wb['awstats_conf_dir_txt'] = 'awstats conf folder';
$wb['awstats_data_dir_txt'] = 'awstats data folder';
$wb['awstats_pl_txt'] = ' script';
$wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_txt'] = ' script';
$wb['backup_dir_txt'] = 'Backup directory';
$wb['named_conf_local_path_txt'] = 'BIND named.conf.local pad';
$wb['php_ini_path_cgi_txt'] = 'CGI php.ini pad';
$wb['php_ini_path_apache_txt'] = 'Apache php.ini pad';
$wb['check_apache_config_txt'] = 'Test Apache configuratie tijdens restart';
$wb['CA_path_txt'] = 'CA Path';
$wb['CA_pass_txt'] = 'CA passphrase';
$wb['ufw_enable_txt'] = 'Enable';
$wb['ufw_manage_builtins_txt'] = 'Manage Builtin Rules';
$wb['ufw_ipv6_txt'] = 'Enable IPv6';
$wb['ufw_default_input_policy_txt'] = 'Default Input Policy';
$wb['ufw_default_output_policy_txt'] = 'Default Output Policy';
$wb['ufw_default_forward_policy_txt'] = 'Default Forward Policy';
$wb['ufw_default_application_policy_txt'] = 'Default Application Policy';
$wb['ufw_log_level_txt'] = 'Log Level';
$wb['network_config_warning_txt'] = 'The network configuration option is only available for Debian and Ubuntu Servers. Do not enable this option if your network interface is not eth0.';
$wb['fastcgi_config_syntax_txt'] = 'FastCGI config syntax';
$wb['server_type_txt'] = 'Server Type';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_dir_txt'] = 'Nginx Vhost config dir';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir_txt'] = 'Nginx Vhost config enabled dir';
$wb['nginx_user_txt'] = 'Nginx user';
$wb['nginx_group_txt'] = 'Nginx group';
$wb['nginx_cgi_socket_txt'] = 'Nginx CGI Socket';
$wb['backup_dir_error_empty'] = 'Backup directory is empty.';
$wb['maildir_path_error_empty'] = 'Maildir Path is empty.';
$wb['homedir_path_error_empty'] = 'Homedir Path is empty.';
$wb['mailuser_uid_error_empty'] = 'Mailuser UID is empty.';
$wb['mailuser_gid_error_empty'] = 'Mailuser GID is empty.';
$wb['mailuser_name_error_empty'] = 'Mailuser Name is empty.';
$wb['mailuser_group_error_empty'] = 'Mailuser Group is empty.';
$wb['getmail_config_dir_error_empty'] = 'Getmail config dir is empty.';
$wb['website_basedir_error_empty'] = 'Website basedir is empty.';
$wb['website_path_error_empty'] = 'Website path is empty.';
$wb['website_symlinks_error_empty'] = 'Website symlinks is empty.';
$wb['vhost_conf_dir_error_empty'] = 'Vhost config dir is empty.';
$wb['vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_empty'] = 'Vhost config enabled dir is empty.';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_dir_error_empty'] = 'Nginx Vhost config dir is empty.';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_empty'] = 'Nginx Vhost config enabled dir is empty.';
$wb['apache_user_error_empty'] = 'Apache user is empty.';
$wb['apache_group_error_empty'] = 'Apache group is empty.';
$wb['nginx_user_error_empty'] = 'Nginx user is empty.';
$wb['nginx_group_error_empty'] = 'Nginx group is empty.';
$wb['php_ini_path_apache_error_empty'] = 'Apache php.ini path is empty.';
$wb['php_ini_path_cgi_error_empty'] = 'CGI php.ini path is empty.';
$wb['nginx_cgi_socket_empty'] = 'Nginx CGI Socket is empty.';
$wb['apps_vhost_port_error_empty'] = 'Apps-vhost port is empty.';
$wb['apps_vhost_ip_error_empty'] = 'Apps-vhost IP is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_path_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI starter path is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_script_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI starter script is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_alias_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI Alias is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_phpini_path_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI php.ini Path is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_children_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI Children is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_max_requests_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI max. Requests is empty.';
$wb['fastcgi_bin_error_empty'] = 'FastCGI Bin is empty.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_home_error_empty'] = 'Jailkit chroot home is empty.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_error_empty'] = 'Jailkit chroot app sections is empty.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_error_empty'] = 'Jailkit chrooted applications is empty.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_cron_programs_error_empty'] = 'Jailkit cron chrooted applications is empty.';
$wb['vlogger_config_dir_error_empty'] = 'Config directory is empty.';
$wb['cron_init_script_error_empty'] = 'Cron init script name is empty.';
$wb['crontab_dir_error_empty'] = 'Path for individual crontabs is empty.';
$wb['cron_wget_error_empty'] = 'Path to wget program is empty.';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM init script';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_error_empty'] = 'PHP-FPM init script is empty.';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_path_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM php.ini path';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_path_error_empty'] = 'PHP-FPM php.ini path is empty.';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pool directory';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_error_empty'] = 'PHP-FPM pool directory is empty.';
$wb['php_fpm_start_port_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM start port';
$wb['php_fpm_start_port_error_empty'] = 'PHP-FPM start port is empty.';
$wb['php_fpm_socket_dir_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM socket directory';
$wb['php_fpm_socket_dir_error_empty'] = 'PHP-FPM socket directory is empty.';
$wb['try_rescue_txt'] = 'Enable service monitoring and restart on failure';
$wb['do_not_try_rescue_mysql_txt'] = 'Disable MySQL monitoring';
$wb['do_not_try_rescue_mail_txt'] = 'Disable Email monitoring';
$wb['rescue_description_txt'] = '<b>Information:</b> If you want to shut down mysql you have to select the Disable MySQL monitor checkbox and then wait 2-3 minutes.<br>if you do not wait 2-3 minutes, rescue will try to restart mysql!';
$wb['enable_sni_txt'] = 'Enable SNI';
$wb['do_not_try_rescue_httpd_txt'] = 'Disable HTTPD monitoring';
$wb['set_folder_permissions_on_update_txt'] = 'Set folder permissions on update';
$wb['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group_txt'] = 'Add web users to -sshusers- group';
$wb['connect_userid_to_webid_txt'] = 'Connect Linux userid to webid';
$wb['connect_userid_to_webid_start_txt'] = 'Start ID for userid/webid connect';
$wb['website_autoalias_txt'] = 'Website auto alias';
$wb['website_autoalias_note_txt'] = 'Placeholders:';
$wb['backup_mode_txt'] = 'Backup mode';
$wb['backup_mode_userzip'] = 'Backup web files owned by web user as zip';
$wb['backup_mode_rootgz'] = 'Backup all files in web directory as root user';
$wb['realtime_blackhole_list_txt'] = 'Real-time Blackhole List';
$wb['realtime_blackhole_list_note_txt'] = '(Separate RBL\'s with commas)';
$wb['ssl_settings_txt'] = 'SSL Settings';
$wb['permissions_txt'] = 'Permissions';
$wb['php_settings_txt'] = 'PHP Settings';
$wb['apps_vhost_settings_txt'] = 'Apps Vhost Settings';
$wb['awstats_settings_txt'] = 'AWStats Settings';
$wb['firewall_txt'] = 'Firewall';
$wb['mailbox_quota_stats_txt'] = 'Mailbox quota statistics';
$wb['enable_ip_wildcard_txt'] = 'Enable IP wildcard (*)';
$wb['web_folder_protection_txt'] = 'Make web folders immutable (extended attributes)';
$wb['overtraffic_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send overtraffic notification to admin';
$wb['overtraffic_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send overtraffic notification to client';
$wb['rbl_error_regex'] = 'Please specify valid RBL hostnames.';
$wb['overquota_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send quota warnings to admin';
$wb['overquota_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send quota warnings to client';
$wb['overquota_notify_onok_txt'] = 'Send quota ok message to client';
$wb['overquota_notify_freq_txt'] = 'Send quota warning each X days';
$wb['overquota_notify_freq_note_txt'] = '0 = send message just once, no repeated messages';
$wb['admin_notify_events_txt'] = 'Send email to admin starting with the following level';
$wb['no_notifications_txt'] = 'No Notifications';
$wb['monit_url_txt'] = 'Monit URL';
$wb['monit_user_txt'] = 'Monit User';
$wb['monit_password_txt'] = 'Monit Password';
$wb['monit_url_error_regex'] = 'Invalid Monit URL';
$wb['monit_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:';
$wb['munin_url_txt'] = 'Munin URL';
$wb['munin_user_txt'] = 'Munin User';
$wb['munin_password_txt'] = 'Munin Password';
$wb['munin_url_error_regex'] = 'Invalid Munin URL';
$wb['munin_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:';
$wb['dkim_path_txt'] = 'DKIM Path';
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Florian Schaal committed
$wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Delete backups on domain/website delete';
$wb['v6_prefix_txt'] = 'IPv6 Prefix';
$wb['vhost_rewrite_v6_txt'] = 'Rewrite IPv6 on Mirror';
$wb['v6_prefix_length'] = 'Prefix too long according to defined IPv6 ';
Till Brehm's avatar
Till Brehm committed
$wb['backup_dir_is_mount_txt'] = 'Backup directory is a mount?';
$wb['monitor_system_updates_txt'] = 'Check for Linux updates';
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Till Brehm committed
$wb['hostname_error_regex'] = 'Invalid Hostname.';
$wb['invalid_apache_user_txt'] = 'Invalid apache user.';
$wb['invalid_apache_group_txt'] = 'Invalid apache group.';
$wb['backup_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid backup directory.';
$wb['maildir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid maildir path.';
$wb['homedir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid homedir path.';
$wb['mailuser_name_error_regex'] = 'Invalid mailuser name.';
$wb['mailuser_group_name_error_regex'] = 'Invalid mailuser group name.';
$wb['mailuser_uid_error_range'] = 'Mailuser uid must be >= 2000';
$wb['mailuser_gid_error_range'] = 'Mailuser gid must be >= 2000';
$wb['getmail_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid getmail config directory.';
$wb['website_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid website basedir or path too short, min. length 5 chars.';
Till Brehm's avatar
Till Brehm committed
$wb['website_symlinks_error_regex'] = 'Invalid website symlinks.';
$wb['vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vhost config directory.';
$wb['vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vhost conf enabled directory.';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid nginx config directory.';
$wb['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid nginx conf enabled directory.';
$wb['ca_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid CA path.';
$wb['invalid_nginx_user_txt'] = 'Invalid nginx user.';
$wb['invalid_nginx_group_txt'] = 'Invalid nginx group.';
$wb['php_ini_path_apache_error_regex'] = 'Invalid apache php.ini path.';
$wb['php_ini_path_cgi_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cgi php.ini path.';
$wb['php_fpm_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm init script.';
$wb['php_fpm_ini_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm ini path.';
$wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm pool directory.';
$wb['php_fpm_socket_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php-fpm socket directory.';
$wb['php_open_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid php open_basedir.';
$wb['awstats_data_dir_empty'] = 'awstats data directory is empty';
$wb['awstats_data_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid awstats data directory.';
$wb['awstats_pl_empty'] = ' setting is empty.';
$wb['awstats_pl_error_regex'] = 'Invalid path.';
$wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_empty'] = ' is empty';
$wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_error_regex'] = 'Invalid path.';
$wb['invalid_bind_user_txt'] = 'Invalid BIND user.';
$wb['invalid_bind_group_txt'] = 'Invalid BIND group.';
$wb['bind_zonefiles_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid BIND zonefiles directory.';
$wb['named_conf_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid named.conf path.';
$wb['named_conf_local_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid named.conf.local path.';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi starter path.';
$wb['fastcgi_starter_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi starter script.';
$wb['fastcgi_alias_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi alias.';
$wb['fastcgi_phpini_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi path.';
$wb['fastcgi_bin_error_regex'] = 'Invalid fastcgi bin.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_home_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot home.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot sections.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot app programs.';
$wb['jailkit_chroot_cron_programs_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot cron programs.';
$wb['vlogger_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid vlogger config dir.';
$wb['cron_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cron init script.';
$wb['crontab_dir_error_regex'] = 'Invalid crontab directory.';
$wb['cron_wget_error_regex'] = 'Invalid cron wget path.';
$wb['network_filesystem_txt'] = 'Network Filesystem';
$wb['disable_bind_log_txt'] = 'Disable bind9 messages for Loglevel WARN';
$wb['apps_vhost_enabled_txt'] = 'Apps-vhost enabled';
$wb['do_not_try_rescue_mongodb_txt'] = 'Disable MongoDB monitoring';
$wb['backup_dir_mount_cmd_txt'] = 'Mount command, if backup directory not mounted';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to admin';
$wb['overquota_db_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to client';
$wb['php_handler_txt'] = 'Default PHP Handler';
$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
$wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.';
$wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check';
$wb['enable_spdy_txt'] = 'Makes SPDY/HTTP2 available';
$wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server';
$wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server';
$wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6';
$wb['xmpp_bosh_max_inactivity_txt'] = 'Max. BOSH inactivity time';
$wb['xmpp_bosh_timeout_range_wrong'] = 'Please enter a bosh timeout range between 15 - 360';
$wb['xmpp_module_saslauth'] = 'saslauth';
$wb['xmpp_server_admins_txt'] = 'Server Admins (JIDs)';
$wb['xmpp_modules_enabled_txt'] = 'Serverwide enabled plugins (one per line)';
$wb['xmpp_ports_txt'] = 'Component ports';
$wb['xmpp_port_http_txt'] = 'HTTP';
$wb['xmpp_port_https_txt'] = 'HTTPS';
$wb['xmpp_port_pastebin_txt'] = 'Pastebin';
$wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH';
$wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time';
$wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check';
$wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode';
$wb['nagios_url_txt'] = 'Nagios/Check_MK URL';
$wb['nagios_user_txt'] = 'Nagios/Check_MK User';
$wb['nagios_password_txt'] = 'Nagios/Check_MK Password';
$wb['nagios_url_error_regex'] = 'Invalid Nagios/Check_MK URL';
$wb['nagios_url_note_txt'] = 'Check_MK is being autodetected. Placeholder:';
$wb['mailinglist_manager_txt'] = 'Mailinglist Manager';
$wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tijdelijke map voor zip';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir map is leeg.';
$wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Ongeldige tmp-dir map.';
$wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available';
Till Brehm's avatar
Till Brehm committed
$wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs';
$wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.';
$wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)';
$wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0';